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16 novembre 2013

The First Crack of EdTech 2.0: The EdTech Hype Bubble of 2011-2013

The First Crack of EdTech 2.0: The EdTech Hype Bubble of 2011-2013Mark November 2013 as the first crack of the current 2011-2013 EdTech Hype Bubble.  In the same 30 day span that saw Chegg chip away at its eggshell with an amended S-1 filing in its eventual emergence as a public company, Chegg’s co-founder Osman Rashid was dismissed from his follow-up act Kno as its financial investors turned it over to strategic investor Intel for “pennies on the dollar”.  This now brings to three the number of casualties amongst the current, over-hyped Silicon Valley EdTech Darlings. 
Regular correspondents of Educated Ventures will be familiar with my highlighting of the “Seven Sisters” of EdTech (originally just “Five Horseman” before the addition of two MOOCs), but for new readers, there are seven start-ups which have each raised capital from at least two of the top decile returning venture funds: Grockit (Benchmark / Atlas); Knewton (Accel / Bessemer); 2U (Bessemer / Highland / Redpoint); Edmodo (Benchmark / Greylock / NEA); Altius Education (Charles River Ventures / Spark); Coursera (KPCB / NEA); and Udacity (CRV / Andressen). More...

15 novembre 2013

Monter un MOOC : combien ça coûte ? Educpros de Matthieu Cisel. Avec le buzz qui monte rapidement, enseignants et établissements sont de plus en plus nombreux à vouloir se lancer dans l’aventure des MOOC, et la première question qui vient naturellement à l’esprit est celle du coût. Combien faut-il pour monter un MOOC de bout en bout ? Les chiffres qui sortent sont souvent opposés, on entend parfois 400 euros, parfois plus de  100.000 euros. Qui croire ? Petites réflexions personnelles sur le sujet... 
Commençons par revenir sur les principaux lots de travail. Comme nous l’avons souligné de nombreuses fois au cours des derniers mois (L’organisation d’un MOOC, un travail d’équipe), le montage d’un MOOC est avant tout un travail d’équipe. Suite de l'article...
15 novembre 2013

LinkedIn moves to legitimize Web classes by Coursera, Udacity, others

By . If an online course doesn't get you college credit, why watch video lectures and complete Web assignments? 
Perhaps showing off to potential employers could create that incentive. A new partnership between LinkedIn and some of the most-hyped companies in education technology suggests that providers of Massive Open Online Courses, aka MOOCs, are seeking to establish online courses as valid professional credentials that people can tout on their LinkedIn profiles. LinkedIn announced the new "Direct-to-Profile Certifications" pilot program in a blog post today. Organizations participating in the program include: MOOC startups Coursera, Udacity and Udemy; Harvard and MIT-backed nonprofit MOOC provider edX; publishing giant Pearson; e-learning companies and Skillsoft. More...

13 novembre 2013

New Knight Center MOOC on Media Project Development

The Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas [es], with the support of Google [es], will be offering a free Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in Spanish for journalists and student interested in learning about creating new online projects and generating audiences and revenue.

13 novembre 2013

All content videos on #OER, #MOOC and #opened13 . If you can, take the rest of the week off for research purposes. Go home, activate your internet, take which ever device you like best and look at one of the sessions coming from last weeks Open Education conference. All the talks can be viewed, everything is out in the open and most of the talks are about 30 minutes long, so fairly digestible. 
All the speaker sessions can be viewed here: and you simply select the session you think is going to lift you to the next knowledge level. And there are a lot of content topics to choose. More...

13 novembre 2013

6 Steps to Organizing a MOOC

MOOC 6 Steps to Organizing a MOOC Have you considered running a Massive Open Online Course or as it’s commonly called, a MOOC? I’ve been involved in MOOCs since 2007.  I started with Muvenation, an 18-month MOOC for educators on how to create courses in Second Life. I then went on to join George Siemens and Stephen Downes for the Connectivism & Connective Knowledge or CCK08, the first official MOOC in the world. 
I started organizing my own MOOCs in 2013 with the first Moodle MOOC in the world in June 2013 on WizIQ and the second one in October 2013. I also helped facilitate the first ELT Vocabulary MOOC led by Jason R. Levine with Sylvia Guinan on WizIQ.  MOOCs are now organized by universities worldwide. The platforms may vary, but MOOCs are open to anyone who wants to learn for free. More...

11 novembre 2013

London predicts Mooc recruitment windfall . International Programmes analysis points to courses’ marketing benefits. Results from only the second UK university to run massive open online courses on a major US platform have shown the tool’s potential power for recruiting students to full programmes. 
The University of London International Programmes said that it expected to recruit 45 fee-paying students as a result of the Moocs it ran earlier this year. 
Between June and August, it offered four courses on the Coursera platform and said it hoped to generate at least £200,000 from students who otherwise would not have enrolled on its fee-paying programmes. More...

10 novembre 2013

MOOC: Exploring the Student Affairs Profession Eric Stoller. Earlier this year, I asked whether or not Student Affairs needed a technology MOOC. The idea being that a technology MOOC for Student Affairs would be useful as a way to provide access to a baseline of technology-related content for Student Affairs practitioners (especially for folks who are in masters level higher education programs). It does seem like MOOCs would be useful platforms for those of us who work in (and study) higher education. At the very least, we would be using the very tools that many of us expect our students to use. Having direct fluency with MOOCs and online learning would be highly useful for all Student Affairs practitioners. Read more...
10 novembre 2013

50,000 Strong to Change Higher Ed Carl Straumsheim. Can 50 face-to-face courses, one massive open online course and more than 50,000 students working together change higher education? That’s what Duke University professor Cathy N. Davidson hopes, even as she embraces the technological issues of guiding an effort the size of a small city. The initiative, called “The History and Future of Higher Education,” is being coordinated by Davidson, co-founder of the Humanities, Arts, Science and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory, or HASTAC. The sprawling collaborative includes dozens of universities across the world, international conferences, webinars, an open online discussion forum and -- of course -- a MOOC. Read more...
9 novembre 2013

The Race is on to Segment for MOOCs: To the Victor Go the Spoils Michal Clements. MOOCs have emerged as a disruptive force in  ‘traditional’ higher education.  A MOOC is a Massive Open Online Course allowing unlimited student enrollment through the internet. Coursera is one leading provider, encouraging participants to, “Take the world’s best courses, online, for free.” 
In a meetup held at Northwestern University on October 17th, four of the major functions of universities were identified: education, credentialing, socialization and research. The conversation touched on how MOOCs may be unbundling some of these roles by offering education and credentialing, while clearly not addressing others, i.e., research and socialization. More...

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