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26 novembre 2016

Dual enrollment growing in popularity and frustration

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. Dual enrollment is suffering growing pains. The popular program allows high schoolers to take college courses free, with the incentive that they will apply to a degree program. More...

26 novembre 2016

As for-profit colleges face scrutiny, it’s imperative they prove their worth

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. For-profit higher education has faced major challenges recently as policymakers focus on ensuring that institutions serve their students. Schools have been forced to close their doors, and others are facing increased regulatory and public scrutiny. More...

26 novembre 2016

Faith-friendly "great books" colleges

University Business LogoBy James Martin and James E. Samels. Higher education historians often trace the modern growth and democratization of American higher learning to federal student financial aid – providing a system of higher education financing that has opened the doors of college and university campuses to students and families who would otherwise be unable to afford the spiraling costs of college tuition. More...

26 novembre 2016

Universities accused of 'importing Sports Direct model' for lecturers' pay

The Guardian homeBy  and . In the latest in a series on the UK’s increasingly precarious world of work, we reveal how many institutions are charging higher student fees while more than half of lecturers are on non-permanent or hourly-paid contracts. More...

26 novembre 2016

App for being a better parent works, Oxford University study finds

The Guardian homeBy . Researchers say local authorities and schools should consider using digital outreach as way of improving school readiness among infants. More...

26 novembre 2016

Everyone’s talking about the Tef, but no one is listening to students

The Guardian homeBy . The sector has a lot to say about the teaching excellence framework. But what about the people it is supposed to benefit. More...

26 novembre 2016

In the age of Trump, why bother teaching students to argue logically?

The Guardian homeBy . Brexit and the US election showed that slogans count for more than facts, and demagogues outrank experts. For universities, it’s a vision of hell. More...

26 novembre 2016

Trop parfait pour rester sur Terre ?

The ConversationPar . Alors que l’astronaute, Thomas Pesquet, membre de l’expédition en route pour la station spatiale internationale, a décollé à bord d’un Soyouz, le traitement médiatique dont il est l’objet révèle une mesquinerie bien française, masquée sous des dehors pseudo humoristiques. Il ne fait pas bon être « bon élève » en France. Voir l'article...
26 novembre 2016

What’s the history of sanctuary spaces and why do they matter?

The ConversationBy . In the wake of the election of Donald Trump as president, faculty, students and alumni across the country are pressuring their administrations to declare “sanctuary campuses” for undocumented students, workers and their families. More...
26 novembre 2016

How genetics could help future learners unlock hidden potential

The ConversationBy . Salman Rushdie recently caused controversy by bemoaning the lack of “rote learning” in schools. He spoke about the benefits of learning poetry by heart – a method many see as archaic and outdated in today’s classroom. More...
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