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21 avril 2016

Ethnicity in admissions data - A guide to accessing UCAS ethnicity data on undergraduate applicants

UCAS-ethnicity-data-coverECU has been working with UCAS to clarify what ethnicity data is available for HEIs on their student admissions across a number of data sets.

As part of this, UCAS has developed an informative briefing outlining the relevant data and how to access it, free of charge.

The data will be of use if your institution is applying for ECU’s Race Equality Charter, if you are seeking to address underrepresentation of minority ethnic groups or if you want to understand how ethnicity impacts on your admissions. More...

21 avril 2016

Publish or Perish

By Anne-Wil Harzing. Are you applying for tenure, promotion or a new job? Do you want to include evidence of the impact of your research? Is your work cited in journals which are not ISI listed? Then you might want to try Publish or Perish, designed to help individual academics to present their case for research impact to its best advantage.

About Publish or Perish

Publish or Perish is a software program that retrieves and analyzes academic citations. It uses Google Scholar and (since release 4.1) Microsoft Academic Search to obtain the raw citations, then analyzes these and presents the following metrics:

  • Total number of papers and total number of citations
  • Average citations per paper, citations per author, papers per author, and citations per year
  • Hirsch's h-index and related parameters
  • Egghe's g-index
  • The contemporary h-index
  • Three variations of individual h-indices
  • The average annual increase in the individual h-index
  • The age-weighted citation rate
  • An analysis of the number of authors per paper.

The results are available on-screen and can also be copied to the Windows clipboard (for pasting into other applications) or saved to a variety of output formats (for future reference or further analysis). Publish or Perish includes a detailed help file with search tips and additional information about the citation metrics. More...

19 avril 2016

Sci-Hub, LibGen, and Total Information Awareness

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Sci-Hub, LibGen, and Total Information Awareness
Eric Hellman, Go To Hellman, 2016/03/22

A couple of good articles on SciHub, the service that allows you tom download any academic paper for free (and which is not on the publishers' best-wishes-list). More...

19 avril 2016

N° 143 - Revue TRAVAIL ET EMPLOI juillet-septembre 2015 - Varia

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "dares.travail-emploi.gouv Revue TRAVAIL ET EMPLOI"La formation continue : une affaire familiale ?

Vincent Lignon

Existe-t-il un lien statistique entre les changements de situation familiale et l’accès à la formation continue ? Cet article cherche à répondre à cette question à partir d’une analyse empirique effectuée sur les enquêtes Emploi en continu de 2003 à 2012. Si les résultats montrent que les naissances sont associées à une diminution de la probabilité d’être formées pour les femmes, ils suggèrent que l’entrée des enfants dans le système scolaire constitue une opportunité permettant aux individus les plus diplômés d’accroître leur participation aux formations d’entreprise. Les mises en couple et séparations sont par ailleurs associées à des inégalités entre sexes dans l’accès aux formations : la rupture d’une union est négativement corrélée avec la probabilité de suivre une formation d’entreprise, notamment pour les femmes qui ont la garde de leurs enfants. Pour les formations proposées par un organisme de place-ment, majoritairement à destination des chômeurs, il semble que c’est moins la répartition de la garde des enfants que la situation professionnelle des conjoints au moment de la rupture qui importe.

Mots-clés : formation continue, événements familiaux, inégalités

Individual participation in further education and training : what role for family events ?

Vincent Lignon

Is there a statistic link between changes in family situation and access to further education and training ? Based on an empiric analysis made on the French Labour Force Survey for the 2003-2012 pe-riod, this article aims to bring elements of answer to this question. If our results show that the birth of a child is associated with a decrease of the probability of being trained for women, they suggest that children’s entry to school is an opportunity for the most graduated individuals to increase their participation in training. Marital life events are also associated with gender inequalities in access to further education and training. Union dissolution is negatively correlated with the probability to participate in training schemes initiated by the employer, especially for women who keep the children’s custody after a separation. Concerning training programs proposed to the unemployed, it seems that the sharing of children’s custody is less important than the professional position of the couple at their break-up.

Keywords : further training, family events, inequalities

18 avril 2016

Vingtième Siècle 130, avril-juin 2016 - Sciences et religions au 20e siècle

Vingtième Siècle 130, avril-juin 2016Par Dominique Avon, Denis Pelletier. Entre sciences et religions, le différend est ancien, comme le sont les compromis, les transferts et les maraudes. Ce conflit traverse le siècle, de la physique aux sciences de la terre, de la philologie à l'astronomie, de l’histoire aux sciences des religions, des sciences du vivant aux sciences cognitives, de l’archéologie aux sciences de la psyché. Son actualité politique est marquée par le retour du facteur religieux au premier plan des répertoires de mobilisation, dans un contexte de tensions nationales et internationales fortes.
Ce dossier de Vingtième Siècle confronte les trois traditions monothéistes et la manière de construire le rapport entre raison scientifique et raison religieuse. Quatre études de cas, empruntées au christianisme, à l’islam et au judaïsme, sont précédées d’une synthèse comparative inédite à l’échelle du siècle.

18 avril 2016

How higher education can be a force for social change

By Brendan O’Malley. In two 13-week periods of coverage between now and July, and from September to November, University World News will be publishing reports on developments in transformative leadership and education for transformative leadership around the world and commentaries from distinguished experts. Read more...

17 avril 2016

Quatre publications du Fongecif Ile-de-France à ne pas manquer

Le Fongecif Ile-de-France met en ligne plusieurs dépliants autour du Cif-CDD, du Cif-CDI, du Compte personnel de formation (CPF) et du Conseil en évolution professionnelle (CEP). Voir l'article...

16 avril 2016

RUSC has been renamed as International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education has been renamed as International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (ETHE) in order to clarify our objectives and academic scope. The ETHE was launched on January 2016 in order to raise its international visibility and improving its positioning. See more...

15 avril 2016

NEW OECD PUBLICATION! Getting Skills Right – Assessing and Anticipating Changing Skill Needs

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentPosted by . Skill mismatch and shortages are painfully common in advanced economies. The OECD estimates that some 60 million workers in the 22 countries participating in its Survey of Adult Skills (2012) are either under-skilled for their jobs or over-skilled. More...

14 avril 2016

Latest issue of Connect (March 2016) out now

By Jeannie Rea. The latest edition of Connectthe NTEU and CAPA magazine for academic casuals, is now available.
The latest official data confirms what we see around us every day in universities. Insecure work is on the rise amongst academic and general staff
. More...

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