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27 novembre 2016

Démocratie liquide, civic tech, la nouvelle agora ?

Logo - Thot CursusPar Nicolas Le Luherne. L’agora est un endroit très spécial pour les cités de la Grèce Antique, lieu de la vie de la cité entre espace mercantile, politique et de socialisation. Le réseau social s’y construisait au travers des bruits des idées. Voir l'article...

27 novembre 2016

La bienveillance, une chance pour l'entreprise, une chance pour la France...

Focus RH - Gestion de carrière et évolution professionnellePar Philippe Rodet. Pour aller chercher de la performance, l'entreprise fait souvent appel à des changements d'organisation. Avec le même objectif, à l'échelle du pays, les acteurs politiques recourent à la loi. Et si, dans un cas comme dans l'autre, on essayait d'induire des changements de comportements ? Et si, dans un cas comme dans l'autre, la bienveillance pouvait représenter une espérance. Voir l'article...
26 novembre 2016

Higher Salaries + Lower Workloads = More Sessionals

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Alex Usher. Directly or indirectly, institutions get their operating funds from having students sit in classrooms.  Tuition fees are directly related to credit hours and government operating grants are usually at least indirectly related to them.  One might question this in a place like Manitoba, where there is no actual funding formula and money is just handed out as a block on a historical basis, but as I showed back here the distribution of funding between Manitoba institutions actually looks almost exactly like it would if the province were using a weighted enrollment formula system like Quebec’s or Ontario’s. More...

26 novembre 2016

The “Poorly Educated” and the US Election

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Alex Usher. During the US election and its aftermath, a lot of the discussion has focused on the issue of education.  Specifically, many pollsters noted large shifts in favour of the democrats among college-educated whites and even larger shifts rightward from less-educated whites. More...

26 novembre 2016

Analytics Literacy is a Major Limiter of Ed Tech Growth

By Michael Feldstein. Whatever else you think of the election, it has been the mother of all teachable moments for many of us. It has raised questions about what we thought we knew about our democracy, our neighbors, our media…and apparently learning analytics. The shock of the polls being “wrong” has raised a lot of questions about how much we can really trust data analytics. Audrey Watters has written the most fleshed out critique that I’ve seen so far. More...

26 novembre 2016

Vendor Roles in Fostering Educational Literacies

By Michael Feldstein. In my last post, I talked about the need for educators in general and faculty in particular to develop literacy around data and analytics. But it’s really broader than that. Back when college was intended for a relatively small percentage of the population, the idea of “weeding out” students who couldn’t make it without help was not obviously out of alignment with its mission. More...

26 novembre 2016

From Cockroaches To Miniature Elephants: Webinars on Not Your Mother’s Old LMS

By . We just finished the third of our three-part webinar series on“The Modern Learning Platform: Not Your Mother’s Old LMS”, hosted by our friends at NobleStream. In the first discussion, Michael and I laid out our vision for why we are analysts for the LMS market and what we hope to achieve, capped off by Michael’s comment “Depending on how you define it, I have a feeling that, for better or for worse, long after humanity is dead and gone, cockroaches will still be using the LMS.” More...

26 novembre 2016

3 tips for faculty addressing the election

eCampus NewsBy Anne G. Barretta. By now we’ve all been inundated with pre- and post-election coverage and analysis on numerous media platforms. It seems as if we might never escape the constant barrage of political commentary in both traditional media and social media platforms. More...

26 novembre 2016

Simplify the financial equation for your students

University Business LogoSubmitted by Tim Goral. Together we can break down financial barriers for your students, and help make their dreams a reality. Salt, powered by the nonprofit American Student Assistance, provides education finance solutions for your students and graduates. More...

26 novembre 2016

College presidents join calls for tolerance

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. The presidents of both Oneonta colleges spoke out via email this weekend against acts of harassment, hate and violence that have taken place in the nation since Donald Trump was elected president of the United States two weeks ago, officials said. More...

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