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4 mai 2018

The Law Against Sharing Knowledge

The Law Against Sharing Knowledge

Ironically, the full text of this article is available to paid subscribers only (one of the dumber content decisions the Chronicle editors have made); this link is to a mirror of parts of the article posted by Peter Suber. More...

2 mai 2018

Paradigm Lost

Economics has adopted an introspective mindset since the global financial crisis erupted ten years ago. The ´markets-work-wonders´ formula of the 1980s embraced such characteristics as state withdrawal from public services, curtailment of social benefits, deregulated and borderless finance, privatised pensions, and weakened workers’ bargaining rights. More...

2 mai 2018

Who chooses the judges (and should they)?

In a vigorous policy debate over investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) with many elements, adjudicator selection has emerged as an important new subjec. More...

2 mai 2018

The fine art of reading financial accounts and balance sheets

It’s 2018 and that means a decade has passed since the collapse of financial markets that led to the onslaught of the worst economic and social crisis in our lifetimes. And we are not out of the woods yet! Indeed we are still grappling with the consequences of the crisis today. More...

1 mai 2018

Les 10 meilleurs conseils sur l’équité et l’inclusion, tirés d’une discussion en ligne parrainée par EPALE

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Les 10 meilleurs conseils sur l’équité et l’inclusion, tirés d’une discussion en ligne parrainée par EPALE à propos de l’apprentissage continu. Plus...
30 avril 2018

Retour sur les échanges du 24 avril à l'UL Factory

Prisme Limousin, l’Université de Limoges, l’ARACT Nouvelle Aquitaine ont organisé le 24 avril dernier à l'UL Factory, avec la participation de la Coopérative des Tiers Lieux, une journée sur les modes de collaboration dans les nouveaux environnements de travail (Tiers lieux, espaces de coworking, Workshops, Living LAB, …). Plus...

30 avril 2018

Retour de la Fondation Agir contre l'Exclusion (Face)

Active dans le Cotentin au milieu des années 2000, la Face avait disparu du paysage régional. elle est en passe de se réanimer. Plus...

30 avril 2018

Love, Faith, Hope & Charity – the future of the OU

Love, Faith, Hope & Charity – the future of the OU
Martin Weller, The Ed Techie, 2018/04/13
This was an interesting read, which is why I posted it. It's also noteworthy how similar this story is to that so so many others, including my own. More...

30 avril 2018

What is an Empirical Educator?

What is an Empirical Educator?
Michael Feldstein, e-Literate, 2018/04/11
I think the phrase 'empirical educator' is clever marketing and a not-bad attempt to capture the ideas of "efficacy, evidence-based, research-backed, data-informed, etc." under a single rubric. Philosophically, I am also an empiricist, in the classical sense (as compared to, say, 20th century empiricists, also known as logical positivists, or even its 20-21st century alternative, constructive empiricism). More...

30 avril 2018

Humans Wanted

Humans Wanted
Royal Bank of Canada, 2018/04/11
The gist of this report (44 page PDF) is that while technology is eliminating a lot of jobs, it won't eliminate work. But we have to be aware of what new skills and abilities the future workplace will require. Among the skills considered most important: active listening, speaking, and critical thinking. More...

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