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26 mars 2018

Texas's Big Bet on the Future of Higher Education

By Steven Mintz. In a recent blog posting on the University of Texas System’s Institute for Transformational Learning, Joshua Kim expressed a preference for “investing in faculty.” That was precisely what the ITL did, though not, I suspect, in quite the way he meant. More...

24 mars 2018

What Will the LMS of the Future Look Like? Blog. In addition to keeping track of student information, the LMS of the future will also be a tool for analysis. It will be able to collect and analyze imperative information helping educators see where students need more help. More...

20 mars 2018

Prospective des Métiers et Qualifications (PMQ) : bilan et perspectives

Cela fait bientôt trente ans que la France s’est engagée dans la production d’exercices de prospective des métiers et des qualifications, intitulés PMQ. Après trois exercices publiés, dont deux sur des horizons qui sont désormais révolus (2010 et 2015), France Stratégie et la Dares, pilotes de ces exercices, ont dressé un bilan détaillé de ces démarches : le quatrième exercice, s’engage en 2018, il est apparu nécessaire de nourrir la réflexion des nouvelles instances de pilotage avec les enseignements tirés de ce bilan. Plus...

16 mars 2018

Ai Weiwei is Living in Our Future

Ai Weiwei is Living in Our Future
Hans de Zwart, Medium, 2015/01/01
So what is life like in the surveillance state? Ask artist Ai Weiwei. He lives under constant observation courtesy of the Chinese government. More...

16 mars 2018

The Future of On-Campus Higher Education?

The Future of On-Campus Higher Education?
Margaret Andrews, Inside Higher Ed, 2015/04/07

I'm not sure exactly when this came out (it's copyrighted 2100) but it's more Stanford hubris, 'discovering' a future the rest of us have been talking about for years. Here are the major elements:

  • Education will be fully envisaged as a lifelong journey, rather than a one-shot, four-year stint
  • The education will focus more on skill acquisition than disciplinary topics and therefore the university will be organized around competency hubs, rather than academic fields
  • The education model will move from an industrial revolution-style, one-size-fits-few freshman/sophomore/junior/senior classification to a personal-paced learning program
  • The school will move away from having students declare a major, toward having them declare a purpose

Of these, the last is the most interesting. More...

7 mars 2018

Hearts, Minds and Screens: Taming the Future

Hearts, Minds and Screens: Taming the Future
I can see how this paper, especially when delivered as a keynote address, would leave readers and listeners scratching their heads. But there is a deep and multi-layered understanding of what is going on in e-learning exhibited in this essay (and you'll be introduced to four new words, describing four scenarios of online learning in the future). I can't tell you what this paper is about: the meaning will shift according to your own individual context. Don't just read this paper start-to-finish. More...

5 mars 2018

The Future of Testing

The Future of Testing
William Bryant, Getting Smart, 2018/02/22

This article describes "some directions in which the future of testing may be headed." Included in the list (paraphrased): classroom-based assessment of authentic classroom work. More...

5 mars 2018

The Future of Education Includes Learning Outside of the Classroom

The Future of Education Includes Learning Outside of the Classroom
Shireen Jaffer, Getting Smart, 2018/02/19
It's a bit funny because I am sometimes tempted to say "the future of education is learning outside of the classroom." Certainly it includes it. More...

5 mars 2018

Google Thinks The Future Of The Web Is . . . Email

Google Thinks The Future Of The Web Is . . . Email
Mark Wilson, Co.Design, 2018/02/14
This is another phase of their Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) project. The idea is to deliver media content embedded in the email meddage, rather than having you open it in your browser (this of course ensures you never leave the Google environment). Why is this important? Well, it reflects the increasing importance of email to marketers as they lose their ability to position their content in social media. More...

4 mars 2018

#Future of Learn : les 5 sujets à maîtriser en 2018

Future of work & Compétences de demainSur le blog Educpros de Kokoroe. 50 % des métiers d’aujourd’hui disparaitront d’ici 2025, selon l’université d’Oxford. En cause ? La révolution numérique qui ouvre un champ fertile de nouveaux métiers…  CreaTech, Data-scientist, Growth hacker… autant de nouveaux jobs qui ont vu le jour ces dernières années au gré des innovations. Plus que jamais, il est devenu indispensable de se former tout au long de sa vie pour ne pas perdre le fil et rester compétitif ! Alors quelles sont les nouvelles innovations incontournables en ce début d’année ? Le choix a été difficile et de moult discussions et débats enflammées se sont déroulées au sein de Kokoroe. Nous avons fait le choix d’en retenir 5 : 5 innovations qui, compte tenu de leurs multiples impacts, vont révolutionner nos activités, nos modes de travail et nos cultures. Plus...
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