By Patrick Love. Following the twin discovery that governments were composed of politicians and that politicians mostly don’t look much beyond the next election, the OECD created the International Futures Programme (IFP) to encourage long-term thinking. A few years later, the UK government decided to set up a foresight unit, and in 2004 I went as IFP representative to a meeting in London where holders of stakes in different industries discussed what strategic thinking meant to them. More...
Jeunes, Territoires, Branches professionnelles, construisons un avenir ensemble !
C’est ce thème qu’a choisi Uniformation pour une conférence organisée jeudi 4 décembre à Paris, à la Maison de la Mutualité. Inscrivez-vous en ligne (lien ci-dessous), il reste des places.
Cette conférence bisannuelle réunira ses adhérents, administrateurs, ses partenaires et l’ensemble des décideurs avec lesquels l’OPCA Uniformation travaille régulièrement : DGEFP, Direccte, CNSA, FPSPP, Conseils régionaux, Conseils généraux, dirigeants, DRH… Deux sujets d’actualité seront traités, qui sont au cœur des préoccupations et du quotidien des structures adhérentes Uniformation (économie sociale, habitat social, protection sociale) : d’une part, l’emploi des jeunes ; d’autre part la mise en concordance des politiques nationales et locale dans le cadre des nouvelles missions et des nouvelles dynamiques mises en place par la loi du 5 mars 2014 sur la réforme de la formation professionnelle.
Pour s’inscrire : cliquez sur ce lien. Voir l'article...
Building ‘the perfect university’
By Tim Goral. What if you could create a new kind of university? What would it be like?
For Ben Nelson, CEO of the Minerva Project, it would combine a redefined student body, a reinvented curriculum, rigorous academic standards, cutting-edge technology and an immersive global experience. More...
Le CAE propose un vigoureux toilettage du système éducatif et de formation
Par Jean-Pierre Gonguet. Constat : la productivité française, et tout particulièrement la productivité du travail, décline depuis les années 1970. Réponse possible : la mise en adéquation du système éducatif et de formation. Le CAE qui dépend du Premier Ministre, vient de livrer une note importante sur la question. L’affaiblissement des gains de productivité est important aussi en Allemagne, en Espagne et en Italie, mais aux États-Unis et en Suède, les gains de productivité sont en revanche constants sur la période. Reste à connaître les raisons. Le CAE en voit quatre : le recul de l’industrie manufacturière, un investissement en capital productif insuffisant, une recherche et développement trop faible et enfin, des taux d’emploi et des compétences insuffisants. Et sur ce dernier point, les véritables singularités françaises sont nombreuses. Voir l'article...
Moving Communication Management Into the 21st-Century
By Paige Francis - EvoLLLution. Higher education is on a continuous path of improvement as we all clamor to meet the educational needs of an ever-evolving student base. Fairfield University is no exception. We’ve embarked on a high-energy, campus-wide strategic planning initiative titled “Fairfield 2020: Building a More Sustainable Future.” Like #Fairfield2020, improvement efforts assume all are working as a cohesive unit with a goal of formalizing best practice via strong collaboration. More...
EGOS 2014: Reimagining, Rethinking, Reshaping: Organizational Scholarship in Unsettled Times
By Hedda. The 30th annual EGOS Colloquium gathered some 2100 researchers from 53 countries to the city of Rotterdam in the Netherlands. The conference took place in July 3–5, 2014. The atmosphere in Rotterdam was of course especially lively not just because of the conference, but also because of the ongoing FIFA World Cup. This year’s conference theme was “Reimagining, Rethinking, Reshaping: Organizational Scholarship in Unsettled Times”. EGOS, which is an abbreviation for European Group for Organizational Studies, is a scholarly association mainly for social scientists and business scholars, who have a mutual interest in organizations as study units. See more...
The future of higher education is blended and student-centred
The European Students’ Union (ESU) welcomes a forward looking report presented today on new modes of learning and teaching. The report highlights that students are unique and so is the way they learn. Therefore, new ICT tools should cater for individual ways of learning, contributing to a real student-centred learning. Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, presented this report from the High Level Group on the Modernisation of Higher Education. It is the second report published by the High Level Group. The first one on Improving the quality of teaching and learning in Europe’s higher education institutions was published in June 2013. More...
Higher education in the 21st century
It is a common understanding that now and in the future the role of higher education will continue to increase. In a broad term, it is a consequence of a whole series of reasons which can be described as emergence of the “knowledge-based economies", globalization and of the new wave of digital communication.
(from the keynote address by Jan Sadlak, President of IREG Observatory at the International University Networks congress in Bogota, Columbia)
Jan Sadlak
President, IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence. More...
Our Digital Future: A Crowdsourced Agenda for Free Expression
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Our Digital Future: A Crowdsourced Agenda for Free Expression
Various authors, Open Media, 2014/10/17
"At its best," reads the executive summary of this report, "the Internet encourages us to share, use our creativity, and express ourselves freely. It fosters the same key experiences that help us preserve our imaginations and our capacity to learn as we grow from children into adults." More...
Why the future is all about the ‘Knowledge Cloud’ platform
By . Imagine an online platform for your free MOOCs…and for all paid, credited online courses; plus webinars and research; combined with cloud, mobile, and social network access; all with the ability for peer collaboration and multiple pedagogies. More...