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15 octobre 2018

Before Teaching Ethics, Stop Kidding Yourself

Before Teaching Ethics, Stop Kidding Yourself
The point of this article is to encourage would-be teachers of ethics to be honest about including their own self interest in assessments of what we would do in various circumstances where our test of ethics is tested. It is hard not to read this item as an attempt to elevate self interest as a moral principle, but I don't think this is the author's intent (even if it is an outcome). More...

15 octobre 2018

Social Capital in Virtual Learning Communities and Distributed Communities of Practice

Social Capital in Virtual Learning Communities and Distributed Communities of Practice
This is a high quality paper that takes the concept of social capital, described in lavish detail in the first part of the paper, and applies it to online learning. An immediate benefit of this is approach is the drawing of a set of distinctions between virtual learning communities and distributed communities of practice. More...

15 octobre 2018

What's Wrong With This Picture?

What's Wrong With This Picture?
I don't know that I've flattered Jay Cross, mostly because I can't draw, but if I could draw, I would be the first to flatter him. More...

15 octobre 2018

Learning Object Reuse Acknowledgment

Learning Object Reuse Acknowledgment
I think that Alan Levine is definitely on the right track with Learning Object Reuse Acknowledgment (LORA), which tracks the use of learning objects, but I think this is the wrongway to do it: "the system automatically sends a short electronic 'acknowledgment' to the object's home in the 'repository.' In MovableType, this is a 'ping' message that sends a weblog a title, URL, date, and brief blurb of this external mention of a blog post." Why? Well, first, pings are a 'push' medium, and therefor liable (and thus, likely) to be spammed. More...

15 octobre 2018

People Lie More on the Phone Than by Email

People Lie More on the Phone Than by Email
I've been doing a lot of coding this week, which makes me look unproductive (because my software is never commercial grade) but makes me happy. And when I'm happy, I put more stuff into OLDaily. So today's issue is pretty full, and if you're reading the Weekly, reserve an afternoon. More...

15 octobre 2018

Emergent Learning

Emergent Learning
I would normally simply pass on this item instead of hacking eLearn Magazine's URL to give you the bulk of the article (the first paragraph, a throwaway, is temporarily on the magazine's home page), but it was plugged on DEOS and is sufficiently misleading as to warrant a correction. More...

15 octobre 2018

Government-university relations – A troubled matrimony

By Wondwosen Tamrat and Damtew Teferra. Ethiopia has unveiled a draft education roadmap to provide a strategic direction for the next 15 years following the culmination of its 20-year Education Sector Development Programme. The roadmap, still in the discussion phase, covers the entire education sector, including higher education. More...
13 octobre 2018

Puiser à nos pensées irrationnelles pour apprendre

logoFaisons-nous une déraison, soyons fous ! Plongeons-nous dans les limites improbables des sens et de la psyché humaine. Dionysos dieu des bacchanales, des faunes, des satyres et des nymphes nous accueilles dans l'ivresse de ta folie démesurée. Plus...

13 octobre 2018

Est-ce bien raisonnable d'être rationnel ?

logoLa culture classique nous a habitués à nous méfier des émotions et des sentiments. Descartes élabore un modèle de raisonnement où ces éléments n'ont pas leur place. Au XXIème siècle, beaucoup de décisions se prennent sur des analyses multicritères coefficientés. Les tableurs et les algorithmes sont appelés à la rescousse pour penser plus vite et plus loin que nous. Plus...

13 octobre 2018

La propagation des fausses nouvelles, indicateur de l’abandon de la pensée rationnelle

logoIl est souvent question de fausses nouvelles depuis l'élection de Donald Trump aux États-Unis. Cet article propose d'analyser le phénomène des fausses nouvelles et aussi d'éviter d'être un vecteur involontaire de leur propagation. Plus...

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