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7 septembre 2013

Guidance on savings through VAT-exempt cost sharing groups guidance is available on the benefits of shared services to universities and colleges following the introduction of the cost sharing groups (CSG) exemption to Value Added Tax (VAT).
In July 2012, legislation was passed which allows universities and higher education (HE) colleges to form CSGs that can provide services to the HE sector free of VAT. CSGs can provide services more cost-effectively than individual HE institutions, and the exemption from VAT now means that substantial savings can be made.
The new rules on VAT exemptions for CSGs were introduced in the 2012 Finance Act, following lobbying by the HE and charity sectors. This legislation is complex, so HEFCE has been working with the British Universities Finance Directors Group and Universities UK to develop guidance to help clarify the rules.
The guidance sets the context of the cost sharing exemption for HE. It will help existing providers of services to understand the issues which must be addressed to take advantage of the exemption, while identifying areas of service which are not liable to VAT and therefore do not need to be delivered through CSGs. It also examines areas which are being clarified by the experience of groups currently establishing CSGs.
The guidance is web-based and will be updated as further information becomes available. Case studies will be added in the autumn.

6 septembre 2013

Vassiliou backs Lithuanian EU Presidency's push for education and youth Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, will visit Lithuania on 5-10 September to support the Lithuanian EU Presidency's push to ensure that quality education and opportunities for young people are at the top of the political agenda. During her visit, Commissioner Vassiliou will open the EU Youth Conference with Dalia Grybauskaitė, President of Lithuania, and the 'European Higher Education in the World' Conference with Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevicius.
On 5 September, the Commissioner will take part in the Presidency conference in Vilnius on European Higher Education in the World. The discussion will focus on the European Commission's new strategy on internationalisation in higher education which calls for bolder measures to strengthen cooperation and mobility across the EU’s borders to enhance the quality of higher education and contribute to job creation and innovation. Press release.

6 septembre 2013

Update on the revision of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance (ESG) in the European Higher Education Area were adopted by the European Ministers for Education in Bergen in 2005. Since then, the ESG – prepared by the E4 Group (ENQA, ESU, EURASHE and EUA) – have underpinned the development of both institutional and national/regional QA systems in Europe.
However, the European quality assurance landscape has changed considerably since this time. Thus, from 2010 to 2012 the stakeholder organisations that form the E4 Group carried out the “Mapping the Implementation and Application of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (MAP-ESG)” project to gather information on how the ESG have been implemented and applied. The project demonstrated that the ESG have been successful in promoting an understanding of good practice in QA, and have impacted on the development of QA both at system and institutional level. The E4 Group decided, nevertheless, to recommend to European education ministers that the ESG would benefit from a revision “in order to improve their clarity, applicability and usefulness”. More...

6 septembre 2013

EUA Council for Doctoral Education welcomes three new members to Steering Committee European University Association (EUA) is pleased to announce that its Board has recently appointed three new members for the Steering Committee of the EUA Council for Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE) to replace outgoing members. The new members are Jean-Dominique Polack (University Pierre and Marie Curie), Michael Fuller (University of Plymouth) and Václav Hampl (ex-officio EUA Board member, Charles University in Prague).
The EUA Council for Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE) was established in 2008 as an independent EUA membership service, designed to create a strong voice for European universities on doctoral education both inside Europe and internationally and to contribute to enhancing the visibility of doctoral schools and programmes. More...

3 septembre 2013

University alliance launches for the East . A fifth regional alliance of research universities has been announced by three institutions in the east of England.
The University of East Anglia, the University of Essex and the University of Kent have formed the Eastern Academic Research Consortium (Eastern ARC) with the aim of becoming what the press release describes as a “significant new force in research, and research training”.
Regional alliances have become popular with the government and funders since the N8 group of northern English universities was launched in 2007. The Midlands-based M5 group was formed in August 2012, the south-western GW4 alliance was unveiled in January and the Science and Engineering South Consortium was announced in May. More...

