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20 avril 2013

Le médiateur de Pôle emploi appelle à une modernisation des règles d'indemnisation médiateur de Pôle emploi pointe du doigt, dans son rapport 2012 publié en avril 2013, les dysfonctionnements du système d’indemnisation. Alors que la nouvelle convention d’assurance chômage doit être renégociée à la rentrée, il recommande une réflexion globale sur les effets et les conséquences de l’activité réduite.
« La réglementation de l’assurance chômage est un corpus complexe […] qui a besoin d’être modernisée », souligne Jean-Louis Walter, médiateur national de Pôle emploi dans son rapport 2012 qui vient d’être diffusé. « Née d’une époque où le CDI était la norme, elle peine à suivre l’évolution du marché du travail sur lequel les CDD sont majoritaires », explique-t-il. Suite de l'article...
Télécharger le Rapport:
Extraits du Rapport
5.1. La rémunération de fin de formation 2012

Le 20 mars 2012, plusieurs Médiateurs Régionaux attiraient l’attention du Médiateur National sur les consignes données dans les Directions Régionales, visant à bloquer les demandes de rémunérations de fin de formation (RFF) déposées en agence au titre de l’année 2012.
Il était demandé d’informer les demandeurs d’emploi qu’un traitement « rétroactif » aurait lieu dès qu’une instruction serait reçue de la Direction Générale. Pour rappel, la RFF est accordée depuis le 1er janvier 2011 par Pôle emploi au bénéficiaire de l’ARE qui épuise ses droits avant la date de fin de sa formation. Il est ainsi rémunéré jusqu’à son terme.
Dès le 26 janvier 2012, le conseil d’administration de Pôle emploi avait décidé, par sa délibération n°2012-03, d’autoriser le Président du Conseil d’administration et le Directeur Général à conclure un avenant de prolongation pour l’année 2012 de la convention du 17 juin 2011 entre l’Etat, le FPSPP et Pôle emploi relative à la rémunération de fin de formation. Cet avenant faisait notamment écho à l’annonce de l’Etat de la prolongation de la RFF pour 2012, faite à l’occasion d’un sommet sur la crise avec les partenaires sociaux, le 18 janvier 2012.
Dans les faits, les financeurs, soit l’Etat et le FPSPP, n’avaient pas encore fait connaître, au 20 mars 2012, l’enveloppe financière qu’ils comptaient dégager. En l’attente, l’avenant ne pouvait pas être signé et les fonds pour démarrer le traitement des demandes de RFF restaient indisponibles. Dans ce contexte, le nombre de dossiers en attente de paiement de la RFF augmentait de jour en jour, pour les demandeurs d’emploi en cours de formation en 2012 dont les droits ARE arrivaient à épuisement.
Devant l’afflux préoccupant de saisines, le Médiateur National a remis une note au Directeur Général le 22 mars, l’alertant des conséquences de l’absence d’instruction relative à la RFF et préconisant de prévoir au plus vite une mesure transitoire. Dans un message du 29 mars 2012, la Direction Générale annonçait à l’ensemble des Directions Régionales de Pôle emploi la reconduction de la RFF pour 2012 dans des conditions identiques à celles de 2011. pp.39-40 The mediator peak employment center of the finger, in its 2012 report published in April 2013, a dysfunctional compensation system. While the new unemployment insurance agreement must be renegotiated in September, he recommended an overall assessment of the effects and consequences of reduced activity. More...
20 avril 2013

Ouverture des candidatures à Sciencespo-Toulouse service formation continue de Sciences Po Toulouse organise notamment des formations diplômantes à distance à destination des adultes en reprise d'études, que ceux-ci souhaitent se reconvertir, approfondir leurs compétences ou en acquérir de nouvelles.
M2: Géopolitique et Relations Internationales

Cette filière a pour vocation d’accueillir des professionnels qui souhaitent compléter leur formation sans renoncer à leur activité, ainsi que des étudiants, principalement étrangers ou français à l’étranger, qui n’ont pas la possibilité de se former en France. Elle est également proposée aux étudiants qui sont déjà titulaires d’un master 2, de manière à leur permettre de faire un stage long voire d’intégrer le monde du travail en évitant l’empilement de diplômes de même niveau. description de la formation.
CEP: Certificat d'Études Politiques "clés d'analyse du monde contemporain"

