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15 octobre 2018

The Road to Riches?

The Road to Riches?
I have discussed theory before, so it's only fair that I mention this article describing some rebuttals. The theory is the idea that more diverse theories promote economic growth. The rebuttals, in the form of single year styatistics from selected cities, suggest a more traditional path to growth: Cut taxes and slash onerous regulations. More...

15 octobre 2018

IT Titans

IT Titans
With a string of howlingly funny send-ups of the e-learning industry, the anonymous I.D. is gaining a cult following - and would probably fired if his or her identity were ever known (just so you know: it's not me). More...

15 octobre 2018

The Problems With Training (and What to Do About It)

The Problems With Training (and What to Do About It)
As the author asserts, "Mirroring the 7th grade classroom and the freshman college 101 lecture hall will serve only to copy their mediocrity." Too true. But what to do about it? This essay contains a number of good suggestions, ranging from the ever popular 99-second talks to the importance of food, round tables, and varied activities. More...

15 octobre 2018

Opportunity Rover Finds Strong Evidence Meridiani Planum Was Wet

Opportunity Rover Finds Strong Evidence Meridiani Planum Was Wet
For the last two years, I have very proudly had a link on my home page saying my name will go to Mars. Who cares if it's the "Space Kids" site? Anyhow, I was a bit disappointed when I signed up, because I was so far down the list my name would not be on the first Mars Rover, "Spirit", but on the second, "Opportunity". More...

15 octobre 2018

Stop Teaching My Kid

Stop Teaching My Kid
I couldn't pass on this one. The author's contention is that "most parents want an easy pass (in some cases, an easy A) rather than a course in which their children acquire real knowledge and skills." Whether or not this observation is statistically valid, it nonetheless speaks to a misplacement of value, replacing a desire for accomplishment (that is, learning) with a desire for a sign of accomplishment (that is, an A). More...

15 octobre 2018

Lies! Lies! and Suckers

Lies! Lies! and Suckers
Hm. John C. Dvorak argues that "The Internet is not a bastion of truth and freedom, it's a pit of horror and lies. It's geared up to become a mechanism of tyranny and madness." Nice example, though, as he argues that "trying to determine the exact wording of the 'bumpy ride' quote said by Bette Davis in the movie All About Eve is another amusing Internet exercise... Go to Google and search for 'Betty Davis bumpy ride' or 'All About Eve quotes.'" Spelling the actor's name correctly produces better results, of course, but I have to ask, is this the fault of the internet. More...

15 octobre 2018


Now that Jay Cross has completed his coverage of his trip to Scotland, it is well worth summarizing in an item. One think I like about his work is the number of photos and images - they add a lot. So we are treated with one set, then then another, before we get to the conference. More...

15 octobre 2018

Push to Change Piracy Laws in Unwise

Push to Change Piracy Laws in Unwise
Responses to a column on copyright in Canada last week in the Globe and Mail. The authors are overwhelmingly enthusiastic about author Jack Kapica's stance against the music industry, with the exception of one recording industry executive who contributes a letter containing 'corrections' of questionable veracity. More...

15 octobre 2018

Constructivism and Hands-on Exercises

Constructivism and Hands-on Exercises
Intelligent discussion of the composition of statements of learning objectives in a constructivist environment. "It seems to me," the author writes, "that we always tend to define learning objectives centered around tasks, even though the ability to accomplish tasks is only part of the learning required in order to be able to correctly choose and apply task-based knowledge in practice; the type of learning that constructivism promotes." Nice take from Bill Brandon, in which he suggests that the author "is looking for a way to guide learners without directing or telling them." And the author's response. More...

15 octobre 2018

No Future?

No Future?
Good diagram depicting types of knowledge sharing (and non-sharing). My organization, like most, I suppose, belongs in the fourth group: the "knowledge fortress," where knowledge is hoarded against external threats, and where sharing is encouraged only though building cross functional teams - hence our emphasis on inter-group collaboration, and also on collaboration with selected companies and universities. More...

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