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18 mai 2014

Where Do MOOCs Fit in Higher Education?

By Allie Bidwell. Online education providers don't always live up to their promises, critics say.
University faculty members from across the country continued an attack on massive open online courses with a video and group of letters sent to three leading online education providers, claiming the companies overpromise and underdeliver when it comes to the types of students they claim to serve. The Campaign for the Future of Higher Education last week sent letters to the leaders of Coursera, Udacity and edX saying the claims the companies made about online higher education are "overblown, misleading, or simply false." In an accompanying video released Tuesday, the coalition of faculty leaders questions whether online education providers are adequately serving student populations they have claimed to help in the past, such as those in rural communities and underdeveloped countries. More...

18 mai 2014

Prove yourself: Academic integrity in MOOCs and online courses Stefanie Botelho. Technology continues to change the way learning and assessment are conducted in higher education. As the methods of learning are digitized, assessment must follow—but, not surprisingly, faculty using new testing methods are experiencing obstacles that don’t exist in the physical classroom. To preview the upcoming UBTech Conference session, “Prove yourself: Academic integrity in MOOCs and online courses,” UBTech speakers Darin Kapanjie and Carly Haines of Temple University discuss the challenge of online student cheating, useful digital assessment tools and more. More...

17 mai 2014

Rhetoric Check

HomeBy Carl Straumsheim. The faculty leaders behind the Campaign for the Future of Higher Education continued their barrage against massive open online courses on Tuesday, challenging the providers to come clean on “overblown, misleading or simply false” rhetoric.
In letters blasted off last week to the founders of Coursera, edX and Udacity, the organization expresses its concern that the MOOC providers are motivated not by the “needs of our students, but the needs of [their] investors.” Read more...

17 mai 2014

Are MOOCs Just Moneymaking Scams? Providers Challenged To Substantiate Grandiose Claims

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Are MOOCs Just Moneymaking Scams? Providers Challenged To Substantiate Grandiose Claims
Keith Button, Campus Technology.

So the Campaign for the Future of Higher Education has launched a video and campaign against MOOCs, depicting MOOCs as schemes designed to make money. This follows the release of three working papers  last year "questioning the basic positive assumptions about online education." I will admit, Coursera, Udacity and EdX make good targets. But it doesn't make sense to tar all MOOCs (and all online learning) with the same brush. More on this item at Inside Higher Ed, Huffington Post, L.A. Times. More...

17 mai 2014

Conventional Online Higher Education Will Absorb MOOCs, 2 Reports Say

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Conventional Online Higher Education Will Absorb MOOCs, 2 Reports Say
Steve Kolowich, The Chronicle: Wired Campus Blog.

I think that the most interesting thing about this headline is that it asserts that there is such a thing as 'conventional online higher education'. Even a few years ago the words would have choked in the Chronicle headline writer's pen. So the two reports are from Center on Higher Education Reform at the American Enterprise Institute, which released the Bellwether report, and Teachers College at Columbia University, which released a report cited here the other day. More...

17 mai 2014

The MOOC Problem

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The MOOC Problem
Rolin Moe, Hybrid Pedagogy.

Interetsing article about the appropriation of terms like 'MOOC' and '2.0' to support marketing. The author concludes "MOOCs have been sold not only as an agent to democratize education, but also as a necessity because the real crisis is about employment and not learning." But also, this is worth noting: "in reality the MOOC as a learning system has underperformed traditional models and shows no large-scale cost benefit to education providers. More...

17 mai 2014

Métissons nos compétences (pour faire des MOOCs !) le blog Educpros de Christine Vaufrey. « Le numérique n’est pas une affaire de geek », ça vous dit quelque chose ? J’ai lu cette phrase dans le rapport du dernier baromètre Inria – Sofres sur Les Français et le Numérique. Le numérique, c’est l’affaire de nous tous, car nous l’utilisons au quotidien, il prolonge notre vie dans l’espace immatériel. Suite de l'article...
17 mai 2014

Moocs et emploi : en France, c’est pas gagné le blog Educpros de Christine Vaufrey. J’ai beaucoup apprécié la tribune de Julia Stiglitz sur Educpros, « Pourquoi l’éducation en ligne est indispensable dans le monde d’aujourd’hui » (7 mai 2014). Elle rappelle quelques vérités qui plaident toutes en faveur d’un plus large accès à la formation tout au long de la vie. Suite de l'article...
17 mai 2014

Apprendre à coder avec les MOOC ? Educpros de Matthieu Cisel. L’apprentissage  de la programmation et de l’informatique est au cœur du mouvement MOOC dès ses débuts. C’est d’ailleurs un professeur d’intelligence artificielle de Stanford, Sebastian Thrun, le fondateur d’Udacity, qui ouvrit le bal à l’automne 2011 avec un cours qui attira près de 150.000 participants. Pour autant, les programmeurs n’ont pas attendu l’avènement des MOOC pour se former en ligne. Entre les sites de tutoriels comme feu le Site du Zéro (maintenant Open Classrooms), les forums comme Stackoverflow, ou les sites comme la Codecademy et Codeschool, ce ne sont pas les solutions qui manquent si l’on souhaite se former en ligne gratuitement (ou à peu de frais). Afin de mieux comprendre la place des MOOC, petit tour d’horizon des principales approches d’autoformation dans le domaine de l’informatique et de la programmation. Suite de l'article...
17 mai 2014

Cadrer son projet de MOOC Educpros de Matthieu Cisel. « Monter un MOOC de A à Z« , le MOOC pour apprendre à faire des MOOC, sera lancé d’ici quelques semaines. Nous sommes en train de finaliser une quantité appréciable de vidéos pour couvrir la diversité des questions et des problèmes qui se posent au cours de la conception de telles formations. Pour les plus valeureux, pour ceux qui ont déjà en tête leur propre idée de MOOC et qui veulent faire davantage que simplement consulter des vidéos, nous avons conçu un véritable petit parcours du combattant. Suite de l'article...
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