3 septembre 2013

Student part-time work increases Leone Richmond. Nearly two thirds of students are now working part time to help fund their studies, according to new research. The survey, conducted by insurance provider Endsleigh alongside the National Union of Students, found that 57 per cent of students are earning extra cash while at university, a 7 percentage point rise since last year. 
According to the study, which questioned 1,704 university students, part-time work is being increasingly relied on to cover living costs. More than half (55 per cent) of students are spending their additional income on accommodation, food and household bills. More...

1 septembre 2013

Mehr Geld? Nein, danke! Bund spendiert den 25.000 Stipendiaten in Deutschland von 1. September an mehr "Büchergeld": Doch es gibt auch Studenten, die auf die zusätzlichen 150 Euro verzichten. Benjamin Paaßen, 23, ist einer davon. Im Interview erklärt er, warum.
Ab Sonntag bekommen 25.000 Stipendiaten in Deutschland mehr Geld: Das "Büchergeld", das sie zusätzlich zu ihrem Stipendium bekommen, wird von 150 auf 300 Euro pro Monat angehoben. Die linken Studentenvertreter des fzs (freier zusammenschluss von studentInnenschaften) schimpfen über "Förderung für Bessergestellte". Doch, und das überrascht: Es protestieren auch diejenigen gegen das erhöhte Büchergeld, die davon profitieren. Mehr...

1 septembre 2013

Hochqualifizierten-Studie: Nur jeder fünfte Promovierte forscht Arbeitsbedingungen und fehlende Karrierechancen sorgen dafür, dass nur jeder fünfte Promovierte in der Forschung arbeitet. Ein weiterer Grund überrascht: Ein Drittel der Doktoren gab an, gar kein Interesse an Forschung zu haben.
Der Doktor ist der höchste akademische Grad in Deutschland. Er attestiert seinem Träger die Fähigkeit zum selbständigen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten - doch die große Mehrheit der Promovierten geht im Anschluss an die Promotion gar nicht in die Forschung, belegt eine neue Studie des Statistischen Bundesamts. 99.300 Beschäftigte mit Doktorgrad, und damit gut jeder Fünfte, forschte 2011 an Hochschulen, in wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen oder für die Wirtschaft. Demgegenüber arbeiten 434.400 deutsche Doktoren außerhalb der Forschung. Knapp die Hälfte davon sind Mediziner. Laut der Studie "Hochqualifizierte in Deutschland" treibt es vor allem Promovierte der naturwissenschaftlichen Fächer und der Mathematik in die Forschung (46 Prozent). Mehr...

1 septembre 2013

Plagiatsvorwurf gegen Lammert: Vorprüfung an Uni Bochum dauert an der Uni Bochum hat das Rektorat getagt, aber noch nicht entschieden, ob es ein Plagiatsverfahren gegen Bundestagspräsident Norbert Lammert geben soll. Der zuständige Ombudsmann hat seine Vorprüfung noch nicht abgeschlossen - eine Hängepartie.
Fast auf den Tag genau ist es einen Monat her, dass ein anonymer Plagiatsjäger mutmaßlich verdächtige Stellen in der Doktorarbeit von Norbert Lammert veröffentlichte. Die Aufregung war groß, der Bundestagspräsident beteuerte, nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen gearbeitet zu haben, er ließ seine Dissertation auf seiner Website veröffentlichen und bat die Uni Bochum um Prüfung der Vorwürfe.
Der zuständige Ombudsmann nahm die Arbeit auf; der Uni-Rektor, Elmar Weiler, sagte im Interview mit SPIEGEL ONLINE, er gehe davon, dass sich an diese Vorprüfung ein offizielles Plagiatsverfahren anschließe. Mehr...

1 septembre 2013

Learning Inclusively Network + Know-how (LINK)

 LINK is a network of organisations, educational institutions, disability professionals, academics, students and interested individuals who all share the same ultimate goal, the full inclusion of students with disabilities in higher education. LINK is co-funded by the EU lifelong learning programme, works in the area of disability and higher education and was established in 2008. It is managed by six contracted partners, but has members from all over Europe & beyond. The link address is:

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