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7 mai 2018

"A Nation at Risk" and the Re-Segregation of Schools John Warner. In 1988, the year school integration reached an all-time high,[1] the 8th grade reading scores on the NAEP Test (also known as “the nation’s report card”) showed the smallest “achievement gap” between white and black students in the test’s entire history at 18 points, having shrunk from 39 points since 1971. More...

7 mai 2018

The Stories We Tell and Who Gets to Tell Them John Warner. Thoughts on the responsibilities surrounding curriculum, assessment, and accreditation.
The City of Charleston is facing a dilemma that raises interesting issues of education, assessment, and accreditation. More...

7 mai 2018

The Little (Big) Ask John Warner. I do not specifically remember my first encounter with a higher education institution employee giving program. More...

7 mai 2018

Subverting That End-of-Semester Exhaustion John Warner. One of the odder sensations I’ve experienced because I’m not teaching is realizing that it’s nearing the end of April and I don’t feel like I want to crawl into a cave and sleep for a month. More...

7 mai 2018

Lessons Learned - The real issues facing higher ed

By Steven Mintz. Many popular critiques of higher education focus on a series of straw men: soaring costs, indifferent faculty, pointless research, rampant political correctness, administrative bloat, country club amenities, inflated grades, undermotivated, underprepared, and disengaged students, and a ratings-fueled pursuit of reputation and status. More...

7 mai 2018

Meaningful Responses to Student Writing

It’s that time of year again: temperatures are climbing, flowers are blooming, and the only thing standing between you and summer break is the mountain of final student papers accumulating rapidly on your desk. More...

7 mai 2018

(Re)connecting With Your Students

Whenever I scroll through dozens of published dissertations, I’m always riveted by the humanity that’s illustrated – illuminated, really – within the preliminary pages well before the nitty gritty research begins to unfold. More...

7 mai 2018

Caring for a Sick or Disabled Loved One

Life’s milestones and unexpected changes remind us that life continues regardless of the demands of our programs. Unfortunately for some, that could mean a loved one is suffering a life threatening illness and/or disability. More...

7 mai 2018

This Elevator Called Life

Graduate school is also like an elevator. It is designed to get you to the next level. However, you must stay on in order to get to the top, which could signify graduation, landing your dream job, or [fill in the blank]. The funny thing about an elevator is that it has a bunch of buttons built into a side panel that can take you from the basement to the umpteenth floor and vice versa. More...

7 mai 2018

The Hazards of Checking White Privilege

By Eboo Patel. Please do not assign me a subordinate role, a specific psychology or a particular worldview based on the color of my skin. More...

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