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6 août 2015

Building an Ecosystem of Higher Education Innovation

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""By . The confluence of cost and funding pressures, technology-enabled learning innovations and new paradigms of quality and teaching will continue to force higher education institutions to redefine their value. However, higher education institutions are unwilling to embrace new definitions of value and quality "as valid, even when they can see that customers increasingly prefer the new value offerings," notes a report from TIAA-CREF Institute. More...

5 août 2015

UBTech: Shaping the future of higher education

University Business LogoBy University Business Staff. The conversation: technological innovation and leadership as well as institutional and student success, with UBTech’s attendees learning management insights, getting technology updates and networking with each other. More...

5 août 2015

The future of higher education in America

University Business LogoBy Stefanie Botelho. More students are graduating college than ever before. But for too many students, the nation’s higher education system isn’t delivering what they need and deserve. Earlier today, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan outlined a new vision for higher education in America at a speech at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. More...

5 août 2015

How competing for students will transform universities

The ConversationBy . Historically, universities were privileged institutions for the “intelligent elite”, almost exclusively male communities, where great thinkers lived and worked and passed on their wisdom to fellow scholars and their students. Imagine Oxford, Harvard and the University of Melbourne before 1960. More...
4 août 2015

MIT looks to stay in vanguard of digital education Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. One way to find the future of higher education is to track the brainstormers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who often seem to be a step ahead of the pack. More...

30 juillet 2015

Breaking down the silo: connecting education to world trends

educationtodayBy Tracey Burns. The OECD’s work on Trends Shaping Education stimulates reflection on the challenges facing education by providing an overview of key economic, social, demographic and technological trends. It has been used by ministries to guide strategic thinking and in Parliaments as a strategic foresight tool. It’s also part of the curriculum in teacher education colleges, and is a resource for teachers when designing courses and lectures, as well as parents and students themselves. Read more...

30 juillet 2015

Future shock: Teaching yourself to learn

educationtodayBy Marilyn Achiron. The book reviewer for the Wall Street Journal wrote of reading Tyler Cowen’s 2013 book, Average is Over: Powering America Beyond the Age of the Great Stagnation, “with a deepening sense of dread”. 
The Economist understatedly called the book “bracing”. What does Cowen, a professor at George Mason University and daily blogger on, say that provokes such fear and trembling in readers?  Essentially this: if you’re not among the 10-15% of the population that has learned how to master and complement computers, you’ll be doomed to earn low wages in dead-end jobs. We spoke with Cowen when he was in Paris recently to participate in the OECD Forum. His comments are drawn from both our interview and his presentation at the Forum. Read more...

26 juillet 2015

Mieux anticiper les besoins du marché du travail, enjeux et perspectives pour 2015

Pôle emploiDans quel contexte Pôle emploi va-t-il devoir agir en 2015 et au cours des mois suivants ?
Quels sont les enjeux et besoins essentiels auxquels il faut que l’établissement
soit en capacité de répondre, en cohérence avec la nouvelle convention tripartite signée avec l’État et l’Unédic pour les années 2015 à 2018 et le projet stratégique 2015-2020 ?
Ce panorama actualise celui élaboré un an auparavant et tente de d’apporter des éléments de réponse et des repères utiles à ces questions. Voir l'article...

26 juillet 2015

Congrès du Futur : 150 Collectifs porteurs d'une vision positive et alternative de l'avenir réunis au CESE

15 juillet 2015 – Le Conseil économique social et environnemental (CESE) et l'Institut des Futurs souhaitables ont lancé le Congrès du futur, cartographie de tous les collectifs porteurs de projets citoyens porteurs d’une vision positive et alternative de l’avenir, lors d’un événement organisé au CESE à l’occasion du 14 juillet. Voir l'article...

26 juillet 2015

Le CESE et l'institut des futurs souhaitables présentent le livret digital : « Des idées pour déverrouiller la France »

Le Conseil économique social et environnemental (CESE) et l’Institut des Futurs souhaitables (IFs) ont lancé le Congrès du futur, cartographie de tous les collectifs porteurs de projets citoyens défendant une vision positive et alternative de l’avenir, lors d’un événement organisé au CESE à l’occasion du 14 juillet qui a rassemblé 150 de ces collectifs. Voir l'article...

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