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10 janvier 2016

9th EUA-CDE Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting of EUA-CDE is the largest and most comprehensive event dedicated to European doctoral education. It is an opportunity for all stakeholders in doctoral education from Europe and beyond to meet and exchange ideas and practices as well as stay informed on the latest trends.
Hosted by Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona, Spain
16 - 17 June 2016. More...

10 janvier 2016

European Funding Guide – your starting point for student finance in Europe

European Commission logoThis EU-backed platform helps you find scholarships, grants and loans to finance your education in the EU. With over 27 billion EUR worth of opportunities, European Funding Guide steers you through the process of finding the support you need.

European Funding Guide is a website compiling over 12,000 funding opportunities for students - that’s 80% of the 15,000 scholarships, grants, awards and loans on offer in the EU. More...

10 janvier 2016

L'apprentissage en milieu de travail en Belgique

Résultat de recherche d'images pour

Aperçu général, enjeux et avancées politiques
Présentation de Thomas Lemaigre lors de la journée d'échanges  du 10 décembre 2015,organisée par Refernet.
Office presentation iconpresentation_thomas_lemaigre.ppt
. Voir l'article...

10 janvier 2016

National Sheets on Education Budgets in Europe – 2015

Fact Sheet: tackling radicalisation through education and youth policyInvestment in education is one of Europe 2020 strategy's priority areas. However, the lack of up-to-date information in Europe on public funding in education makes it difficult to assess and discuss the current changes in public investment in the education sector, to pinpoint the reasons of these changes, and to analyse budget reforms launched by countries. 
In this context, Eurydice publishes the report on Education Budgets in Europe for 2015 which provides the most recent data on planned education budgets by country. It makes it possible to identify variations in education budgets within a country between 2014 and 2015.
Full version EN. More...

10 janvier 2016

Erasmus+: Information meeting for high level public authorities on European Policy Experimentations – 27/01/2016

Fact Sheet: tackling radicalisation through education and youth policyThis Information day, organised by the European Commission and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), will be held for high-level public authorities interested in participating in the Call for Proposals on European Policy Experimentations.
The projects submitted under this Call should:
- be led by high-level public authorities, who should play a major strategic role in the development and implementation of the projects,
- carry out field trials based on rigorous evaluation methodologies,
- provide evidence on the scalability and transferability of innovative measures. More...

10 janvier 2016

Programme of the Netherlands Presidency of the Council of the European Union

Logo EU2016The Netherlands has published the national programme for its Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The publication – in four languages – takes an in-depth look at the priorities for the coming six months.
Download "Programme of the Netherlands Presidency of the Council of the European Union".
Education, Youth, Culture and Sport
In the area of education the Netherlands Presidency will align its efforts with the Strategic Agenda, which gives priority to employability and the development of knowledge and skills. One key focus of attention is the modernisation of higher education and vocational training.
The European Commission announced a new Skills Agenda in its 2016 Work Programme. The new agenda, which will be discussed by this Council, will promote investment in skills development so that workers are better equipped to deal with the changing labour market and society. The Netherlands Presidency will also address the mutual recognition of qualifications, which will support vocational training and higher education and help realise the full potential of digital jobs.
With regard to culture, media and the creative industries the Netherlands Presidency will strive for a debate and Council conclusions on the infrastructure and platforms required for European digital heritage (such as Europeana, the digital repository of European cultural and academic institutions).
The Netherlands welcomes the Commission’s plan, in the framework of the Digital Single Market Strategy, to review the Audiovisual and Media Services Directive in 2016 and will strive to move the debate forward. Promoting the circulation of European audiovisual productions will be spotlighted.
Furthermore, the Netherlands Presidency will seek to encourage debate on the role of education in the reception and integration of migrants and the role of education and youth work in combating youth radicalisation. This will be coordinated with the conclusions of the Luxembourg Presidency, current developments and any Commission initiatives. Discussion of the contribution of youth work is in line with the Commission’s priorities concerning young people’s inclusion and participation in society. The issue of social participation by young people with mental disorders will also be addressed. It is important to discuss this issue not only with sector stakeholders, but to take a broader perspective that also encompasses the interests of public health.
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The Netherlands Presidency will put the integrity of sport on the agenda, based on the EU Work Plan for Sport 2014-2017. The focus will be on preparing and organising major international sports events, in particular how this can be done with positive social, economic and sustainable returns that will generate public support. The Presidency will work closely with the sport sector. More...

10 janvier 2016

National Programme of the Netherlands Presidency of the Council of the European Union published

Logo EU2016The Netherlands has published the national programme for its Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The publication – in four languages – takes an in-depth look at the priorities for the coming six months. More...

10 janvier 2016

The Netherlands EU Presidency 2016 - Social media

Logo EU2016Twitter
Follow @EU2016NL, the official Twitter account of the Netherlands EU Presidency #EU2016NL for news and updates! Tweets in English and Dutch.

Follow our Instagram channel EU2016NL for the latest images of #EU2016NL! Events, venues, behind-the-scenes and more.

This is the official YouTube channel of the Netherlands EU Presidency EU2016NL. Subscribe to this channel for new videos about the Netherlands Presidency of the European Council. Starting 1 January 2016.

Have a look at our EU2016NL Flickr page for the latest impressions of the Netherlands EU Presidency. More...

10 janvier 2016

Trio programme, press release

Logo EU2016The Netherlands, Slovakia and Malta, the Presidency Trio from the start of 2016 to mid-2017, have jointly drafted an agenda setting out the main topics which the EU Council will address in the coming 18 months.
Growth, jobs, freedom, security, justice, energy union and a stronger EU in the world: these are the top priorities for the Council as agreed by the three presidencies for the period between January 2016 and June 2017, the Netherlands, Slovakia and Malta, the so-called ‘trio’.
Download "Trio programme (January 2016 - June 2017)".
Investment in human capital, education and skills, performance and innovation, which are essential for a competitive knowledge-based economy, will also be a priority.
The three Presidencies will pursue equal treatment including gender equality, and economic independence. Measures will be taken rapidly to modernise educational systems and facilitate training and jobs for young people as well as develop life-long learning. The Presidencies will also focus on the role of inclusive high quality education for all in promoting social equity, social inclusion, citizenship and shared European values.
The three Presidencies will pursue equal treatment including gender equality, and economic independence. Measures will be taken rapidly to modernise educational systems and facilitate training and jobs for young people as well as develop life-long learning. The Presidencies will also focus on the role of inclusive high quality education for all in promoting social equity, social inclusion, citizenship and shared European values. More...

10 janvier 2016

Official launch of Netherlands Presidency of the Council of the European Union

Logo EU2016Today sees the official launch of the Netherlands Presidency of the Council of the European Union, with the entire European Commission visiting Amsterdam.
In the afternoon, Their Majesties King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima will receive the Commissioners at the Royal Palace in Amsterdam. The visit will close with the Commissioners meeting members of the Senate and the House of Representatives. More...

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