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5 juin 2019

Stoically Working Through This Bad Inheritance

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Tom Hoffman[Edit][Delete]: Stoically Working Through This Bad Inheritance, eSchool News [Edit][Delete] January 12, 2006

Responding to Miguel Guhlin's Banishing Disillusionment post, Tom Hoffman quotes at length from Paul Goodman's Growing Up Absurd. It's a good quote, looking at what progressive education hoped to achieve and explaining, via the weight of history, why social revolutions such as this are not fulfilled. Someone more technocratic, such as myself, would turn to Thomas Kuhn to find the observation that revolutions are accomplished only via the passing of previous generations. Revolution is romantic, but the reality is that a society is changed only one mind at a time, one heart at a time, and that this is necessarily a slow process, even in an age of rapid change. More...

5 juin 2019

The Secrets of Their Success - and Yours

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Anna Muoio[Edit][Delete]: The Secrets of Their Success - and Yours, Fast Company [Edit][Delete] January 12, 2006

I don't seek to achieve 'success' in the sense usually intended by any of these commentators - for me, 'success' is a very specific emotional state, a mixture of happiness, harmony and satisfaction. Hard to explain. And for me, very elusive. Still, much of what is described in this article describes the external conditions that (sometimes) lead to the achievement of that state. More...

5 juin 2019

Meaning Making, Learning, Subjectivity

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. George Siemens[Edit][Delete]: Meaning Making, Learning, Subjectivity, Connectivism Blog [Edit][Delete] January 12, 2006

I keep postponing this link because I want to write a response to this. But maybe I should just post the link and let it speak for itself, saying for now only that George Siemens questions my assertions about the subjectivity of knowledge. "I'm comfortable stating that everything we see/do is personally interpreted. In many cases, however, an objective concept exists as a tempering point for assigning value to my subjectivity." I'll get my chance to discuss this with him online shortly. More...

5 juin 2019

The Hive Mind: Folksonomies and User-Based Tagging

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Ellyssa Kroski[Edit][Delete]: The Hive Mind: Folksonomies and User-Based Tagging, InfoTangle [Edit][Delete] January 12, 2006

Good introduction to the concepts of folksonomy and tagging, though if you are familiar with the topic you won't learn a lot that's new. Especially useful is the list of advantages and disadvantages of folksonomies. The author concludes, correctly, "The advantages to top-down hierarchical taxonomies for library collections are without question. For cataloging the Web, however, they just aren't feasible." A lot of people working on traditional (structured and formal) semantic web applications will learn this the hard way. More...

5 juin 2019

The Inevitable Personal Learning Environment Post

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. James Farmer[Edit][Delete]: The Inevitable Personal Learning Environment Post, Incorporated Subversion [Edit][Delete]Incorporated subversion [Edit][Delete] January 11, 2006

The barrier to the personal learning environment (PLE) is not technological, argues James Farmer. "Major institutions aren't going to start switching their LMSs to our PLEs any time soon and yes security, ip, maturity and (above all IMO) the structuralist transmissive models that LMSs on the whole play up to and re-enforce make this a difficult journey." Still, "stranger things have happened." Farmer suggests that personal aggregation will play a key role (and I agree) and that the blog (such as offered by WordPress) forms the basis of this environment. More...

5 juin 2019

An Incomplete Manifesto for Growth

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. An Incomplete Manifesto for Growth, Bruce Mau Design [Edit][Delete] January 11, 2006

Interesting and relevant. A document, as James McGee points out, "to get you beyond thinking differently but doing differently." A good start, but it seems to me that the objective is to get to the point of, if you will, 'being differently' - to become the changes you want to see in your life. As in, "Allow events to change you. You have to be willing to grow. Growth is different from something that happens to you. You produce it. You live it. The prerequisites for growth: the openness to experience events and the willingness to be changed by them". More...
5 juin 2019

Twelve Habits of Successful IT Professionals

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Brian L. Hawkins[Edit][Delete]: Twelve Habits of Successful IT Professionals, EDUCAUSE Review [Edit][Delete]EDUCAUSE REVIEW [Edit][Delete] January 13, 2006

From the most recent issue of EDUCAUSE Review, this article offers a reasonable - though not perfect - list of factors promoting success for IT professionals (of course, the definition of 'success' here is implicit). Things roll along fine until we hit principle number 5, where the article takes a turn, equating 'success' with (it seems to me) obedience. More...

5 juin 2019

Thriftiness is a Virtue - in Learning and Education

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Teemu Leinonen[Edit][Delete]: Thriftiness is a Virtue - in Learning and Education, As Well, FLOSSE Posse [Edit][Delete] January 13, 2006

The concept in a nutshell: "The whole idea behind the free or libre learning is thriftiness. We can not afford to loose people who are interested in to learn: whatever they do it inside the formal system or informally with content from libraries / Internet and in online discussions with their peers". More...

5 juin 2019

Hypermedia and Discovery Based Learning: What Value?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Gabriel Jacobs[Edit][Delete]: Hypermedia and Discovery Based Learning: What Value?, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology [Edit][Delete] January 10, 2006

Interesting paper that should give us pause for thought. The author writes, "As I saw things, hyperlink technology would finally allow learning truly to mesh with the free association characteristics of the human mind. Once the technology had matured, it would be a teaching resource that would transform passive learners into active thinkers. Thirteen years on, I take a critical look at those optimistic conclusions". More...

5 juin 2019

Questions from a Provocateur

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Wick Sloane[Edit][Delete]: Questions from a Provocateur, Inside Higher Ed [Edit][Delete] January 10, 2006

"Somehow," writes the author, "I missed the meeting where the nation decided to exit public higher education. I was, after all, chief financial officer of a public university. This is no fantasy. This drama is under way across the nation. More...

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