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16 novembre 2013

Staying Active in No Time at All Laura B. McGrath. When people ask me what I actually do all day, I tell them: I sit and read. I also sit and write, and I also sit-while-driving. The demands of my scholarship require me to be stationary while I expend immense amounts of energy and attention on other stationary things. And as Katie outlined last week, all this sitting can have disastrous effects on your body. I’m sure you’ve seen research on the benefits of staying active, even in the smallest ways.  Studies have suggested a positive correlation between exercise and brain power.  Exercising can improve your mood, and promote better sleep. It can also improve your mental health. Bottom line: there seems to be no shortage of benefits of physical activity, and no shortage of risks associated with physical inactivity. Read more...

16 novembre 2013

Teachers Lack a Respect for Authority – The Challenge of Collaboration in Learning

Rob WatsonBy . The Independent is reporting today that “Too many teachers have no respect for authority and are hampering schools’ attempts to improve standards”. Chief schools inspector, Sir Michael Wilshaw, warned that “head teachers are being ‘undermined by a pervasive resentment of all things managerial’ by some of their teaching staff’, and that “some teachers simply will not accept that a school isn’t a collective but an organisation with clear hierarchies and separate duties.” More...

15 novembre 2013

La recherche-action : changer les pratiques pédagogiques par la recherche (Acte 2) le blog Educpros de François Fourcade. Pour prendre un exemple parmi les 40 projets menés dans le cadre du CIRPP, s’inscrivant dans notre démarche de recherche action existentielle (voir à ce propos le premier acte de ce billet), il faut citer le travail mené depuis plus de trois ans au sein du CFI (centre des formations industrielles), avec une équipe de 11 profs intervenant dans une classe préparatoire à l’apprentissage… Ils ont fait appel au CIRPP à un moment où ils se sentaient impuissants et épuisés face aux défis posés par les situations auxquelles ils étaient confrontés. Et ce n’est que depuis cette année que ces enseignants ont retrouvé, à nouveau, goût à expérimenter, à travailler en équipe… Nous revenons de loin ! More...

15 novembre 2013

La recherche-action : changer les pratiques pédagogiques par la recherche (Acte 1) le blog Educpros de François Fourcade. Comment changer en profondeur nos pratiques d’enseignement ? Comment apprendre du terrain pour modifier nos façons de faire et de voir ? Comment inviter le terrain à élargir le champ des pratiques possibles ? Le CIRPP s’est donné comme ambition d’accompagner les profs des 24 écoles de la Chambre de commerce et d’industrie Paris-IDF dans la résolution de ces questions. More...

9 novembre 2013

The Education Apocalypse #opened13 . Below are the notes and the slides from my talk today at Open Education 2013. David Kernohan and I shared the morning keynote slot today, and we were asked by David Wiley to offer a critique of open education. And so we did. You can find more details about Kernohan's talk here. Be sure to watch the documentary he made.
The Education Apocalypse
A couple of years ago, the Christian radio broadcaster Harold Camping predicted that Jesus would return to earth on May 21, 2011. The Rapture would occur, as alluded to in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 — when the "dead in Christ" and "we who are alive and remain" will be "caught up in the clouds" to meet "the Lord in the air.” That is, the souls of all the righteous — living or dead — would be lifted into Heaven.
When Camping emerged from his home on May 22, the morning after the date he’d set — “flabbergasted” — he revised his predictions. Initially, he’d stated that the May 21 Rapture would be followed by five months of fire and brimstone before the world ended on October 21. More...

4 novembre 2013

Hey, Look! I'm Radical! Lee Skallerup Bessette. There was recently a piece in Wired praising a new, radical teaching method that is sweeping...a classroom in Mexico. It will produce geniuses, truly! A whole generation of them! To say I was skeptical about this article when I read the title is an understatement, and I actually actively avoided reading it for almost a whole day. I was glad to see that what the article was talking about was actually “just” peer-driven learning, something I have been doing for a few years now in my classroom. I’m not sure if I’m producing geniuses or not, but I am creating (I hope) more motivated and engaged students, not to mention more aware of their educations. Read more...
4 novembre 2013

Minimalist College: The Testing Floor John Lombardi. The ongoing pursuit of the cheapest and least intrusive higher education alternatives continues apace. Some find the activity new and exciting, although of course we’ve always been able to get educated by reading books and studying on our own.  The new twist is that we can now sign up for computer mediated reading and studying on our own, a convenience in the fast-food tradition of highly efficient standardized production of useful commodity products. To guarantee the benefit of this form of higher education, we develop a battery of tests that ensure no student is left behind in the race to certification as an educated and competent adult. Many in the state-supported higher education policy realm see these tests as mechanisms to reduce the number of students in real universities and drive them through a fast food education that produces certification at a low cost, perhaps only $10K or less for a college diploma. Read more...

4 novembre 2013

What Do I Tell My Students? Shawn E. Fisher. “Now bear with me, Gentlemen, if what I am about to say has at first sight a fanciful appearance.”
--John Henry Cardinal Newman, from The Idea of a University
Imagine your job is to help students get into college, and one of the students you’re advising says to you, “It has always been my dream to study philosophy at Harvard.”
Let’s say that this student is graduating from a private prep school and you know that money will not be a major worry for her either during or after the college years. Read more...

30 octobre 2013

HEA Research and policy seminar/webinar on flexible pedagogies next HEA Research and Policy seminar/webinar will be based on a HEA-funded research inquiry into the relationship between HE pedagogy and developments around flexible learning.

Professor Daniella Tilbury and Dr Alex Ryan, University of Gloucestershire, will be considering, Higher education for the future: flexible pedagogies that empower learners for complexity, uncertainty and change.

The research considered the pedagogical questions that arise about purposes and outcomes of HE, in an era of increasing ‘flexibility’ facilitated by technological changes, globalisation of the sector, rising participation and changing employer expectations. Key pedagogical ideas proposed by the project, including learner empowerment and decolonising education will also be discussed.

Professor Tilbury is Chair in Education for Sustainability and University Director of Sustainability at Gloucestershire, while Dr Ryan is Associate Director of Sustainability (Academic).

It will be held on 12 November in York and starts at 12:45. The event can be attended either in person or via Blackboard Collaborate. There will be a buffet lunch for anyone attending in person, which will be available from 12:00. Further details about the event are available here.

The previous seminar, on Considering teaching excellence, by Dr Vicky Gunn from the University of Glasgow can be viewed here.

30 octobre 2013

Future Directions Conference 2014 - Global Graduates: Enabling Flexible Learning date and location of the Future Directions Conference 2014 have been announced.
The conference will take place at Aberystwyth University on 2 and 3 April 2014. The event will launch the new Future Directions theme - Global Graduates: Enabling Flexible Learning and three work strands, Distinctive Graduates, Inspiring Teaching and Learner Journeys.
The Future Directions programme is a collaborative approach to leading quality enhancement in the Welsh higher education sector. Sector agencies, students and institutions within Wales are working together to enhance specific areas of the learning experience. The programme’s second theme was identified earlier this year, and follows the current, Graduates For Our Future, which has run since 2010.
Themes of the conference will include distinctive graduates, inspiring teaching, learning for employment, learner journeys, and students as partners. More...
More information about Future Directions is available here.

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