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24 mars 2014

Professors: Here’s how to flip your classroom

eCampus NewsBy . Although the flipped classroom may not fit everyone’s teaching and learning style, the benefits are numerous. Educators have been experimenting with and adopting new learning models now more than ever, as these innovative teaching strategies have the potential to enrich and advance student outcomes. More...

23 mars 2014

Open Thread Wednesday: Trying Something New This Semester? How’s it Going? . This semester, I’m teaching a survey course in Western political thought that I’ve taught for several years. I decided to try something new in the course this time around, though. Rather than focusing exclusively on the classic texts themselves, I’m also having students engage one contemporary piece of scholarship related to each of the major texts we read. More...

22 mars 2014

Some Practical Advice for Digital Pedagogy Liz Timbs. I miss teaching. Last year, I worked as a teaching assistant for two traditional courses and one online course. In many ways, I am very lucky to not have to teach this year; I have more time to work on my language training and personal research. But I still miss teaching. So much so that for one of my seminar projects, I am developing an online course. This has caused me to reflect a lot on the skills necessary for effective online teaching. The word that keeps coming up is communication. As there is virtually no face-to-face contact with students in online courses, communication with students through comments and emails are absolutely vital to both students’ and the course’s success. Below are some (more) strategies to effectively communicate with students in an online course. Read more...

22 mars 2014

Potential Uses for Teaching with Storify Bridget Gelms. I love a good Breaking Bad gif. So when one of my students used one during a research activity, I couldn’t help but publicly nerd out a little. This happened on a day when my students used Storify to cull information related to their research projects. Here at GradHacker, we’ve previously highlighted digital technologies that can be used in our teaching, like GoogleDocs and WordPress. Another tool you may want on your radar this semester is Storify. Read more...

22 mars 2014

Transforming pedagogy? Flexible learning, teaching and innovation in the 21st century

The Universities Association for Lifelong LearningIf you haven’t already booked your place, please do so as soon as possible – we have to give final numbers to Senate House on Thursday, 3 April –  the Registration Form can be found here.

The Conference is being held at University of London, Senate House between 9-11 April with the theme: Transforming pedagogy? Flexible learning, teaching and innovation in the 21st century. The Full Conference Programme includes the abstracts for the workshop and poster sessions.   We are delighted to have such a full and varied programme, which I hope you agree offers a fascinating range of approaches to our theme.  Full details can also be found on the 2014 Events Page of the website.

We have international interest in the Conference and following the success of 2013 we have arranged another International Panel for Friday morning – the Panel will include our sister associations UPCEA (USA) and CAUCE (Canada), Professor Shirley Walters, University of Western Cape, South Africa and Hasan Ozdemir, University of Ankara, Turkey.  Our keynote speakers are: Professor Diana Laurillard, and Professor Penny Jane Burke, and Dr Alison Le Cornu from the Higher Education Academy (HEA).

We have two book launches at the Conference on the Wednesday and Thursday evenings.  The Drinks Reception and Conference Dinner will be held at The Grand Connaught Rooms on the Thursday evening. At the Dinner there will also be the 'UALL Awards Ceremony' where we make the UALL Award for 2014.

If you require further information, please contact: Lucy Bate, UALL Administrator or telephone: 07717 178 247.

22 mars 2014

Concurso profesor Educación 3.0 revista Educación 3.0 quiere reconocer la labor de aquellos profesores que se esfuerzan en integrar innovación y nuevas tecnologías en el aula con un concurso. ¡Aún estás a tiempo de participar!
La revista Educación 3.0 ha ideado dos modalidades para "El profesor Educación 3.0": para aquellos que empiezan "El profesor aprendiz", y "El profesor avanzado" para aquellos que se mueven con desenvoltura en el mundo de las TIC. Formulario "Profesor Educación 3.0".

19 mars 2014

“La meilleure méthode pédagogique est la gentillesse et la patience”, Emmanuel Ethis, Président de l'université d'Avignon

Télé : programme TV, séries TV, films de la semaine, sorties sur Paris...Ingénieur de formation, sociologue, ce jeune président d'université se bat pour rendre la culture accessible aux étudiants. Simplement, sans barrière. Il est l'invité de “Télérama” cette semaine.
Il serait, dit-on, l'un des plus brillants à son poste. Un président bien de son temps, apprécié des élèves, des professeurs et des chercheurs de l'université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, qu'il dirige depuis 2007. Mais Emmanuel Ethis, 46 ans, est plus qu'un intellectuel souriant.
Retrouvez l'entretien intégral dans Télérama, en kiosques mercredi 12 mars 2014.
Vous pensez que l'image de l'université française s'améliore à nouveau ?
Beaucoup de nos facs sont excellentes. Mais nous sommes incapables de vanter nos outils d'enseignement, persuadés qu'on ne peut pas vraiment changer le cours des choses. De plus en plus s'installe l'idée que la vie des générations futures ne sera pas meilleure que la nôtre. Alors qu'on devrait pourtant tendre vers cela et s'en donner les moyens. Une société ne peut pas vivre sans promesses ! Suite...

16 mars 2014

La scénarisation pédagogique en 5 étapes clés

Par Élodie Lestonat. La scénarisation pédagogique est devenue un processus incontournable en particulier dans le domaine de la formation à distance. En effet, l'introduction et le développement du numérique nécessitent de mener une réflexion approfondie avant toute construction de la formation elle même. Suite...

16 mars 2014

Is commodity a dirty word for business education and management schools?

Blog Educpros de Bruno Dufour. Efficiency and productivity are good to teach but difficult to put into practice in a quite protected environment such as the one of the top Business Schools. Teaching, sorry learning, is done through highly qualified faculty members, experts in their domain, but often reluctant to innovate on learning methods and use of technology. Suite...

16 mars 2014

Getting off on the right foot in an inverted calculus class Robert Talbert. In the previous post about the flipped/inverted calculus class, we looked at getting student buy-in for the flipped concept, so that when they are asked to do Guided Practice and other such assignments, they won’t rebel (much). When you hear people talk about the flipped classroom, much of the time the emphasis is on what happens before class – the videos, how to get students to do the reading, and so on. But the real magic is what happens in class when students come, prepared with some basic knowledge they’ve acquired for themselves, and put it to work with their peers on hard problems. More...

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