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8 mai 2018

How to handle threats to a campus

University Business Magazine logoCommunity colleges should have a crisis management team in place and strong partnerships with law enforcement in order to be ready to respond to any threats of violence as well as to reassure the community after the fact. More...

8 mai 2018

In U regent debate, assassination of character (mine)

University Business Magazine logoThe Star Tribune Editorial Board, in “Value careful vetting in picking U regents” (April 19), restated its preference for sustaining the controversial Regent Candidate Advisory Council’s (RCAC) role in vetting prospective members of the University of Minnesota Board of Regents. More...

8 mai 2018

I grew up here, but Britain is doing all it can to stop me becoming a citizen

Screenshot-2018-4-23 The GardianApplying to university turned into a humiliation because of my ‘status’. This why I set up Let Us Learn. More...

8 mai 2018

I never wanted to be a nurse but helping a suicidal patient changed my mind

Screenshot-2018-4-23 The GardianI failed twice to get a nursing degree, but I’ve seen how my experience of mental health problems can help others. More...

8 mai 2018

Universities and identity checks

Screenshot-2018-4-23 The GardianAcademic institutions sometimes have different interpretations of their role in the ‘hostile environment’. More...

8 mai 2018

How universities were swept into the ‘hostile environment’

Screenshot-2018-4-23 The GardianThe same policies that mistreated the Windrush generation turned universities into state ‘enforcers’. More...

8 mai 2018

More university students are cheating – but it's not because they're lazy

Screenshot-2018-4-23 The GardianTuition fees and the stress of securing a job mean that students are fixated on exam results, rather than intellectual development. More...

8 mai 2018

Novelist Libby Page: want a creative career? Learn to see ideas through

Screenshot-2018-4-23 The GardianWhen you have a creative idea, you need to do more than consign it to your notebook. Grasp it, and get to work. More...

8 mai 2018

I thought US universities were driven by profit – until I moved to the UK

Screenshot-2018-4-23 The GardianI expected a culture shock when I crossed the Atlantic, but I didn’t anticipate how corporatised British universities would be. More...

8 mai 2018

Débat : Réforme du bac, compétences, méthode Singapour, formation des enseignants… tout est question d’évaluation

Screenshot-2018-5-7 Education – Views Research – The ConversationL’évolution du système éducatif français est indéniable et rapide. Les usages du numérique, les méthodes d’enseignement, l’introduction des compétences sont régulièrement mis sur le devant de la scène éducative. La pléthore de réformes apparaît parfois contradictoire, non cohérente et produit une fracture avec l’approche disciplinaire historique auxquels les enseignants sont habitués. Plus...

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