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7 janvier 2017

Landscape of LGBTIQ rights altered significantly since 2004

FrenchThe landscape of LGBTIQ rights has altered significantly since then and particularly over the past three years which have seen Malta climb to the first place of ILGA-Europe’s Rainbow Index as a gamut of legislation has been introduced. These included the Civil Union Act granting legal recognition to same-sex couples and their children, the Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics Act based on the principles of self-determination and bodily integrity and the Constitutional protections against discrimination for the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity among others and most recently the banning of conversion practices and depathologisation of trans identities. Voir l'article...

7 janvier 2017

Réunion du groupe de haut niveau sur l’intégration de la dimension de genre (parité hommes-femmes)

FrenchLa promotion de l’égalité des sexes est une activité centrale de l’UE : l’égalité entres les hommes et les femmes est une valeur fondamentale de l’UE, un objectif de l’UE et un moteur de la croissance économique.   L’intégration de la dimension de genre contribue à la promotion de l’égalité entre les sexes, où une perspective de l’égalité des genres est intégrée dans les politiques et les actions.   Malgré les progrès réalisés ces dernières années (par exemple par l'augmentation du  taux d'emploi parmi les femmes), une inégalité persistante reste dans d’autres secteurs (en termes de rémunérations et de salaires). Voir l'article...

1 janvier 2017

FESTA - Handbook On Resistance To Gender Equality In Academia

This online handbook aims to present a deeper understanding of resistance to structural change to gender equality in academic institutions and the ways of dealing with it.
It is concerned with forms, directions, and aspects of resistance coming from men and women as well as the organizations, and the ways resistance operates (FESTA, 2012). For the purposes of the handbook, all resistance incidents encountered by the partner institutions during the course of FESTA project have been recorded and analyzed. We have agreed to include here 31 of these narratives summarizing what has worked well and what barriers have been experienced along the process of change towards gender equality in the member institutions of FESTA. We have also composed a list of recommendations for dealing with a variety of possible resistance incidents along the process of change. The references section is expected to be useful to the reader interested in further reading in the area. More...
1 janvier 2017

FESTA - Female Empowerment in Science and Technology Academia

FESTA is concerned with implementing changes in the working environment of academic researchers,to encourage female researchers to stay and make a career in the academy and to create organizational environments where their competence is valued and fostered. In particular, we address the working environment of researchers in the lower levels of their careers, to make it possible for them to advance to the ranks of highest scientific expertise.
FESTA partners take actions on some core issues, which have seldom been directly addressed in previous activities in particular on the daily environment of researchers: formal and informal decision making processes, meeting cultures, PhD supervision, perceptions of excellence in hiring processes and in the work environment, and resistance to equality measures.
As gender equality projects are seldom simply transferable from one context to another, FESTA actions are carefully analyzed in regard to the contextual success and failure factors. Research environments in different European contexts can use the variety of measures which FESTA come out with in addressing core issues in their gender equality work. We formulate toolkits and manuals and disseminate it nationally and on the European level in workshops, conferences and through the different networks of the FESTA partners. In addition we communicate through the FESTA website and in papers. More...
29 décembre 2016

Is Santa sexist if he gives your daughter a doll for Christmas?

The ConversationBy . There is clear evidence that children over the age of two years typically prefer toys stereotyped to their own sex, but studies involving young babies have to rely on interpretation of their visual behaviour as they are shown toys, or pictures of toys, in a laboratory setting. More...

29 décembre 2016

Why girls are put off studying computer science

The ConversationBy . Despite the phenomenal rise in computing over the last 50 years, the birth of the internet, and our ever increasing reliance on technology, women are still not engaging with computer science at the same rate as men. More...

29 décembre 2016

Single-sex schools: Could they harm your child?

The ConversationBy . Gender-segregated education is making a comeback. Single-sex classrooms, long discouraged under Title IX, the federal law that prohibits gender discrimination in education, have been gaining prominence in recent years, especially in urban charter schools. More...

25 décembre 2016

Un site pour faciliter l'égalité dans l'entreprise

Afficher l'image d'origineL'Etat et les partenaires sociaux ont créé, un portail pour comprendre les enjeux de l'égalité avec une documentation fournie : vidéos, quizz, textes légilatifs... Chefs d'entreprises, responsables des ressources humaines, représentants syndicaux et salariés trouveront une information personnalisée. Voir l'article...

25 décembre 2016

Vers l'égalité réelle entre les femmes et les hommes

Afficher l'image d'origineElaborée par le Ministère des Droits des femmes en lien avec ses partenaires ministériels, l’édition 2014 des « Chiffres clés de l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes » se veut un outil pratique et disponible, participant au mouvement d’ouverture des données publiques.
Elle présente de manière synthétique les inégalités persistantes dans notre société, et constitue un outil pédagogique pour aborder les enjeux majeurs de l’action publique pour l’égalité réelle entre les femmes et les hommes : lutte contre les stéréotypes dès le plus jeune âge et dans tous les domaines de la vie sociale, amélioration de la situation des femmes sur le marché du travail et réduction des inégalités professionnelles, lutte contre le plafond de verre et concrétisation du principe constitutionnel de parité, amélioration de la santé des femmes, lutte contre les violences faites aux femmes.
24 % d’écarts de salaires, 42 % d’écarts de pensions, 26,9 % de femmes députées. Voilà quelques-unes des inégalités rappelées dans cette édition. Voir l'article...

23 décembre 2016

Under-representation of women in political life undermines democratic processes in the Eastern Partnership countries: new study

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""Democracy should apply to all women and men equally, concluded participants at an international conference that took place in Kyiv on 1 December, where a new regional study on the situation in Eastern Partnership countries was presented.
The event focused on women’s political representation in the Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus) It brought together more than 80 participants representing Parliaments, Central Election Commissions, media, civil society organisations and independent gender experts, who exchanged opinions and discussed measures and strategies to enhance women’s political representation in their respective countries. More...

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