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29 décembre 2013

Connecting the World through Open, Distance and e-Learning - ICDE International Conference 2014

International Council for Open and Distance EducationICDE International Conference 2014. Connecting the World through Open, Distance and e-Learning. Sept. 25-26, 2014 Moscow, Russia. 
An ICDE International Conference will be hosted by Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI) in Moscow, Russia, 25-26 September 2014.
Venue of the Conference (September 25-26): Renaissance Moscow Olympic Hotel, Moscow, Russian Federation Address: 18/1 Olimpiysky Prospect, Moscow 129110, Russian Federation.
The conference will discuss economic, technological and social aspects of distance education, closing the gap between formal education and work, e-learning in conventional institutions, and the balance between quality and diversity and plurality.
Conference website. Flyer ICDE Conference MESI 2014
The development of technology considerably changes major characteristics and even the philosophy of education. Distance learning and e-learning have become a part of daily life and penetrate into conventional educational establishments. OER and MOOCs, as well as emerging smart education challenge existing educational systems. The kaleidoscope of approaches, techniques, breakthroughs and gaps in education make sharing experience and promoting cooperation a vital necessity at international, regional, national, local and institutional levels.
Connecting the World through Open, Distance and e-Learning

  • distance education: the economic, technological, pedagogical and social outlook
  • open, distance and flexible learning for reduction of the gap between formal education and work
  • e-learning in a conventional educational establishment: challenges and possibilities
  • distance and smart education: narrowing or widening digital and cognitive gaps?
  • quality and standards of educational provision in distance settings; social and cultural diversity and linguistic plurality; educational tradition and innovation – where does the balance lie?
  • open, distance and e-learning as a field for cooperation at international, regional, interregional, national, local and institutional levels.


29 décembre 2013

5th International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management and E-Learning- IC4E 2014

5th International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management and E-Learning- IC4E 2014, January 13-14, 2014, Strathcona Hotel, Toronto, Canada (Venue).
2014 5th International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management and E-Learning - IC4E 2014 is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of theoretical, experimental, and applied E-Education, E-Business, E-Management and E-Learning. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Topics: The conference is soliciting state-of-the-art research papers in the following areas of interest:
Systems, Design and Technologies
practices and cases in e-education
systems and technologies in e-education
applications and integration of e-education
e-learning evaluation and content
campus information systems
e-learning technologies, standards and systems
mobile learning
computer aided assessments
knowledge management
virtual learning environments
multimedia in e-learning
marketing and promoting e-learning
social benefits of e-learning
organization learning
technology adoption and diffusion of e-learning
other relative topics

Systems, Design and Technologies
e-Learning platforms
portals and Virtual learning
Course design
Emerging and best practices
Partnerships in e-Learning
Evaluation of e-Learning
e-Learning strategies
Social benefits of e-Learning
e-Learning effectiveness and outcomes
Web-based learning
Academic participation and freedom
Learner autonomy
Security and confidentiality
Self-learning integrated methodology
Ambient intelligence
Assertive and assistive educational technology
Computer-aided assessment
Learning content management systems
AV-communication and other media
Digital classrooms
Blended learning
Collaborative on-line learning
Content repositories
Data envelopment analysis
Meta data standards
Pedagogical models
Needs analysis
other relative topics

Business-to-business e-commerce
Business-to-consumer e-commerce
E-government, policy and law
Business/Enterprise Architectures
Mobile and pervasive commerce
Electronic Markets and Multiagent Systems
Semantic Web ontologies, rules and services
Digital goods and products
e-Negotiations, auctioning and contracting
B2B, B2C, and C2C models
Agent-mediated e-Commerce
e-Marketplaces, e-Hubs, and portals
Pervasive technologies for eCommerce
Dynamic pricing models
P2P-computing for e-Commerce
e-Payment systems
e-Commerce content management
Consumer protection in eCommerce
User behavior modeling

Innovative business models
Enterprise application integration
Business process re-engineering
Virtual enterprises and virtual markets
Supply, demand, and value chains
Virtual organizations and coalitions
Customer relationship management
e-Collaboration and e-Services
Inter-organizational systems
Future work environments for e-Business
Business process integration
Mobile business

Web Services, Grid Services and Service-Oriented Computing
Semantic Web and Ontology
Web Intelligence, Agents and Personalization
Pervasive, Mobile and Peer-to-Peer Computing Technologies
Context-Aware, Location-based and Autonomous Computing
Security, Privacy, Trust and Reputation for e/m-Services
Payment Technologies for e/m-Services
Middleware for e/m-Services.

25 décembre 2013

Trois leviers pour engager les salariés dans le e-learning.

FocusRHPar Michel Diaz. E-learning, blended learning, digital learning… la Formation nouvelle est résolument « orientée apprenants » : il s’agit que le salarié-apprenant se prenne en main, « se responsabilise »… Un redoutable obstacle au développement du e-learning, d’autant qu’il n’y a pas de recette miracle ! 
D’où part la formation ? D’elle-même : des contenus, du formateur… Rarement de l’apprenant, dont l’expression des besoins est le plus souvent survolée, et le style d’apprentissage occulté. La formation traditionnelle dialogue avec l’apprenant ? Certes : à l’issue du stage-événement, à travers la feuille d’évaluation où il peut marquer à la va-vite son contentement ou son insatisfaction. Suite...

