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16 février 2014

The disruption to come

By R.A. THIS week's Free exchange column looks at the economics of online higher education:
Two big forces underpin a university’s costs. The first is the need for physical proximity. Adding students is expensive—they require more buildings and instructors—and so a university’s marginal cost of production is high. That means that even in a competitive market, where price converges towards marginal cost, modern education is dear.
It is also hard to raise productivity. University lecturers can teach at most a few hundred students each semester—the maximum that can be squeezed into lecture halls and exam-marking rosters. Because it is so labour intensive higher education relies on large numbers of instructors paid relatively modest salaries. More...

16 février 2014

Intelligent designs for public education Jonathan Thon - The Black Hole. Early in February 2014, a member of the South Dakota State Legislature submitted a bill for consideration that would prohibit administrators of public schools in South Dakota from reprimanding teachers who chose to teach their students about intelligent design in the science classroom. South Dakota is not the first place where such bills have been introduced. However, teaching of intelligent design has largely been outlawed after the Kitzmiller v. Dover case in 2005 which ruled that intelligent design was, in effect, biblical creationism in disguise. More...

16 février 2014

The chubby professor Alan MacEachern. It's time for a workout.
Most of the time I can manage my Truman Show delusion, my sense that I am the oblivious subject of a wildly popular television show capturing every moment of my existence (A+, maybe, or Best Prof Evs). But occasionally, when I walk across campus, it flares up. The extras – students – are just so suspiciously, uniformly good-looking. They have perfect skin, they carry themselves with such energy and poise, and even in shuffly boots, sweatpants and shapeless t-shirts they are well-proportioned, toned and fit. Did I just see a film crew reflected in that window?
I admit to occasionally being irritated by how much time and energy university students devote to working out, especially when another would-be Tatum Channing (or whatever box-headed, 12-packed football stripper the kids are watching these days) comes into my office to ask for an extension. More...

16 février 2014

A Conference Presenters' Haiku Joshua Kim. A conference presenters’ haiku:
less is always more
tease with a taste and a link
questions the reward
from Mike Goudzwaard, a colleague of mine at Dartmouth and learning designer, teacher, techie, runner, cyclist, yogi, and worm farmer.
Mike wrote this haiku while we were attending #ELI2014. Read more...
16 février 2014

Let’s Scramble, Not Flip, the Classroom Pamela E. Barnett. The “flipped classroom” is the idea of the moment, advocated by everyone from Bill Gates to Eric Mazur, the pioneering science educator. This educational innovation is exciting and promising – but I’d argue for a slight revision to the discourse to make sure we don’t replace one rigid format with another. My suggestion: let’s scramble, not flip, the classroom. Read more...

15 février 2014

This is just a test Marker Player Example

Google I/O 2011: YouTube's iframe Player: The Future of Embedding

  1. 00s: Start
  2. 05s: Introductions
  3. 26s: Agenda
  4. 04m12s: <iframe> Tech Details
  5. 17m20s: Comparing the Two APIs
  6. 27m50s: Example Application
  7. 44m22s: Questions &amp; Answers. More...
15 février 2014

A Personal Learning Framework presentation delivered to Connecting Online for Instruction and Learning 2014, Online, via EizIQ.

In this talk I review two major threads of our work at NRC over the last few years, MOOCs and Personal Learning Environments (PLEs). I describe the gRSShopper project and our Plearn PLE prototype development. Placing these in the context of a network theory of learning, I then outline the new Learning and Performance Support System (LPSS) program being undertaken at NRC.

[Slides] [Audio]

13 février 2014

Le blended learning, mais pas n’importe comment Christina Gierse. « Le blended learning, pas n’importe comment » était l’intitulé d’une matinée consacrée à ce thème organisée par CSP Formation le 21 janvier 2014. A cette occasion, Michel Diaz, directeur associé de Féfaur et auteur d’un Livre Blanc sur le sujet*, a expliqué le choix un brin provocateur de ce titre, qui correspond selon lui à ce que l’on rencontre encore fréquemment dans les entreprises.
Le blended learning, qui mêle formation en présentiel et enseignement à distance est, selon de nombreux professionnels, l’avenir de la formation continue. Encore faut-il qu’il soit mis en œuvre et utilisé à bon escient, ce qui semble loin d’être le cas. Les deux principaux écueils sont, d’après Michel Diaz, « des modalités de formation dont le choix et la conception peuvent être approximatifs », ainsi qu’une combinaison de ces modalités qui laisse à désirer. Suite...

11 février 2014

Getting a read on students

The Chronicle HeraldBy Jan Wong. I was inside my university office when I heard whispering outside my door. Reluctant to be disturbed, I hesitated to reveal myself.
Suddenly a note was slid under the door. Resignedly, I got up from my desk and opened the door. Two students were scurrying down the hall.
“I’m here!” I called. More...

10 février 2014

First self-publishing MA offers DIY education . University of Central Lancashire will coach students to make the most of their manuscripts. The University of Central Lancashire has announced the launch of what it describes as the world's first degree in self-publishing. The MA will begin in September, and course leader Debbie Williams believes it will help "legitimise" self-publishing. "Things have definitely changed. In the last two years, self-publishing has stopped being a dirty word, and is a legitimate option for authors," she said. "Even the biggest authors are looking at it now." More...

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