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2 juin 2018

"Légitimité et crédibilité sont les clés de voûte du DRH"

Focus RH - Gestion de carrière et évolution professionnelleEnvahi par la pression des nouvelles technologies, de l’EBITDA, et d’un environnement législatif en perpétuel changement, le DRH est soumis à des challenges permanents. Plus...

2 juin 2018

De la bienveillance à la confiance.

Focus RH - Gestion de carrière et évolution professionnellePar Philippe Rodet. Dans une tribune, publiée le 13 juillet 2017 dans la Harvard Business Review, intitulée « Les neurosciences de la confiance », le neuro-économiste américain, Paul J. Zak, aborde les clés de la confiance. Plus...

1 juin 2018

Opportunity or Exploitation?

Opportunity or Exploitation?
Colleen Flaherty, Inside Higher Ed, 2018/04/26
This the sort of innovation that would be classified as "disruptive" were is accompanied with an app and some Silicon Valley VC funding (which may yet happen; don't rule it out). More...

1 juin 2018

Having an audience makes us better at performing

Having an audience makes us better at performing
Jill Rosen-Johns Hopkins, Futurity, 2018/04/24

I think we've generally believe that the headline is true, but it's always nice to be able to back our intuitions with research. The open-access paper being discussed is called Neural substrates of social facilitation effects on incentive-based performance. More...

1 juin 2018

The Future of College Looks Like the Future of Retail

The Future of College Looks Like the Future of Retail
The Atlantic, Jeffrey Selingo, 2018/04/18
The suggestion here is that "similar to e-commerce firms, online-degree programs are beginning to incorporate elements of an older-school, brick-and-mortar model." I would comment that the e-commerce physical storefront is a novelty, not a trend, but let's continue. More...

1 juin 2018

“Did We Create This Monster?” How Twitter Turned Toxic

“Did We Create This Monster?” How Twitter Turned Toxic
Austin Carr, Harry McCracken, Fast Company, 2018/04/30
One of the more telling criticisms in comedian Michelle Wolf's talk at the White House correspondents' dinner was that the media loves Donald Trump. "You pretend like you hate him, but I think you love him... He’s helped you sell your papers and your books and your TV. You helped create this monster, and now you’re profiting off of him." I think the same thing applies in the case of Twitter. More...

1 juin 2018

Is Australia failing to educate?

MelbourneIn higher education - 1.4 million students, 120,000 staff and over $20 billion in exports - point to a remarkable Australian sector, which finds itself relentlessly in the political cross hairs. More...
1 juin 2018

5 ways to cope with disappointing Year 12 results

MelbourneReceiving lower Year 12 scores than you had hoped can be devastating, but there are ways to manage what can be a stressful situation. More...
1 juin 2018

How much exercise keeps our brains healthy as we age?

MelbourneStaying physically active later in life, by doing around an hour and half of moderate aerobic exercise and a couple of strength training sessions per week, can help keep your brain healthy. More...
1 juin 2018

Sinkholes: What on earth’s happening?

MelbourneHave no fear. It might seem as if the earth is opening up everywhere around us, but it’s down to a mix of factors, from geology to human behaviour. More...
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