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25 septembre 2014

U.S. online-education company Udacity raises $35 mln for 'nanodegrees'

MynextfoneU.S. online-education company Udacity said Wednesday it had raised $35 million and was offering its first "nanodegree" course, which aims to teach a skill but at a fraction of the cost of a college degree.
The credential aims to provide a way for students to prove they have mastered some sort of skill, such as data analysis or programming, without the time commitment or expense of getting a traditional college degree.
Built with AT&T Inc, the degree in web development will start at around $1,200, said Udacity, based in Mountain View, California. Udacity's biggest market is the United States, followed by India, the United Kingdom and Germany. More...

24 septembre 2014

La FOAD pour les salariés du secteur bancaire

Selon les Echos, l'offre numérique force actuellement les banques à repenser la relation entre leurs conseillers et leurs clients. De plus en plus d’agences sont digitales et l’offre accessible en ligne. C'est pourquoi, les conseillers doivent désormais s’adapter et être en capacité de proposer une réponse multicanale.
Voir l'article.

22 septembre 2014

Online university skips class to be more accessible

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Online university skips class to be more accessible
Hari Sreenivasan, PBS, 2014/09/15
The show in a nutshell (transcript is below video): "Almost all of online education today is still based on the credit hour and the course. We don’t have any courses, and we don’t have any credit hours, but we have 120 competencies, and you can master those as fast as you like, or as slow. More...

21 septembre 2014

First Timers Teaching Online Matt Reed. You know how there’s a special circle of hell reserved for people at conferences who stand up during the q-and-a and start with “this is really more of a comment than a question”?  This is really more of a question than a post.  I hope that doesn’t consign me to the flames. Read more...
14 septembre 2014


CAMELOT stands for ‘CreAting Machinima Empowers Live Online language Teaching and learning” and is a 2-year EU funded project for language educators to learn how to create videos (machinima) in virtual worlds. (Dec 2013-Nov 2015) For information about the Project Consortium click here. More...

14 septembre 2014

Online Learning Doesn’t Have to Be Isolating: Exploring the Mentoring Model

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. When I mention that I work for Western Governors University (WGU), an online university, many people tell me, “I tried that once but I just didn’t have the self-discipline.” Their experience with online learning included little beyondlogin information and a final deadline. Luckily, online education is progressing dramatically. More...

14 septembre 2014

Presentation on eLearning and #mobile influences for #ICT4D

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. Sharing a presentation I gave for the Deutsche Welle Akademie in Bonn, Germany. It was a wonderful talk thanks to all the input and questions the attendees shared, and the wonderful facilitation provided by Holger Hank and his team.
The questions were multiple, and gladly sharing those that are posed frequently.
One of the reoccurring challenges in every type of online learning (elearning, mooc, mobile...) is... Read more...
14 septembre 2014

6 eLearning trends for the future

eCampus NewsBy Meris Stansbury - . Online and blended learning, or eLearning, is becoming par-for-the-course in everything from company professional development to campuses across the country. But trying to ascertain how to implement eLearning can be a nightmare, thanks to a glut of information and hard-to-find current studies. More...

10 septembre 2014

Le DU "Savoir convaincre : argumentation, expression, éloquence"

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Théories et pratiques de la rhétorique gréco-romaine
L'université Paris Ouest Nanterre propose un Diplôme Universitaire « Savoir convaincre : argumentation, expression, éloquence ». C'est une formation constituée de 4 cours répartis sur l'année universitaire (2 au premier semestre et 2 au second semestre), qui vise à développer les qualités d'argumentation et d'expression écrite.
Description de la formation
Les inscriptions sont closes pour l'année 2014/2015. Voir l'article...

10 septembre 2014

Formateur, enseignant, responsable, formation... Professionnaliser les différents acteurs de la formation

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Le DU CODIFAD : Concevoir un dispositif de formation à distance.

Objectif général
Professionnaliser les différents acteurs de la formation pour qu’ils soient à même de concevoir et de conduire la mise en place de projets de formation utilisant les TICE et le e-learning.

Les métiers visés sont :
- Chef de projet de formation à distance ;
- Formateur e-learning ;
- Tuteur de dispositif e-learning ;
- Concepteur pédagogique de e-formation.

Description de la formation. Voir l'article...

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