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1 décembre 2018

Débat : « Bienvenue en France » aux étudiants étrangers, vraiment ?

The ConversationLundi 19 novembre 2018, le gouvernement français a annoncé une nouvelle stratégie pour attirer plus d’étudiants étrangers en France. Sous un nouveau label « Bienvenue en France » attribué aux établissements exemplaires, le premier ministre, Édouard Philippe, souhaite passer de 320 000 étudiants internationaux aujourd’hui à 500 000 dans les universités de l’Hexagone d’ici 2027. De quelle manière ? Entre autres, en augmentant les frais de scolarité pour les étudiants « extra-européens ». Plus...
1 décembre 2018

Êtes-vous capable de visualiser ?

The ConversationPour résumer, à ce jour, on découvre que l’imagerie mentale joue un rôle central dans la définition même de la mémoire autobiographique épisodique (et son pendant la mémoire prospective). Plus...
1 décembre 2018

La fille, la photo et la mauvaise réputation

The ConversationLe scénario est familier. Deux adolescents s’éprennent l’un de l’autre, se draguent, échangent des sextos. Plus...
1 décembre 2018

5 things to know about Fabiano Caruana and his quest to become world chess champion

The ConversationWhen Bobby Fischer became the first American-born world chess champion in 1972, it spurred a dramatic increase in interest in chess. For instance, after Fischer’s world championship victory against the Soviet Union’s Boris Spassky, membership in the United States Chess Federation swelled from just under 31,000 in 1972 to more than 59,000 the following year. More...
30 novembre 2018

¿Por qué hay alumnos que estudian mucho pero no les cunde?

The Conversation“He estudiado muchísimo y me ha salido fatal el examen”.
“Lo sé, pero no sé cómo explicarlo”.
“Lo entiendo, pero cuando tengo que aplicarlo a un caso práctico no sé cómo hacerlo.”
Estas situaciones y otras similares indican que, habiendo hecho un esfuerzo por aprender, muchos estudiantes no lo logran. More...
30 novembre 2018

Deeper listening will change your classroom

The ConversationI said, you said.
Is conflict resolution about one side winning?
It’s not. Usually, a good resolution involves identifying how parties have a concern for both self and others. More...
30 novembre 2018

What’s the best way to take notes on your laptop or tablet?

The ConversationHow many windows and tabs are open on your computer as you read this article? How many different tasks are you trying to do on your computer right now? Electronic devices tempt us to try to multi-task, but according to research, only 5% of people can multi-task efficiently. More...
30 novembre 2018

Questions academics can ask to decolonise their classrooms

The ConversationThe curriculum is not just the “stuff” that students must learn to be knowledgeable and skilled in a particular discipline. It’s about more than just content. More...
30 novembre 2018

Learning Objects: Toys or The Real Thing?

Learning Objects: Toys or The Real Thing?
Read-only wiki page set up by Alan Levine to supplement his talk in New Zealand. More...

30 novembre 2018

Meta-Data Repositories Meet Semantics

Meta-Data Repositories Meet Semantics
This article gives readers a glimpse into what is intended by metadata and metadata repositories. Specifically, "semantic metadata ensures that technical and business users are relying on common business meaning, regardless of how it is represented or referred to. This reduces the all too frequent communications gap that exists within large organizations between IT and the business." Sounds good, but look at the presumption it is based on: "Semantics define a concept's meaning in a manner that is both unambiguous and universally correct in meaning." This is not a sound presumption on which to base an industry. More...

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