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25 décembre 2015

La formation professionnelle en Europe : une arme contre le chômage

Carif Oref Midi-Pyrénées"Débat formation", le magazine de l'Afpa, consacre un Hors-série à la formation professionnelle en Europe. Les 28 pays de l'Union veulent faire de la formation professionnelle, initiale et continue, une alliée pour combattre le chômage. Ils ont réaffirmé cette mobilisation, en juin dernier, en indiquant l'urgence que la formation devienne un enjeu politique, nourrissant une véritable politique communautaire. Ce dossier propose des thèmes sur les jeunes, la mobilité, l'innovation... ainsi qu'un focus sur 13 pays : les stratégies, les dispositifs, les acteurs.
Afpa, Débat formation, hors-série - octobre 2015
Site Débat formation

23 décembre 2015

Epale, plateforme d’échanges des acteurs de la formation

Le lancement en France de la plateforme Epale (ePlatform for adult learning in Europe), a eu lieu le 5 novembre 2015 à Paris. Développée par la Commission européenne, elle a pour objectif de donner de la visibilité au secteur de l’éducation et de la formation des adultes. Voir l'article...

23 décembre 2015

Commission européenne : sommet « Enterprise 2020 »

Le 17 novembre 2015, à l’occasion du sommet « Enterprise 2020 », la Commission européenne et les entreprises lancent ensemble le pacte européen pour la jeunesse, un engagement commun des dirigeants d’entreprise et de l’UE visant à créer une culture de partenariat entre les entreprises et le monde éducatif pour améliorer les chances des jeunes de trouver un emploi. Voir l'article...

22 décembre 2015

Une recommandation euroépenne concernant les chômeurs de longue durée d’une banalité affligeante le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. Avant que nous connaissions le contenu du programme pour lutter contre le chômage annoncé par Manuel Valls au lendemain des résultats des élections régionales, nous pouvons être pleinement rassurés car les ministres de l’emploi et de la politique sociale de l’union Européenne viennent de parvenir à un accord lors du Conseil «Emploi, politique sociale, santé et consommateurs» (EPSCO), sur une proposition de la Commission d’adopter une recommandation concernant le chômage de longue durée. Suite...

20 décembre 2015

Explainer: new-look regulation on cards for higher education

The ConversationBy . Universities in the UK face a shakeup in the way they are regulated if proposals set out by the government in a new green paper go ahead as planned. More...
19 décembre 2015

Finnish parliament approves tuition fee bill for students from outside EU, EEA

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " logo"Finnish parliament approved a bill which will see tuition fees charged to students from outside the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA) on Tuesday.
The government's proposal was passed by the parliament in a vote of 137 to 46. The amendment will come into force in August 2017.
The payment threshold is 1,500 euros (1,641 U.S. dollars) per academic year. It will be applied to Bachelor's and Master's degree programs taught in languages other than Finnish and Swedish, the two official languages of Finland. More...

19 décembre 2015

Deal on new rules to attract non-EU students, researchers and interns to the EU

Go back to the Europarl portal

Harmonised EU entry and residence rules that will make it easier and more attractive for students and researchers from third countries to study or do research at EU universities were informally agreed by MEPs and ministers on Tuesday. The deal also has provisions to clarify and improve conditions for non-EU interns, volunteers, school pupils and au pairs, so as to facilitate cultural exchanges. These rules still need to be approved by Parliament as a whole and the Council of Ministers.
"Today's agreement means without a doubt that our European universities are strengthening their competitiveness in the global arena, becoming more attractive than ever for talented, ambitious and highly-educated people from other countries, who will receive considerably improved conditions here", said Parliament's lead MEP on the file Cecilia Wikström (ALDE, SE).
The new rules merge two existing directives (one on students and one on researchers) to ensure that:

  • students and researchers will have the right to stay at least nine months after finishing their studies or research in order to look for a job or to set up a business, which should also ensure that Europe benefits from their skills. Today, it is individual EU member states which decide whether students and researchers from third countries may stay on after their studies or research have ended,
  • it will be easier for students and researchers to move within the EU during their stay. Under the new rules, they will have to notify only the member state to which they are moving, for example to do a one-semester exchange, instead of having to submit a new visa application and wait for it to be processed, as is the case today. Researchers will also be able to move for longer periods than those currently allowed.
  • researchers will have the right to bring their family members with them, also when they move within the EU, and these family members will also have the right to work during their stay in Europe, and
  • students will have the right to work at least 15 hours a week

In addition to the rules on students and researchers, the new directive also has provisions for interns and volunteers under the European Volunteer Scheme, who will benefit from uniform conditions to enter Europe and increased protection once there, as well as optional provisions for other volunteers, school pupils and au pairs. This is the first time that third-country au pairs have been included in an EU law. More...

18 décembre 2015

The Buckingham Question becomes the Oxford Question

In a recent speech to a Universities UK conference, I pooh-poohed various conspiracy theories doing the rounds on the recent higher education green paper, such as the idea that the Government wants to put the right to raise the undergraduate tuition fee cap in the hands of a Secretary of State rather than Parliament. More...

16 décembre 2015

Europe ‘must speed up solutions to grand challenges’

By Jan Petter Myklebust. Europe must increase efforts to invest in and channel research towards tackling the grand societal challenges, according to the Lund Declaration 2015, agreed at a conference in Sweden this month. Read more...
16 décembre 2015

EU to remove copyright obstacle to data mining

By Jan Petter Myklebust. The European Commission has proposed a mandatory exception for research in the European Union copyright legislation in order to give European researchers and innovators the explicit right to process on a large scale the content to which they have legal access. Read more...
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