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15 décembre 2013

Top Ed-Tech Trends of 2013: Data vs Privacy Audrey Watters. Part 7 of my Top 10 Ed-Tech Trends of 2013 series. This is the third year in a row that I've chosen "data" as one of the "top trends" in ed-tech. (See 2011, 2012) If you're looking for a sunnier view of data in education, read those. 2013, in my opinion, was pretty grim. TIME Magazine announced its Person of the Year this morning: Pope Francis. He seems like a pretty swell guy, don’t get me wrong. But many folks have argued it’s a dull even cowardly decision by the magazine. (Of course, its other recent selections include Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin, Ben Bernanke, and Mark Zuckerberg. TIME is not really known for bold choices, let’s be honest). More...

15 décembre 2013

Notes for UNCTAD's Advisory Group

Stephen DownesSeminar presentation delivered to United Nations Committee on Trade and Development, Geneva, Switzerland, by Google Hangout.
In this presentation for UNCTAD's Advisory Group on "Developing skills, knowledge and capacities through innovation: E-Learning, M-Learning, cloud-Learning" I outline major forms of open online learning, contrasting between formal and informal learning mechanisms, publishing and community-based production models, and forms of recognition and certification. The audio has a lot of echo (feedback from the other venue) - The transcript of the presntation is available here.

[Slides] [Audio]

8 décembre 2013

L’école du futur passera-t-elle par la France ? Educpros de Jean-François Fiorina. 2013/2014, la vague du e-learning et de l’école du futur traverse le monde ! Educatec-Educatice WISE au Qatar, Online Educa Berlin, Learning Talent Development à Paris, eLearning expo Lyon , iLearning  et eLearning Africa en 2014  … les salons s’enchaînent. Bonne nouvelle, la pédagogie et l’enseignant y ont toute leur place. Parallèlement nous apprenons que la France chute dans le classement PISA (25ème sur 65, 2 places perdues par rappport à 2009). Pourquoi ce contresens ? Suite de l'article...
7 décembre 2013

Top 10 e-Learning Statistics for 2014 You Need To Know Christopher Pappas. The rise in e-Learning's popularity isn't showing any signs of slowing. In fact, judging by the following Top 10 eLearning statistics for 2014 article and infographic, the future of the e-Learning Industry is brighter than ever.
e-Learning has revolutionized the educational sector, and has changed the way we look at knowledge and skill acquisition altogether. Thanks to modern educational technology, e-Learning tools and techniques just keep getting bigger and better. Today, they are providing learners with a more impressive, and more effective, educational experience. More...

6 décembre 2013

De l’intérêt d’un glossaire e-learning dans l’entreprise Michel Diaz. C’est un constat général : les professionnels du e-learning, dans les entreprises et chez les fournisseurs, prennent rarement le temps d’élaborer le dictionnaire des termes dont ils useront avec les autres parties prenantes de la formation. Double dommage : on perd une occasion d’être mieux compris, et de savoir de quoi on parle vraiment !
Il faut voir l’air déconfit d’un manager ou d’un salarié, voire du responsable formation, emporté dans ce jargon diluvien… e-learning, rapid learning, rich media, video learning, blended learning, e-formation, hybrid learning, digital learning, LMS, MOOC, social learning, story board, gameplay, apprentissages mobiles, outils auteurs, assessment, Serious Games, 70-20-10… Un court extrait des fantaisies qu’on se donne, car le secteur déborde de créativité sémantique ! Suite...

2 décembre 2013

Développement de la FOAD : quelles évolutions de l’offre et de la demande ?

Bandeau retour page d'accueilJeudi 5 décembre 2013 à Saint-Denis-La Plaine (Centre Inffo) 
A l’heure où se développe une offre de formation initiale massive facilement accessible grâce aux nouvelles technologies, il semble qu’il n’en soit pas de même en formation professionnelle continue. Deux questions se posent : d’une part, comment rendre visible cette offre de formation particulière et, d’autre part, comment peut-elle répondre aux besoins des bénéficiaires et des financeurs ?
Ce rendez-vous du droit de la formation, organisé par le Centre INFFO, a pour objectif d’apporter des éléments de réponse à ces questions grâce aux interventions de représentants de l’offre de formation et d’acheteurs de formation.

