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10 janvier 2016

Koenders in Presidency edition of the State of the European Union: We must keep Europe on course

Logo EU2016The Dutch EU Presidency will be in the spotlight at a time when public support for EU decision-making cannot be taken for granted. After the attacks in France and with the influx of people fleeing war and oppression, the European Union is being severely put to the test. In addition, many people have doubts about the EU and think it should be focusing on the essentials rather than on marginal issues. More...

10 janvier 2016

Dutch Design during the EU Presidency

Logo EU2016The National Maritime Museum in Amsterdam will be the venue for ministerial meetings during the Netherlands Presideny of the Council of the European Union.
Meetings of high-level officials will take place at the former naval yard next to the museum, the site of the Europe Building, a temporary structure that has been constructed and equipped for high-level meetings organised by all ministries. More...

10 janvier 2016

Education and employment priorities of the EU Presidency Trio

HomeThe Netherlands holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union from 1 January to 30 June 2016 and has presented, together with the Slovak and Maltese Presidencies that will follow, the Council's work programme for the period to June 2017.
As stated on the Netherlands Presidency’s website homepage, ‘it wants a Union that focuses on the essentials, creates growth and jobs through innovation, and connects with civil society.’
The EU Presidency Trio states in its programme that ‘inclusive, smart and sustainable growth, jobs and competitiveness remain the top priority over the next 18 months.’
The specific programme of the Netherlands EU Presidency states that a key focus of attention in the area of education is the moderni­sation of higher education and vocational education and training (VET). More...

10 janvier 2016

La présidence néerlandaise du Conseil de l’Union européenne commence aujourd’hui le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. De janvier à juin 2016, à la suite du Luxembourg, les Pays-Bas assurent la présidence du Conseil de l’Union européenne, dans cette présidence tournante dont on se demande, comme tous les six mois, quel sens elle conserve aujourd’hui. Suite...

9 janvier 2016

Europe : le temps partiel est de moins en moins un choix... sont les pays où trouver un travail est le plus simple en Europe ? Quelles sont les tendances en matière de contrats de travail ? Le rapport économique de Glassdoor* vient de paraître. En voici quelques conclusions. Suite de l'article...

8 janvier 2016

Sind Sie ein Europäer?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "zeitonline"Von Tanja Börzel. Oder anders gefragt: Kennen Sie sich aus? Mit EZB, Kommission und deren Ausgaben? Eine Professorin, acht Fragen: Beat the Prof. Mehr...
8 janvier 2016

Miss Master

SPIEGEL ONLINEVon . Sie streben nach Wissen - und nach Schönheit: An Unis wird Körperkult immer wichtiger, viele Studenten nehmen mittlerweile an Miss- und Misterwahlen teil. Warum nur. Mehr...

7 janvier 2016

Scotland pioneers new approaches to assessment and feedback

The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher EducationUniversities in Scotland are pioneering a new approach that allows students to co-pilot the way they are assessed.
QAA Scotland has worked with 19 Scottish university sector institutions to ensure feedback is consistent, student-friendly and makes best use of available technology. More...

3 janvier 2016

Welsh government plans to slash Hefcw budget by 32 per cent

By John Morgan. Half of money cut to be reallocated to tuition fee grants, which Plaid Cymru says will end up in English universities. More...

3 janvier 2016

Scottish government cuts higher education budget by 3 per cent

By John Morgan. Meanwhile, education committee calls for 'further detail' from ministers on controversial governance measures. More...

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