23 décembre 2013

Deutschlands größte Uni: So fern und doch so voll

SPIEGEL ONLINEVon Benjamin Haerdle. Größer geht nicht: 88.000 Studenten lernen an der Fernuniversität Hagen, darunter drei Zwölfjährige und ein 93-Jähriger. Die Studentenzahl hat sich in den vergangenen sieben Jahren verdoppelt. Und die Uni erwartet weiteren Zuwachs. Eines haben Ex-Außenminister Guido Westerwelle, die frühere Skirennläuferin Katja Seizinger und Fußball-Manager Oliver Bierhoff gemeinsam: Sie alle haben an der einzigen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernuniversität in Hagen studiert oder promoviert. 88.000 Studenten zählt die nordrhein-westfälische Fernuni - so viele wie keine andere deutsche Hochschule. Die Studentenzahl hat sich in den vergangenen sieben Jahren verdoppelt, und die Uni erwartet weiteren Zuwachs. Mehr...

22 décembre 2013

Apollo Group to Purchase Australian Distance-Education Provider

By Charles Huckabee. The Apollo Education Group, the parent company of the University of Phoenix, announced on Tuesday that its Apollo Global subsidiary had agreed to acquire Open Colleges Australia, one of Australia’s oldest and largest providers of distance learning. Under the agreement, Apollo Global, through a subsidiary, will purchase 70 percent of the outstanding shares of Open Colleges for approximately 110 Australian dollars in cash, or about $98.5-million (U.S.) at current exchange rates, plus contingent payments that will be principally based on 2014 operating results and could total $47-million (U.S.) more. More...

22 décembre 2013

A Start-Up Aims to Teach Anyone to Write Computer Code

subscribe todayBy Megan O'Neil. While studying political science at Columbia University, Zach Sims looked on with frustration as peers—graduating with lots of student debt and few workplace-ready skills—struggled to find jobs. In 2011, before what would have been his senior year, he dropped out to help start Codecademy, a free, interactive web platform designed to help teach even the most unlikely candidates programming languages likes JavaScript. Mr. Sims, now 23, and his co-founder, Ryan Bubinski, 24, a Columbia graduate, have proved particularly adept at heralding coding as a résumé must-have in a digital economy. Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City declared he would learn to code via the platform. Codecademy has attracted millions of users, has drawn $12.5-million in venture-capital funds, and employs 22 people, Mr. Sims says, although it has yet to generate revenue. More...

22 décembre 2013

Many universities don't know their online course completion rates Tara Siebarth. According to a recent survey on online courses, many universities still build their courses themselves, but don't measure the completion.
Many North American universities have started implementing standards or best practices for their online courses, but many of them don’t know their course completion rates. These were two of the findings from a recent survey conducted by the WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies (WCET), in partnership with BCcampus, Connecticut Distance Learning Consortium, and eCampusAlberta. The survey, “Managing Online Education 2013: Practices in ensuring quality” (PDF) is part of an ongoing effort by the WCET to implement best practices when dealing with online courses. The results were released in December 2013. More...

21 décembre 2013

Incomplete Rates Carl Straumsheim. Colleges and universities that offer distance education are increasingly building their courses to conform with widely accepted best practices for all of higher education, but a study by the WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies shows many institutions fail to collect crucial data needed to track the effectiveness of programs. The cooperative, founded by the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, regularly polls its members to understand how institutions are providing distance education. Read more...

21 décembre 2013

Fachforum "eLearning by students - Studierende produzieren Content"

Im Rahmen dieses Fachforums werden Vorhaben an Hochschulen vorgestellt, bei denen Studierende selbst eLearning-Inhalte (Lernmodule,  Screencasts, Interactive Video ...) für andere produzieren, sei es im Rahmen von Lehrveranstaltungen, Projekten oder auch Wettbewerben. 
Lehrende und Studierende unterschiedlicher Fachrichtungen berichten hierbei von ihren Erfahrungen und treten in Austausch und Diskussion mit den TeilnehmerInnen. 
Dabei stehen unter anderem folgende Fragen im Fokus: Welche pädagogischen Mehrwerte und Möglichkeiten des Kompetenzerwerbs, aber möglicherweise auch Schwierigkeiten bietet ein solches Vorgehen? Welche Szenarien und Settings sind denkbar? Welche Rahmenbedingungen  sind dabei förderlich? Inwieweit kann durch die vorgestellten Ansätze ein Beitrag zu einer veränderten Lehr- und Lernkultur an Hochschulen geleistet werden? 

15 décembre 2013

Online courses cut costs, expand options

The Houston ChronicleBy Ron Trowbridge. The University of Michigan's 2013 Alumni Newsletter features a piece, "MOOCs, Me, and Michigan," by English professor Eric Rabkin. The evidence in it for MOOC (massive, open, online course) instruction is powerful in terms of reducing college costs while at the same time improving the quality of education. It is a godsend for low-income students. Rabkin writes, "Course co-founder Daphne Koller reported that ... when an issue is raised on a (MOOC) forum, the mean time to someone else on the forum contributing a useful response is 22 minutes. That's 22 minutes around the clock, because the course community is global. No professor could ever be that responsive." More...

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