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9 novembre 2013

Brown to Present MOOC Successes at Blackboard Leadership Conference Diane Stirling. The planning, design, and implementation processes behind two Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) offered by the School of Information Studies (iSchool)—and their successful outcomes—will be the subject of a presentation at an educational leadership conference in London this week. 
Peggy Brown, director of learning systems and an adjunct instructor at the iSchool, will provide fellow professionals a look at the before and after efforts that went into the implementation of two MOOCs, “An Introduction to Data Science with R,” and “New Librarianship: The Master Class,” both offered by the School this year. Her presentation to a group of online education professionals and educators at the autumn gathering of the Blackboard Education Leadership Forum will focus on the elements that produced successful outcomes. Brown expects to illustrate the planning, promotion, enrollment, engagement, implementation, and follow-up processes that produced the higher-than-normal participation and completion rates the School experienced. More...

9 novembre 2013

Hey Educators, Shut Up About MOOCs Already! . That's massive open online courses, to you and me. And MOOCs are everywhere. But they may also be polarizing in a way that is hurting the future of education.
I can’t remember if it was "MOOCs are Everywhere," or "Rise of the MOOCs," or what headline I had just read when I finally lost it. I yelled out “Oh God! STFU about MOOCs already!” into the dark corners of my Spartan, tech-nerd-bunker, like a crotchety old loon of 34 shaking my angry fist at nothing (repetitive). It had been a long day of hustle and grind, I had lost it for a few seconds, and I’d like to share those few seconds of thinking with you here today. More...

9 novembre 2013

Queen Rania Foundation Partners with edX to Create First MOOC Portal for the Arab World Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan announced today the creation of Edraak, an education initiative of the Queen Rania Foundation for Education and Development (QRF). Edraak, a partnership with non-profit online learning initiative edX, will be a MOOC portal for the Arab world and will bring quality education to millions of Arabic-speaking students around the globe.  Her Majesty Queen Rania witnessed the historic signing of the agreement by QRF CEO Haifa Dia Al-Attia and edX president Anant Agarwal at edX's Cambridge offices. More...

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9 novembre 2013

Макроэкономика (Macroeconomics)Данный курс покрывает на базовом уровне все основные темы макроэкономики.
This course provides a basic introduction to major macroeconomic issues.
Примерно две трети курса посвящены анализу общего равновесия на рынках труда, заемных средств, финансовых, денежных, товарных рынках, а также международных потоков капитала. Изучается долгосрочный экономический рост, идущий за счет накопления капитальных мощностей и технического прогресса.  Вторая часть курса посвящена изучению природы краткосрочных колебаний вокруг долгосрочной траектории роста, таким как финансовый кризис и мировая рецессия 2008-2009 годов. Обсуждаются причины подобных спадов, а также оптимальная стабилизационная политика государства, призванная либо предотвращать подобные катаклизмы, либо сглаживать последствия от них.
The first and somewhat bigger part of the course is dedicated to the description of the general equilibrium in the economy, including the labor market, market for loanable funds, financial market, money market, and the goods market, as well as international capital flows. This part also covers long-term growth, associated with accumulation of capital and technological progress. The second part of the course is dedicated to the analysis of the short-term fluctuations around the long-term growth trend, such the world financial crisis and the global recession of 2008-2009. We will discuss causes of such recessions, and the optimal stabilization policy called to prevent and mitigate the effects from such economic catastrophes.
View the MOOC.

9 novembre 2013

OpenMOOC: A new open source MOOC platform platform is completely open-source and offers the fundamental features of a MOOC:

Identity Provider: Students can register and create a user identity for the course.

Video: video content is streamed from YouTube and can be integrated with documents, teacher’s remarks, and the discussion forum. The content is available from any kind of internet-connected device.

Modules: the courses are broken down into “knowledge pills” which consist of a short video accompanied by supplementary materials, such as documents, links, or exercises. The pills can be used as homework or exams by configuring the deadlines and whether or not students can see the answers.

Discussion forum: Each course has associated an intelligent discussion forum where students and teachers can discuss and collaborate.

Askbot: A question and answer platform for direct communication between the teachers and students.

