Estudios Pedagógicos
Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), a major source of Open Access STM literature from Latin America, has launched five new publications, including this journal, Estudios Pedagógicos, which is a Spanish language "publication of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the Austral University of Chile. It welcomes collaborations specializing in the field of education and that constitute a contribution to pedagogical knowledge." One issue, from 2003, is already online, with abstracts in English and Spanish, articles in Spanish. More...
Scholars and Scripts, Eyeballs and Epistemes: What it Means to Publish
Scholars and Scripts, Eyeballs and Epistemes: What it Means to Publish
These PowerPoint slides are well worth a quick view, displaying graphically as they do the increase in journal prices and the increase on open access publications and requests. Some neat discussion as well about the different publishing traditions in different disciplines. More...
Fat Cat Publishers Breaking the System
Fat Cat Publishers Breaking the System
Written by the director of scholarly communication and publishing initiatives at the California Digital Library, University of California, this article begins with the assertion that commercial publishers are killing the system they are supposed to support and then moves through an account of the California system's efforts to pursue open publishing as an alternative. More...
Publication : la revue Travail et Emploi consacre un numéro spécial à la Garantie jeunes
Quatre articles sont présentés dans ce numéro, qui s’appuie très largement sur les travaux du Conseil scientifique d’évaluation de la Garantie jeunes parus début 2018, tout en les complétant. Plus...
The rise and rise of predatory journals
Agenda vol. 26 now available
Women have to be seen heard and listened to in our workplaces and in our unions. See this year’s edition of Agenda e to confirm that NTEU women have all areas covered. More...
Revue "Le numérique en éducation : apprendre en ouvrant les murs de la classe"
Publication d'une nouvelle revue sur le numérique et l'éducation - TELUQ. Plus...
Le pouvoir des images – revue Sciences Humaines, Les Grands Dossiers, n°52
L’histoire des images débute au fond des cavernes, dans des grottes ornées de grands animaux et se poursuit sur les murs des monuments, sur les parchemins, puis sur des feuilles de papier, enfin des écrans. Les images se sont animées et se sont mises à parler. Plus...
‘Skillset and match’ September issue is out!
The September 2018 issue of Skillset and match, Cedefop’s magazine promoting learning for work, is now available to read and download. More...
Skillsnet e-bulletin: September - October 2018
Cedefop’s European skills index (ESI) makes understanding and analysing the performance of skills systems, within and across EU Member States, possible for the first time. The index was launched at an event in Brussels on 27 September 2018. More...