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22 mai 2017

A Tribute Matt Reed. I’d like to take a moment to acknowledge the unsung heroes of higher education. More...
18 mai 2017

Higher Education Today - Policy & Research

Commentary and analysis on today’s most pressing concerns and innovative practices in higher education policy and research. Staffed by ACE’s Center for Policy Research & Strategy and Government Relations, along with guest posts from ACE members and other scholars working in the field to define and assess the critical challenges facing colleges and universities. More...
18 mai 2017

Higher Education Today - From Our Members

The innovative initiatives advanced by ACE member colleges and universities are changing the landscape of higher education. Read about a selection of these initiatives below. More...
17 mai 2017

Who Are You? The Importance of Identity in Higher Ed Research

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Who Are You? The Importance of Identity in Higher Ed Research
Tanya Roscorla, Center for Digital Education, 2017/05/02
This article doesn't discuss identity in the theoretical sense, but rather, identity in the technical sense, with respect to system security. How do you manage access, for example, for Jenny, a person who changes campus but who needs to continue collaboration with the same team for her PhD research. More...

17 mai 2017

Higher education for development : an evaluation of the World Bank Group’s support

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " logo"The World Bank Group’s twin goals have redefined the rationale for engagement across all sectors. Although the World Bank Group has never had an explicit strategy for higher education, institutional- and regional-level strategies and knowledge work anchor. More...
16 mai 2017

Seis maneras de asegurar que la educación superior no deje a nadie atrás

HomeLa enseñanza superior es la piedra angular del desarrollo sostenible.1 Crea nuevos conocimientos, enseña competencias específicas y promueve valores fundamentales como la libertad, la tolerancia y la dignidad. Según la meta 4.3 del Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 4 (ODS4), relativo a las oportunidades de recibir una educación de calidad inclusiva y equitativa y de aprendizaje a lo largo de toda la vida para todos, en 2030 los países deberían proporcionar a todas las mujeres y todos los hombres igualdad de acceso a una enseñanza técnica, profesional y superior asequible y de calidad, incluida la enseñanza universitaria. La consecución de esa meta facilitará no solo la del ODS4, sino también la de todos los demás ODS. More...

16 mai 2017

Six ways to ensure higher education leaves no one behind

HomeThis policy paper, written in partnership with the UNESCO International Institute for Education Planning (IIEP), makes policy recommendations for equitable and affordable higher education to better support the implementation of the SDG agenda. To do this, it reviews recent trends in higher education expansion, identifies disparities in student participation, examines policy tools and practices for fostering equity, and explores ways to target assistance at those who need it most. More...

10 mai 2017

Droit d'accès à l'enseignement supérieur public pour les meilleurs lycéens

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)Sur la base de leurs résultats au bac, les meilleurs élèves par filière de chaque lycée bénéficient d'un droit d'accès dans les formations de l'enseignement supérieur public où une sélection peut être opérée.
Un décret fixe, pour 2017, à 10 % le pourcentage des meilleurs élèves par filière de chaque lycée bénéficiant de ce droit.
Décret n° 2017-788 du 5 mai 2017. Voir l'article...
9 mai 2017

New ways to make the case for the public good of HE

By Ellen Hazelkorn and Andrew Gibson. Today, as the debate about widening participation, employment and graduate attributes and the importance of higher education and research intensifies in many countries, the public is asking whether its interests are being served. Those interests inevitably vary depending upon who is asked – students, parents, employers, the media, politicians, etc. More...

9 mai 2017

A stronger Theresa May but for what, especially in HE?

By Simon Marginson. In Turkey we see an extended version of this ‘strategy’ that is not a strategy, at severe cost to political, civil and intellectual freedoms in that country. The same so-called ‘strongman’ politics has appeared in different ways in Hungary and Russia, and in Donald Trump’s United States. And in the United Kingdom. Read more...

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