Several organizations are already using OpenMOOC, notably the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. The OpenMOOC website includes the project documentation, roadmap, blog, and download and setup instructions. The source code is hosted on GitHub and programmers are welcome to contribute patches, create a fork of the project on GitHub and submit a pull request. To find out more about the platform and its features, please visit the OpenMOOC website.

9 novembre 2013

91% MOOC satisfaction rating for University of London International Programmes of respondents rated their experience as ‘Good’, ‘Very Good’ or ‘Excellent’ in a post-course survey of the massive open online courses (MOOCs) offered by the University of London International Programmes on the Coursera online platform. The four free online courses offered, which began in June this year, were: Creative Programming for Digital Media & Mobile Apps, English Common Law: Structure and Principles, Malicious Software and its Underground Economy: Two Sides to Every Story, and The Camera Never Lies.
An impressive 210,000 students signed up to the courses from countries all over the world, including the United States, India, Brazil, Spain and Canada, among many others.
The MOOCs took the format of video lectures, assessments based on automatically-graded multiple choice questions or peer reviews, and forums allowing the students to interact with the content, each other and course teams. Twitter chats and live video sessions were also used as part of the English Common Law MOOC. Of the 210,000 total registered students, 90,000 of them went on to participate in the courses as ‘active’ students, with 8,843 completing a course in full, to receive a Statement of Accomplishment. More...

9 novembre 2013

MOOCs: How did we get here?

I’m at the Open Education conference in Park City, Utah. The conference is now in its impressive 10th year. I did a presentation following Andrew Ng (Coursera). Slides and video are below. The focus is on my early experiences with MOOCs, their current state, and future directions (as well as some angst and hope). 
Open Education 2013
from gsiemens.

9 novembre 2013

Introducing Coursera Learning Hubs: Global Participation, Local Access and Support! Coursera, we envision a future where everyone has access to a world-class education. We strive to create and deliver experiences that break down daily barriers that stand in the way of successful learning. Today, in support of our goals, we’re delighted to announce a new initiative- Coursera Learning Hubs - that will offer people around the world physical spaces where they can access the Internet to take a Coursera course, while learning alongside peers in an interactive, facilitated setting. All for free. More...

9 novembre 2013

Saving Universities in the Era of MOOCs: How Service-Oriented Schools can Add Value in the Online Learning Boom . This past year has brought a massive amount of attention to Massive Open Online Courses, and much speculation about what they mean for traditional institutions of learning. The education and technology blogosphere have been breathlessly predicting the end of the world for traditional, brick-and-mortar universities and colleges as elite institutions like MIT, Stanford, Harvard and the University of California throw their weighty reputations behind low cost online courses from Udacity, Coursera, EdX, and Canvas Network. At the same time, sage edtech watchers like Audrey Watters and Michael Feldstein caution that we may be permanently dismantling much that is good in education as we try to keep up with the VC-funded race to give away high quality instruction for free to the masses. To understand the terrain we’re entering, it helps to talk about the value proposition that traditional schools have provided to students, and discuss how the new economics of online learning might disrupt that. More...

8 novembre 2013

MOOC : Espace mondial et Humanités scientifiquesésentation des deux cours en ligne proposés par Sciences Po 
Le cours Espace mondial de Bertrand Badie
À propos du cours

Comment le mondial reconstruit l’action publique et les comportements sociaux. Au-delà d’une conception exclusivement interétatique de la scène mondiale, on verra comment les différents acteurs, publics ou privés, individuels ou collectifs, politiques, économiques et sociaux, échangent et s’opposent pour construire de nouvelles relations internationales.
Cet enseignement est transdisciplinaire (histoire, économie, science politique, géographie, droit, anthropologie…) et apporte les connaissances de base sur les grands enjeux internationaux (puissance, flux transnationaux, acteurs, questions d'identité, conflits, coopération…) ainsi que des perspectives d'interprétation qui s'inspirent d’une approche française de l'international, de son substrat sociologique et historique. La dimension spatiale et la cartographie y tiennent une place importante.
Le cours Humanités scientifiques de Bruno Latour
About the Course
"Scientific humanities" means the extension of interpretative skills to the discoveries made by science and to technical innovations. The course will equip future citizens with the means to be at ease with many issues that straddle the distinctions between science, morality, politics and society.
Sciences Po sur la plateforme FUN.

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