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16 juin 2018

In Praise of Prickly Women

Despite the negative connotations they incite, they have exactly the kind of insight and persistence that higher ed needs today, argue M. Soledad Caballero and Aimee Knupsky. More...

16 juin 2018

What is machine learning? Everything you need to know

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. At a very high level, machine learning is the process of teaching a computer system how to make accurate predictions when fed data. More...

16 juin 2018

Going beyond the hype: How AI can be used to make a difference

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. Artificial intelligence’s potential to reduce human error and to scale human expertise is worth understanding.  We can also measure inspired ideas and expertise by administration, faculty, advisors, coaches, and others for correlation to individual success and evidence of performance at scale. More...

16 juin 2018

AI and the holy grail of education

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. Personalized learning has long been a “holy grail” in education. Ideally, we would love to be able to work with each student to achieve a more personalized level of learning that taps into individual interests, skills and desires. More...

16 juin 2018

A Tipping Point for OPM?

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. Is a shakeout in the offing? Most analysts and observers say yes, given the number of providers, the lack of differentiation among many of them and growing qualms from some college officials about the industry’s traditional business model of revenue shares and long-term lock-ins. More...

16 juin 2018

Les écoliers français porteront-ils bientôt tous un uniforme ?

l'emag de l'educationIl sera bientôt possible de porter l'uniforme dans les écoles de Provins. Mais il ne s'agira nullement d'une obligation. Pour ses défenseurs, il s'agit d'une solution face aux inégalités scolaires. Pour ses détracteurs, il ne s'agit que d'un fantasme. Plus...

15 juin 2018

Et si la nature en ville permettait une meilleure prise de conscience des enjeux environnementaux ?

Logo CESE - Conseil économique, social et environnementalEn cette journée mondiale de l’environnement, et alors que les Français sont invités à participer à la consultation sur le prochain plan biodiversité du Gouvernement*, je m’interroge sur le fossé qui persiste entre prise de conscience et passage à l’acte. Pour répondre à cette problématique, la nature en ville doit être pleinement considérée car c’est en agissant auprès des urbains (80% de la population française) que l’on peut espérer un renversement de situation. Plus...

15 juin 2018

Myths of Priority and Unity in Mathematics Learning

Myths of Priority and Unity in Mathematics Learning
E. Paul Goldenberg, Cynthia J. Carter, Education Sciences, 2018/06/08
I have in the past challenged the presumption that certain topics are instances of 'foundational' learning but suggesting that concepts like succession and substitution might be more basic in math than addition and multiplication. This article (12 page PDF) makes that case in a much more convincing form. More...

15 juin 2018

Concept Maps in the Trenches

Concept Maps in the Trenches
Geoff Cain, Brainstorm in Progress, 2018/06/06

I like concept maps - I used to make huge ones when I was a student - but they're the sort of thing that I think has never really made the transition to digital media. I think they just need bigger screens. More...

15 juin 2018

Three Things I Learned from Teaching Happiness

Three Things I Learned from Teaching Happiness
Discovery Education, 2018/06/06
Related to the Wil Wheaton post (keeping in mind that 'happiness' is not the opposite of, nor the cure for, depression and anxiety). So what are the three things? First, "The first mistake that people make is equating happiness, the overarching quality of life, with the temporary enjoyment we feel in response to something pleasurable." Second, "people enjoy what they are doing more if they are focused on what they are doing, right when they are doing it" (the thing I really enjoy about giving talks is that they uniquely allow me to be in the moment as I speak). More...

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