Le Certificat d’Études Politiques mention « Clés d’analyse du monde contemporain » est une formation pluridisciplinaire à distance, dispensée par les enseignants-chercheurs de Sciences Po Toulouse. Il offre la possibilité à des salariés en poste de suivre une formation en sciences politiques afin de posséder les clés pour comprendre l’actualité, enrichir leur culture personnelle et développer leurs compétences professionnelles au travers de la maîtrise des concepts auxquels ils sont confrontés dans l’exercice de leur métier. Il constitue aussi  un complément de formation pour des étudiants d’autres disciplines. description de la formation. An oiliúint inseirbhíse Eolaíochtaí Po Toulouse eagraíonn cúrsaí dioplóma i bhfad do dhaoine fásta ag filleadh ar an oideachas, ar mian leo a thiontú, a gcuid scileanna a fhorbairt nó cinn nua a fháil. Níos mó...
20 avril 2013

Global Open Education: A Roadmap for Internationalization Jan Pawlowski. The main goal of this paper is to stimulate the discussion on future issues on Open Education and Open Educational Resources (OER) in a mid- and long-term perspective. The main issue discussed is how OER are utilized on an international level. Internationalization and global collaboration are crucial to Open Education:
    * How can OER be utilized across borders?
    * How can OER contribute towards better education for less developed countries?
    * How can Open Education contribute towards better collaboration in Europe and globally?
These are just some questions to be explored and solved in the next years. As a starting point, I would recommend two key visions:
1. Creating a European Open Education community towards collaboration, mutual support and participation.
2. Creating global outreach of European Open Education towards European leadership in both, the educational market and development cooperation.
This paper identifies key issues and potential solutions for international aspects regarding open education. Using a roadmapping methodology, I propose steps and recommendations for advancing Open Education. Download Pawlowski-et-al-OE2030-LLL2. Read Complete Text: PDF Document.
20 avril 2013

A report from Keith Devlin's and Coursera’s Introduction to Mathematical Thinking MOOC’m six or so weeks into Keith Devlin’s 10 week Introduction to Mathematical Thinking, along with some tens of thousands of others. Here is a longish thumbnail sketch of the design of the course, followed by two appendices. Appendix 1 concerns peer review. Appendix 2 is what the course web site has to say about grading and certificates of completion.
Comments, questions and corrections would be most welcome.
1. The course is advertised as needing about 10 study hours per week. This is about right: though in my case I had to skimp a lot while I was on holiday, other than wrestling unsuccessfully with a proof that had been set as course work, the non-fruit of which is shown above.
2. There are one or two 15-30 minute video lectures per week. All have so far has consisted of a mixture of Devlin talking confidently and intently to camera in sort of “newscaster” mode, and Devlin explaining things with pen and paper, very much in the vein of the 2011 Norvig and Thrun AI course. Devlin has retained his East Yorkshire/Hull accent, which has the effect of making him sound local. To me at least. Read more...
20 avril 2013

Punked Brian. Stephen Downes’s recently wrote a post on the great rebranding of MOOCs, arguing “MOOCs were not designed to serve the missions of the elite colleges and universities. They were designed to undermine them, and make those missions obsolete.” It clearly struck a nerve with a lot of people I know, generating a remarkable amount of commentary from the likes of Jim Groom, David Kernohan, Martin Weller, Tony Hirst, David Wiley, D’Arcy Norman, Pat Lockley, Richard Hall, and undoubtedly others… The back-and-forth in the comments on Jim’s, David K’s, and D’Arcy’s blog posts are passionate, even angry, illustrating just how deeply these questions can cut.
My own contribution to this discourse will be somewhat trivial and self-centred in comparison to the discussion above, and I feel just a tiny bit guilty for that. I’m prompted by this post by Darren Draper. Read more...
20 avril 2013

Call for independent experts for the European Commission's Safer Internet Programme European Commission has opened the Call for Independent Experts for the Safer Internet Programme 2009-2013.
The Safer Internet Programme aims to empower and protecting children and young people online by awareness raising initiatives and by fighting illegal and harmful content and conduct over the internet. The tasks of the experts include assisting the European Commission in evaluating proposals submitted in response to calls and the review of individual Safer Internet projects, as well as legacy projects funded under the Safer Internet plus programme. Experts included in the database will be assigned specific tasks on a case-by-case basis, according to the relevance of their education, expertise and interests in the tasks at hand.
The Call is open until 30 September 2013, and the list of experts will remain valid until December 31st.
Experts are entitled to a payment in the form of a lump sum per day of work and reimbursement of travel and subsistence expenses in accordance with the scales valid at the time of signature of the agreement with the Commission.
A document with the specifications and conditions of the Call for Independent Experts for the Safer Internet Programme 2009-2013 is available here (only in English). Applicants who are already on the list of experts drawn up for the implementation of the Safer Internet plus programmes (call for experts 2005-2009) must submit a new application.
Only online applications are accepted for this call. Click here to register as a new expert or update an existing profile.
20 avril 2013

