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6 mai 2019

Libérer l'entreprise : et si on se trompait de liberté ?

Focus RH - Gestion de carrière et évolution professionnellePar Christophe Faurie. Libérer l’entreprise : tout le monde en rêve. Mais, entre la théorie et la pratique, il y a un fossé. Et si l’on se trompait de liberté. Plus...

5 mai 2019

L'information géographique serait devenue solidaire !

Alternatives EconomiquesSur le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. Nous n'avions pas perçu que le vénérable Institut national de l'information géographique et forestière avait changé de nom et que le solidaire s'était substitué au solidaire. Plus...

5 mai 2019

The May Fourth Movement

Tomorrow is the fourth of May.  In North America, this day has jokingly become known as “Star Wars Day” (i.e. “May the Fourth Be With You”).  But in China, it has a very different meaning.  For it was one hundred years ago tomorrow that one of the most important students revolts of all time began. More...
5 mai 2019

Who influences UK higher education policy?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hepi"It’s a common question, but one that’s tricky to answer. Here are two attempts to do so using simple graphics. I’ve listed the organisations that I think are influential and plotted them on some basic axes. The list and their position is purely a subjective (albeit somewhat informed) judgement call. More...

5 mai 2019

Contextual admissions – a fuller story

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hepi"Thank you, OfS, for publishing Contextual admissions – promoting fairness and rethinking merit. The fundamental premise is that access to higher education is being unfairly denied to disadvantaged students, as evidenced, for example, by the fact that ‘in 2018, 18-year-olds from the most advantaged areas were 2.4 times are more likely to enter higher education and 5.7 times more likely to enter higher-tariff providers than those from the most disadvantaged areas’. More...

5 mai 2019

How collegiate cyber competitions are inspiring tomorrow’s workforce

eCampus NewsCybersecurity roles involve critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and handling fallout that could potentially cripple a business. While students may read about and discuss the foundation of this career in in the classroom, they need real-world experiences. More...

5 mai 2019

How can higher-ed better prepare students to enter the workforce?

eCampus NewsStudents need to be given every chance to practice analyzing information. More...

5 mai 2019

Cambridge University assigns white academic to look at slavery links

The GuardianThe equal rights campaigner and former Labour politician Trevor Phillips has criticised the University of Cambridge’s “bizarre” decision to appoint a white academic as head of a study into the institution’s historical links with slavery. More...

5 mai 2019

Is Tigger the gilet jaune of the Hundred Acre Wood?

The GuardianHere in Wales, it isn’t only subtitles that risk being mistranslated (G2, 26 April; Letters, 29 April). As it is a legal requirement that all road signs be bilingual, the capacity for disaster is increased. More...

5 mai 2019

Sea change: the underwater restaurant with a new approach to marine research

The GuardianSunlight is filtering through the turquoise waters, shimmering with the waves. Jellyfish float in graceful downwards zigzags like translucent baubles. Darting from left to right among clumps of swaying kelp are fishes speckled with bronze and streaked with silver. More...

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