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2 mars 2014

How to Earn Tenure

HomeBy Jacob L. Vigdor. It’s hard to give generic advice on what strategies junior faculty should pursue to increase their chances of a successful tenure review.  This is because there are two essential variables in the process. Institutions differ in how they carry it out, and disciplines or subfields vary in what they expect from scholars in their ranks. Read more...
10 février 2014

Graduate careers: why I chose social enterprise over the corporate world Sanum Jain. The increasing risks of the conventional job market mean there's even more reason for graduates to take their own risks, argues. By this time last year, some of my peers at the University of Manchester had secured jobs at reputable corporations while others had launched their first business or started making travel plans. I was somewhere in the middle, like many students in third year – stuck in a limbo of tedious application forms and not knowing what would become of me after graduation. More...

8 février 2014

Conference: ‘CareerCon 2014’, Palermo, Italy (8-10 May 2014)

LogoThe “CareerCon 2014” conference will be hosted by the University of Palermo in Italy from 8 to 10 May 2014. CareerCon is the European Convention of Career Centres that was launched in 2009 as a result of the EUE-Net project.
Representatives of career services “come together to present their centres’ best practices” and “discuss the future development of cooperation between universities and enterprises”.
The 2014 conference’s main focus will be on benchmarks and assessments as well as graduate tracking with the aim to “evaluate and enhance the quality and effectiveness of your career service”.
Registration is open until 23 April. To find out more about the conference and registration, please visit the website.

2 février 2014

ChronicleVitae: What You Might Have Missed This Month Brock Read. By now you might have happened upon a few articles from Vitae, The Chronicle‘s newish academic career hub. If not, a brief introduction: In addition to job-search, dossier-management, and networking tools, we also post daily news and career advice—-much of it tackling matters of teaching, research, career development, and personal productivity. More...

2 février 2014

Know the Vital Players in Your Career: External Reviewers

subscribe todayBy David D. Perlmutter. The first time I served as an external reviewer for a candidate’s tenure bid at another university, I had just gotten tenure myself. I was flattered to be asked and wanted to do a good job at what I felt, and still feel, is one of the most sacred tasks of the tenured professor: evaluating whether or not to induct someone into our guild.
So I was ready to do my duty. The only problem? The state of the tenure file I received. It could have been a test case in how not to present a tenure packet to an external reviewer. More...

2 février 2014

Coping With a Career Crisis

subscribe todayBy Robert J. Sternberg. Back in graduate school, I remember thinking that successful academics seemed to lead consistently pleasant if somewhat uneventful lives. Now, by some measures, I’m one of those successful academics. After receiving a Ph.D. from Stanford, I spent 30 years as a professor at Yale and eight years as a dean, provost, and president at three different institutions. I have my share of honorary doctorates and memberships in prestigious national academies. That’s the good news.
The bad news is that over the course of 39 (gulp) years in academe, I have experienced countless career challenges and three serious crises. This essay is about how to cope with such crises, whatever your level of success. But before I dispense my advice, I suppose readers want the inside dirt. More...

26 janvier 2014

Engaging faculty throughout their careers Carol Patton. Universities use flexible career programs to attract and retain faculty. How many members of your faculty would enjoy teaching the same courses, day in and day out, throughout a 30-, 40- or even 50-year career? Not many.
Staying motivated and intellectually challenged is not always possible at schools where promotions or lateral career moves are rare. Faculty may find themselves disengaged, even downright bored, teaching the same classes year after year. More...
16 janvier 2014

Academe Quits Me D.G. Myers. Earlier this month I stepped into a classroom to begin the last semester of a 24-year teaching career. Don’t get me wrong. I am not retiring. I am not “burned out.” The truth is rather more banal. Ohio State University will not be renewing my three-year contract when it expires in the spring. Read more...

5 janvier 2014

Raising the Bar on Faculty Colleen Flaherty and Scott Jaschik. An administrative law judge in Florida last week upheld new rules by the State Department of Education that require significantly more of state college faculty members – particularly in the areas of student success – for them to earn continuing contracts. The ruling also upholds a change to the time it takes professors to earn their first contract. Instead of three years, faculty members will now only be eligible after five years of service. Read more...

27 décembre 2013

Université - Plan carrières : mesures communes aux enseignants-chercheurs

Choisir l'Université Une meilleure prise en compte de la diversité des activités des enseignants-chercheurs 

  • Formation continue, enseignement à distance, encadrement pédagogique, insertion des diplômés, coopération internationale, suivi de stages, tutorat, valorisation de la recherche... Désormais, toutes vos activités peuvent être valorisées (auparavant, seul l’enseignement en présence d’étudiants était reconnu).

  • Elément nouveau : un référentiel national liste ces activités
    et détermine des équivalences horaires.

    Exemples :
    - Elaboration et mise en ligne d’un module d’enseignement ou de formation, sans tâches directes liées à l’assistance et l’évaluation des étudiants : forfait d’heures identique à l’équivalent en nombre d’heures en présentiel.
    - Encadrement de projets tutorés, de fin d’études et d’apprentissage : forfait horaire par étudiant.
    - Responsabilité de la mobilité internationale : forfait selon la taille des structures concernées et des effectifs encadrés.
    - Responsabilité d’une plateforme technologique ou d’un grand équipement : forfait selon la taille de l’équipement, de sa technicité et de son utilisation...
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