My eBook on MOOC and how to set up - MOOC yourself Inge Ignatia de Waard. The last few weeks I have been finalizing my first eBook. And now, I just published it as part of the Kindle Direct Publishing option in Amazon. In the book I am looking at different MOOC options (cMOOC, xMOOC), fitting it in with the best online learning practices of eLearning, offering design and learning options, looking at pedagogies and some certification options, and providing suggestions to embed mLearning and social media options to improve training via MOOCs. The full title of the book is: MOOC YourSelf - Set up your own MOOC for Business, Non-Profits, and Informal Communities. So if you are dabbling with the idea to set up your own MOOC or you want to learn a bit about MOOC history, have a look at this eBook or contemplate buying it (it is low-cost).
You can find the link to the book here, or you can search for it via Amazon: for those who want to know a bit more about myself, feel free to read my bio on the author page here

This is the short description of its content:
This MOOC eBook gives a short overview of options on how to set up your own MOOC and how to tailor it to your own needs, tools and target audiences. The challenges and benefits of MOOCs are highlighted and guidelines on how to build an optimal MOOC experience are shared. Online learning best practices' are listed with a focus on MOOC specific learning characteristics, certification options and pedagogies. Taking into account the current learning realities, the book also looks at mobile options and social media tools for learning, specifically how they can be fitted into a MOOC learning environment. To provide a background on MOOCs, the history of MOOCs is covered. The upcoming and existing MOOC platforms and toolkits are also described and linked to. Additionally, the book offers links to DIY options, and existing MOOC opportunities that might offer a solution for what you are looking for. The author has organized mobile MOOCs in the past, and has been researching MOOCs and their learning affordances for the past 3 years.
20 avril 2013

The Ed2.0Work project opens three Special Interests Groups project Ed2.0Work (European network for the integration of Web2.0 in education and work) is inviting stakeholders to join its recently created Special Interest Groups (SIGs). Stakeholders include education administrators, teachers and university staff. From the world of work, the project welcomes the participation of companies, chambers of commerce, trainers, associations and government staff.
Three SIGs have already been opened, in order to encourage debate around:
  • Web2.0 and Internet resources – how do we evaluate these tools and their uses
  • Learning and training pedagogies – how do we teach and train using Web2.0
  • Curriculum including criteria for excellence and quality – how do we build curricula for Web2.0 or integrate Web2.0 into existing ones

The Ed2.0Work project SIGs are open communities and are free to use. Click here to register and indicate your area or areas of interest. Ed2.0Work is a transnational EU-funded project involving partners from the UK, Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Poland, Romania, Spain and Turkey. For more information  you may visit this website.

20 avril 2013

How was it? The UK’s first Coursera Moocs assessed

Times Higher EducationBy Chris Parr. Instructors and students discuss their experiences of the University of Edinburgh’s debut courses on Coursera. In January, the University of Edinburgh became the first UK university to offer massive open online courses on one of the big US Mooc platforms, Coursera. Its six courses - covering artificial intelligence, astrobiology, critical thinking, e-learning and digital cultures, philosophy, and equine nutrition - attracted 308,000 students, with Introduction to Philosophy the most popular, drawing almost 100,000 participants. The programmes, which ran over five weeks, had an estimated average completion rate of about 12 per cent, while early figures suggest that each Mooc cost about £30,000 from development to delivery. Read more...
20 avril 2013

An alternative perspective on the meaning of ‘open’ in Higher Education Jenny Mackness. With the rise of MOOCs there has been much speculation about the meaning of ‘open’, particularly with respect to the Higher Education business model.  It is clear that ‘open’ can be interpreted in a number of different ways.
In relation to MOOCs the term ‘open’ relates principally to open access, i.e. anyone can attend – there are no entry requirements. This could apply to face-to-face courses, as when University lecturers welcome members of the public to attend their lectures, and to online courses, where anyone with an internet connection and the appropriate technology can attend the course.
‘Open’ is also often associated with ‘free’, as in open resources on the web which can be freely downloaded and according to the creative commons license can be ‘customised’ to suit the user’s purposes. Read more...
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