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5 octobre 2014

Six (Truly)Radical Ideas for Reinventing College Cathy Davidson. Before we can radically reinvent college, we need to add at least two more structural, material changes to the four in this month's Wired magazine article by writer Martha Rhodes, "4 Radical Ideas for Reinventing College, Drawn From Stanford Research."   The four changes advocated in Wired come from the famous design school, the, at Stanford and one of its leading lights, Professor Sarah Stein Greenberg.  I like these a lot--and readers of the Cat in the Stack posts at will recognize all of them from many of my past posts. More...

4 octobre 2014

Building the University of the Future

By . "Higher education is now ground zero for disruption," said Todd Hixon in a Forbes column, questioning the value, cost, and the antiquated business model of higher education. That said, there are a number of brilliant CIOs in higher education who are actively leading digital business transformation projects, aimed at minimize institutional disruption and improving the experience of the student, faculty and administration. More...

4 octobre 2014

The Future of Higher Education

By Steven Mintz. With a number of leading for-profits beset by legal and financial woes, enrollment in online education leveling off, and MOOCs off the front pages, one might reasonably conclude that the threats to higher ed posed by what was hailed as “disruptive innovation” have abated. More...

28 septembre 2014

Une journée d’études réussie…

Par Paul Santelmann, Responsable de la Prospective à l’AFPA. La journée d’études AFPA/Education Permanente du 25 Septembre qui portait sur les synergies travail/formation a rassemblé plus de 200 participants. Introduite par une conférence d’Yves CLOT, cette journée a été l’occasion de nombreux échanges au cours de trois tables rondes portant sur les différents aspects de la relation travail/formation. La conférence a été centrée sur la thématique du travail « bien-fait » confronté aux empêchements de tout type qui ruinent la liberté du salarié de mener à bien son activité. Une problématique que la formation professionnelle ne peut pas occulter. Suite de l'article...

28 septembre 2014

Higher education and the post-2015 development goals – UNESCO

By Wachira Kigotho. In a new briefing report, UNESCO has identified tertiary education as a fundamental element towards progress in each of 16 proposed post-2015 global sustainable development goals.
According to the report, Sustainable Development Post-2015 Begins with Education, higher education is intertwined with the suggested global development targets that will replace the current United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals when they expire next year. Read more...
21 septembre 2014

Campus Management unveils vision for the future of higher education

University Business LogoBy Stefanie Botelho. Campus Management Corp., a leading provider of enterprise software products and services for educational institutions, has unveiled its vision for the higher education market–the “On Demand Model.”
The On Demand Model recognizes that higher education is facing an unprecedented amount of change creating the need for new business processes and strategies to better compete, grow and retain students. This model is based on the premise that institutions are going to require new technologies that provide innovative capabilities for engagement and delivery. More...

14 septembre 2014

Mapping the Futures of Higher Education: Draft Description #FuturesEd Cathy Davidson. Here are some early ideas describing the method of the first course to be offered by the Futures Initiative at the Graduate Center CUNY.   There will be a large interactive public component to which anyone who wishes will be invited. The course will be team-taught by myself (Cathy N. Davidson, Director of the Futures Initiative) and William Kelly (former President of the Graduate Center). More...

12 septembre 2014

Quels emplois pour demain ?

Bandeau retour page d'accueilUn rapport d'information de la Délégation sénatoriale à la prospective constate une demande prévisible et forte dans les domaines de l'informatique et des services à la personne. Le document indique aussi qu'on ignore encore, pour une large part, ce que seront les métiers de demain. Voir l'article...

7 septembre 2014

The Challenges (and Future) of Networked Learning

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Challenges (and Future) of Networked Learning
Stephen Downes, [Sept] 05, 2014, Online, to Medellin, Colombia, via Vidyo

A conversation about challenges (and future?) of networked learning. A broad understanding of the meaning and potential of networked learning can help educational institutions to rethink their role beyond the provision of LMS and centralized information systems. What skills are needed? More...

7 septembre 2014

In the future of higher education, students will hold power

By Benjamin Wermund. The balance of power has shifted. A once powerful oligarchy has started to crumble. The people are now in control. More...

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