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19 avril 2018

We All Have Bad Days

HomeCan fostering goodwill on campuses make a difference? Maria Shine Stewart reflects on the topic. More...

19 avril 2018

A Bird on a Reed

HomeIn a difficult environment for higher education and the nation, Mort Maimon discovers resilience in adversity in a somewhat surprising place. More...

19 avril 2018

Is the College Scorecard Misleading Students?

HomeBy failing to account for where graduates live, its earnings information is flawed, argues Doug Williams. More...

19 avril 2018

The Third Education Revolution

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. The world of work is undergoing a massive shift. Not since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries and the Information Age that followed in the last century has the scale of disruption taking place in the workforce been so evident. More...

19 avril 2018

How my university is disrupting higher education

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. Disruption in higher education needs to happen everywhere, from admissions processes to business practices to the way we teach and assess.  If higher education is a ship, it has struck an iceberg. It’s taking on water rapidly, and while the situation is urgent, many people on board simply refuse to acknowledge what’s happening. The lifeboats in this metaphor? Disruption. More...

19 avril 2018

What Motivates Good Teaching?

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. As it turns out, certain factors predict professors’ intrinsic and “identified” motivation for teaching (the latter form meaning doing something because it’s seen as important), in support of the authors’ conceptual model. And those kinds of “autonomous” motivations in turn predict greater use of proven, effective teaching methods — namely instructional clarity and higher-order, reflective and integrative, and collaborative learning. More...

19 avril 2018

Roving robot lets UCI student attend classes virtually while on bed rest

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. The robot is self-balancing, with six- to eight-hour battery life. It sells for about $3,000. Members of UCI’s class of 2016 used their senior class gift to buy four telepresence robots for the university. Law and political science professor Rick Hasen described the experience with the Double 2 as unusual, but said it helped instill camaraderie in his class. More...

19 avril 2018

Accès à l’université : 425 enseignants dénoncent une « sélection absurde et hypocrite »

l'emag de l'educationDans une tribune, 425 profs d'université s'opposent à Parcoursup et dénoncent une "sélection absurde". Ils critiquent aussi "l'inexorable dégradation" du supérieur. Plus...

19 avril 2018

Les apprentis, plus optimistes que les étudiants et les jeunes travailleurs

Screenshot-2018-4-18 Toute l'actualité de l'éducation bac, études, emploi - Page n°4 - Orientation EducationQue ce soit pour trouver un travail qui leur plaira ou dans lequel ils pourront évoluer et seront bien rémunérés, près de neuf apprentis sur dix se disent optimistes quant à leur avenir professionnel. Plus...

19 avril 2018

Le luxe et l’aéronautique font rêver les étudiants des grandes écoles

Screenshot-2018-4-18 Toute l'actualité de l'éducation bac, études, emploi - Page n°4 - Orientation EducationPour la troisième année consécutive, LVMH et Airbus figurent parmi les entreprises préférées des étudiants en école de commerce et en école d'ingénieurs. Plus...

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