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23 août 2014

The big postgrad challenge? Paddling your own canoe

The Guardian homeBy . No one's going to spoonfeed you ideas for an essay topic. It's up to you to know where you want to go. When you do postgrad, you finally take full responsibility for your own academic progress. But with greater responsibility, says MA student Rebecca White, comes greater freedom to sink your teeth into the topics that fire your imagination. More...
23 août 2014

Moocs, and the man leading the UK's charge

The Guardian homeBy . Simon Nelson is head of FutureLearn, the OU's venture into Moocs – massive open online courses that some have claimed will revolutionise higher education. More...
23 août 2014

Scottish independence: how would it affect university research funding?

The Guardian homeBy . Two senior academics debate whether independence would be good or bad for research funding in Scotland.
The referendum on Scottish independence is one month away. One of the key issues for higher education is the impact independence would have on research. We invited two senior academics to debate whether a vote for independence will jeopardise research funding in Scotland
. More...
23 août 2014

Students travel an average of 91 miles from home to attend university

The Guardian homeBy . Males travel further than females on average and the vast majority want to live in a new town or city, according to new data. Last week’s A-level results saw the number of students accepted into university increase yet again and new research shows they will probably be studying a good hour and a half’s drive from home. More...
23 août 2014

What is the point of GCSEs?

The Guardian homeBy Rebecca Ratcliffe. Education experts question whether we need GCSEs now that young people will have to stay in education or training until the age of 18. Once an end-of-school exam, are they still relevant? More...
23 août 2014

How not to run student loans

By Nick Hillman. Scams, defaults, over-optimistic revenue projections: the UK must look to US lessons on student finance, writes Nick Hillman. Critics of English higher education policy condemn the sowing of American seeds on English soil. But some of these criticisms are so off-target they are counterproductive. No one in their right mind would seek to replicate the US system of funding, and inaccurate rhetoric lets policymakers off the hook. Read more...
23 août 2014

Mature student numbers ‘hit record level’

By . A record number of mature students have been accepted into higher education so far this year, new figures show. According to admissions body Ucas, the number of applicants over 20 taking up degree courses one week after A-level results were published was 100,700, 6 per cent higher than at the same time last year. Read more...
23 août 2014

Le retour à l’emploi après un éloignement durable du marché du travail : séance plénière du jeudi 10 juillet


Au cours de cette séance plénière, le Conseil a entendu M. Stéphane DUCATEZ, Directeur des statistiques, des études et de l’évaluation, Pôle emploi, et Mme Emmanuelle WARGON, Déléguée générale à l’emploi et à la formation professionnelle.

23 août 2014

Le retour à l’emploi après un éloignement durable du marché du travail : réunion de travail du mardi 1er juillet

logoAu cours de cette réunion de travail, le Conseil a entendu Mme Anousheh KARVAR, Inspectrice générale des affaires sociales, sur le thème du retour à l’emploi des chômeurs seniors, M. Jalal BOUHSINA, Directeur, et M. Roland FAMIN , Chargé de mission, de la Maison De l’Emploi Pévèle Mélantois Carembault, et M. Eric VANHUYSSE, Directeur du Comité de bassin d’emploi Lille Métropole, sur le thème des freins périphériques à l’emploi.

23 août 2014

Le retour à l’emploi après un éloignement durable du marché du travail : réunion de travail du mardi 17 juin

logoAu cours de cette réunion de travail, le Conseil a entendu M. Pierre-Yves LECLERCQ, Directeur Général de l’Agefiph, Mme Aude BOURDEN, Chargée du développement des activités professionnelles des personnes handicapées mentales, à l’Unapei, et Mme Véronique BUSTREEL, Conseillère nationale Travail-Emploi-Formation & Ressources de l’APF.

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