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1 mai 2015

Ireland - Eircom to create 375 graduate and apprenticeship roles

HomeEircom, a main provider of telecommunications services in Ireland is to create 375 jobs over the next five years as part of the biggest large-scale recruitment programme the company has had in almost 30 years. More...
1 mai 2015

Croatia - comprehensive curricular reform on its way

HomeIn February 2015, an expert group for implementing comprehensive curricular reform for early and pre-school, primary and secondary education started their work. The reform will follow an education, science and technology strategy, soon to be adopted by the Croatian government. More...

1 mai 2015

Austrian Consul visits Cedefop

HomeAustrian Consul in Athens Christian Vlazny discussed opportunities of cooperation with Cedefop during a visit to the agency on 23 April. Mr Vlazny expressed his interest in Cedefop’s work to support Member States and focused on direct benefits of vocational education and training (VET) policies for the European citizen. More...

1 mai 2015

Germany - investigating success of young people from migrant backgrounds

HomeA new analysis conducted by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) based on a survey covering 5 500 young people aged 18 to 24 shows that young people with migrant backgrounds are nearly as successful in dual vocational education and training (VET) as their counterparts not from migrant backgrounds. More...

1 mai 2015

Eurasmus portal

Résultat de recherche d'images pour “Making student life abroad easier” Eurasmus was founded in 2013 by a group of young entrepreneurs, all of whom had the same aim and purpose- to increase the student mobility throughout Europe. More...

1 mai 2015

(COUPFER) Couples and childbearing: new approaches to the study of fertility outcomes and family formation across Europe

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "open education europa""In order to understand childbearing behavior, it seems intuitively important to include partnership formation and the characteristics, behavior and interactions of both partners into the scholarly analyses of fertility. More...

1 mai 2015

New Open Education Europa header

Résultat de recherche d'images pour As part of its ongoing efforts to keep the design of the website fresh and user-centred today unveiled a new header.
The new design highlights the recently revamped logo of Open Education Europa as well as its slogan: “The gateway to European innovative learning”. is part of the European Commission initiative “Opening up Education", aiming to stimulate ways of open and innovative learning and teaching, such as through ICT and digital content, in particular OER. All the actions within the initiative are put in place with the hope that they help to improve education, provide better access to learning opportunities and finally boost competitiveness and growth at the European level.
Please take a moment to help us further enhance the portal’s features by answering our short survey. More...

29 avril 2015

Ministry Completes Overhaul Of University Programmes

logoHungary’s Ministry of Human Resources has completed the overhaul of university programmes, with the goal of harmonising higher education with the demands of the economy and society to improve the competitibility of education, the labour market and the economy. The overhaul of the decade-old system and the correctional proposals are aimed at increasing the efficiency of education and financing as a response to demands voiced by the profession, society and the economy, a statement issued by the Ministry reads. More...

29 avril 2015

Open society under threat from EU withdrawal

By Nigel Carrington. It has become a commonplace that knowledge and scholarship are borderless. History shows the opposite. From earliest times, societies have successfully controlled knowledge and scholars through sects, guilds, borders and mind control. Several forces are at work in the UK that could damage knowledge creation by re-introducing borders. Read more...

29 avril 2015

Pour animer une demi journée de formation, les règles européennes incitent à la conservation des pièces durant 14 ans ! le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. Illustration concrète  des exigences européennes, mise en forme par l’administration française, à propos du Fonds Social Européen.
Pour une intervention de formation d’une demi journée, la convention précise que “le prestataire s’engage à conserver en un même lieu, les pièces justificatives de cette action de formation mises en place et ce jusqu’au 31 décembre 2028, soit le délai indicatif de conservation des pièces correspondant à la programmation 2014-2020 du Fonds Social Européen”. Voir l'article...

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