De 9 h 30 à 12 h 30

Programme et bulletin d'inscription.

30 novembre 2013

10 Reasons Why You Should Think About eLearning Employee Training

How can you be sure that your company has future? Invest in the assets!
And what is the most valuable asset of the company? Employees! 
According to Bersin & Associates’ 2013 Corporate Learning Factbook , the US companies spend around $706 on training per each employee, from $200 to $3000 depending on the industry. In comparison with last year, the spending increased by 12%. The fact testifies that most companies realized the impact of employee training on company’s success and prosperity. More...

30 novembre 2013

XXI Encuentro International de Educación a Distancia

Educación virtual en los cinco continentes
El Encuentro Internacional de Educación a Distancia llega a su vigésima primera edición, profundizando su razón de ser: el contacto entre educadores y organizaciones del mundo. Por esa razón, en esta ocasión, se quiere hacer un reconocimiento a las grandes universidades que han sido paradigmáticas en cada continente.
El desarrollo de la educación a distancia en las diferentes regiones del mundo tuvo razones tales como las condiciones geográficas, políticas y económicas. Las grandes universidades pioneras en este campo fortalecieron sus estrategias y crecieron. Este devenir histórico no ha sido lineal, y las grandes organizaciones han hecho esfuerzos para apropiarse de las nuevas condiciones favorecidas por la emergencia de la cultura digital.
Hoy la educación virtual en cada continente mantiene rasgos históricos ligados a las condiciones locales de esas organizaciones de gran tradición y prestigio, pero al mismo tiempo, su actualización e innovaciones se pueden interpretar en el marco de las grandes tendencias globales.
Por eso hablar de la educación virtual en los cinco continentes, significa reconocer las tendencias hacia el futuro de la educación en un contexto universal.
Objetivo general:
Generar un espacio de análisis, discusión y socialización de experiencias, propuestas e investigaciones relacionadas con los procesos de mundialización de los modelos educativos considerando las diferencias y semejanzas en los paradigmas educativos de los cinco continentes.

28 novembre 2013

AfDB, African Virtual University discuss benefits of e-learning

AfricanBrainsBy Marc Mcilhone. “We consider the African Virtual University (AVU) Project very critical to the effort to improve access to higher education in Africa and are pleased to learn that the deliberations on the integration of e-learning and open education into mainstream education programs was fruitful,” concluded Stefan Muller, Lead Economist of the African Development Bank’s (AfDB) East Africa Regional Resource Center (EARC) during the first international conference African Virtual University organized from November 20-22, 2013 in Nairobi. Under the topic “Integrating eLearning and Open Education to Increase Access to Quality Education and Training”, the conference brought together more than 100 participants including Ministries of Education and 22 universities from the Multinational AVU support project** as well as the private sector. The main objective of this first gathering was to discuss the future of e-learning in Africa and the role of Open Education Resources (OERs) including the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in the ICT learning revolution.

23 novembre 2013

Understanding the Building Blocks of Online Learning

HomeFor almost 50 years, Tony Bates has been a consistent, persistent and influential voice for the reform of teaching and learning in post-secondary education, notably through the effective use of emerging technologies. Author of 11 books and 350 research papers in the field of online learning and distance education, Tony Bates is also an advisor to over 40 organizations in 25 countries, and publisher of what is arguably the most influential blog on online learning with over 20,000 visits a month.  A Contact North | Contact Nord Research Associate, Dr. Bates has helped educators, academic administrators and policy makers grasp key concepts, trends and challenges in online learning. This posting is one of a series that looks at Tony’s perspectives and advice on key issues in online learning. 
This series was researched and developed by Contact North | Contact Nord Research Associates, Dr. Jane Brindley and Dr. Ross Paul.    
Adapting technology for effective learning is the mantra for Tony’s entire career – technology for accessibility, for flexible response to diverse needs, for improved quality and cost control, and for institutional accountability. More...

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