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24 octobre 2018

A University Is Not a Business (and Other Fantasies)

IA University Is Not a Business (and Other Fantasies)
I know a false dilemma when I see it, and I see one in this article. One one horn of the dilemma, a criticism of the university system I have been making for a long time now: that it is essentially a cottage industry, unable or unwilling to adapt to the growing needs of students and society, resistant in so many ways to the opportunities offered by technological change. More...

23 octobre 2018

The Latest Word

The Latest Word
Overview of personal publishing from the point of view of aspiring authors. The take here is that print on demand (POD) can allow publishers to prints small quantities of books, reducing the large costs associated with self publishing. More...

23 octobre 2018

Improving Peer Review: Who's Responsible?

Improving Peer Review: Who's Responsible?
Is peer review too important to be left to publishers. That's the interpretation Peter Suber gives to this article, which otherwise reads as a call for greater training for peer reviewers. There is no doubt that critical assessment is necessary for science to progress. More...

22 octobre 2018

Permanent Casuals: A Contradiction in Terms!

Recent legal decisions are starting to challenge the right of employers to deploy workers in "casual" positions on a long-term basis.
For example, the Federal Court recently ruled that a labour-hire driver who worked regular shifts for years was still entitled to annual leave, even though he was supposedly hired as a "casual." This decision has alarmed business lobbyists who reject any limit on their ability to deploy casual labour, while avoiding traditional entitlements and protections. More...
21 octobre 2018

Mental health in cultural perspective: rethinking adaptation

Screenshot-2018-5-3 EAIE

In late October to early November I would typically get more knocks on my door. Having worked as a psychological counsellor supporting international student populations for over ten years, this was to be expected. More...

21 octobre 2018

Influence: Why the powerful few are more powerful than ever

This cycle that can only be broken through governance systems that ensure that all voices are heard. Yet, political parties and labor unions, once powerful representatives of people’s interests, now face a historical lack of trust. More...

21 octobre 2018

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Vu du Nord, un mystère demeure dans les relations entre Nord et Sud de la planète en matière de développement. Les préconisations des pays du Nord à la plupart des gouvernements du Sud sur la démocratie, la bonne gouvernance, les droits de l’homme, le respect de l’état de droit… semblent d’une telle évidence ! Pourquoi les pays du Sud ne suivent-ils pas ces conseils qui leur sont déversés depuis tant d’années pour leur plus grand bien, afin de rejoindre l’état envié des pays du Nord. More...

21 octobre 2018

Education at a Glance 2018: on the road to equity in education

Education & Skills TodayOne of the most pressing topics on many agendas is how to reduce the achievement gap across populations and ensure that all have access to a quality education. Education serves as the foundation of our progression through life, and policy makers around the world have made it their priority to guarantee that personal and social circumstances – such as gender, socio-economic status or country of origin – do not inhibit personal growth and achievement. More...

21 octobre 2018

HUMANE Autumn Seminar, University of Trento (IT), November 8-9, 2018

Politics, protest and engagement: working with a changing landscape of student activism in the 21st century. More...

21 octobre 2018

Facilitation - connue et inconnue

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Pourquoi la facilitation est-elle maintenant si populaire? On peut dire que c'est juste une mode ... mais plus probablement c'est un besoin authentique. Plus...

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