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1 mars 2018

4 actions to improve the future of higher education

eCampus NewsFollowing four national priorities, including increasing completion rates and strengthening the student educational experience, could exponentially improve the future of higher education, according to a report based on two years of research. More...

27 février 2018

O21 : anticiper le monde qui vient

Orientation Pays de la LoireDans un monde en mutation où bientôt "Code [will be] law", il ne s’agira pas nécessairement de devenir tous codeurs. L’objectif sera davantage de le comprendre globalement pour pouvoir le critiquer, améliorer les processus et les adapter à nos besoins : en un mot, pouvoir être acteur de cette technologie.

Consulter le portfolio des temps forts d’O21 à Nancy sur le site du Monde
Consulter le portfolio des temps forts d’O21 à Lille sur le site du Monde. Plus...

25 février 2018

The Future of Work - and the Future of Management Education

By Margaret Andrews. It’s hard to think about the future of management education without thinking about the future of work. In case you haven’t noticed, there is no shortage of predictions about the future of work. Any reputable consulting firm has a report out on the future of work, including McKinsey, Bain & Company, BCG, Deloitte, and PwC. More...

19 février 2018


The Media Center at the American Press Institute has published the first edition of NewsFuture, a monthly e-mail newsletter focused on the future of Internet and multi-platform convergence publishing. Looks like it will be a good read. More...

15 février 2018

Trends in the Future of Learning

Trends in the Future of Learning
Stephen Downes, Dec 15, 2017, Learning Futures Workshop, Gatineau, Quebec

Work in the future will require higher levels of analysis, access to experts, and greater autonomy. How can the College@ESDC equipped itself for what’s coming? What form(s) is learning, and especially operational training, likely to take in 10-15 years. More...

26 janvier 2018

Here’s what U.S. colleges will look like in 2030 Blog. Many American colleges will have to look different decades from now if they’re going to survive. That’s one of the many arguments in “Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education,” a book by Nathan Grawe, an economics professor at Carleton College, published late last year. More...

26 janvier 2018

New analysis offers insight into what prospective students want Blog. A recent analysis from Digital Media Solutions offers insight into where students are the most interested in higher education by tracking inquiries and student acquisition activities of institutions, finding that online program inquiry growth has increased tremendously. More...

25 janvier 2018

What changes will HE have to prepare for by 2030?

What are the megatrends shaping the world around us? How are they transforming the future of global higher education? What are the implications for the mobility of international students and how should universities adapt their engagement strategies to prepare for change. More...
22 janvier 2018

Drawing the future: What children want to be when they grow up

Education & Skills TodayThe next generation of children will need to create jobs, not just seek jobs. They will draw on their curiosity, imagination, entrepreneurship and resilience, the joy of failing forward. Their schools will help them discover their passions and aspirations, develop their potential, and find their place in society. 
But that is easier said than done, and good reading, math and science skills are just part of the answer. To develop their dreams and invest the effort it takes to realise them, children need, first of all, to be aware of the world and the opportunities it offers them. More...

16 janvier 2018

2018, l’année où l’on passe à l’action !

The ConversationVous avez peut-être entendu l’expression, « The Year of Do », elle est déjà sur plusieurs lèvres. C’est la nouvelle campagne de l’agence mondiale Fiverr. Plus...

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