Crows Understand a Fundamental Part of Logical Reasoning
Jason G. Goldman, Animals, March 30, 2014
David Hume wrote, "It is certain that the most ignorant and stupid peasants — nay infants, nay even brute beasts — improve by experience, and learn the qualities of natural objects, by observing the effects which result from them." We see this over and over again; this link adds to that evidence, as we see crows using heavy objects to raise the level if water in a glass in order to reach food floating in it. More...
How To Think
How To Think
Shane Parrish, Farnham Street, March 17, 2014
Doug Belshaw shared this piece over the weekend and while I think it's an inspirational story I think that it's misleading in a fairly pernicious way. In a nutshell, the basis of the story lies in describing the methods used by an inner-city school with poor and minority students to create chess champions out of them; all the other champion schools, we are informed, are private or elite school. More...
Instructivism, constructivism or connectivism?
Instructivism, constructivism or connectivism?
Ryan Tracey, E-Learning Provocateur, March 21, 2014
I think this is a really good post even if I disagree with it. The premise is that while popular perception sees constructivism as replacing instructivism, and connectivism as replacing constructivism, in reality each of them has its place, and they should be viewed as complementary approaches rather than in conflict. So why do I disagree? Because while as pedagogies it is easy to imagine them being alternated, as theories they contradict each other. More...
Journeys of the Mind: Yes, We Went to the Moon
Journeys of the Mind: Yes, We Went to the Moon
Bonnie Bracey Sutton, educational technology & change, March 13, 2014
I watched what I assume was the first episode of the New Cosmos series with Neil DeGrasse Tyson and had the usual reaction for people my age to the effect that he is not Carl Sagan. More...
Goodbye One Laptop per Child
Goodbye One Laptop per Child
Wayan Vota, OLPC News, March 11, 2014
OLPC news plays the eulogy. "The XO-1 laptop is history. Sadly, so is Sugar. Once the flagship of OLPC's creativity in redrawing the human-computer interaction, few are coding for it and new XO variants are mostly Android/Gnome+Fedora dual boots. Finally, OLPC Boston is completely gone. No staff, no consultants, not even a physical office. Nicholas Negroponte long ago moved onto the global literacy X-Prize project." Not a noble end. More...
Can You Solve This?
Can You Solve This?
Veritasium, YouTube, March 5, 2014
I like this video a lot. It gets at an important element of the scientific method (not the only element - the scientific menthod is much more complicated than one simple rule) and it also gets at why so many people reason poorly. More...
Today's eLearning: Michael Allen & Experts Say "Enough is Enough"
Today's eLearning: Michael Allen & Experts Say "Enough is Enough"
Michael Allen, Allen Interactions, March 4, 2014
Someone will have to wake me up when the date finally rolls around, but on March 13 Michael Allen and three others will release the "serious e-learning manifesto". They are rallying, they say, against bad e-learning design. More...
Discuter en classe : mode d'emploi
« On ne parle pas en classe ».
Ceci semble être la règle commune dans la majorité des salles de cours. Elle s’explique aisément dans un cadre magistral. En effet, tous doivent être concentrés sur les propos du professeur à l’avant. Une discussion ne créerait qu’une distraction qui pourrait faire perdre le fil à certains apprenants. Or, cette règle n’est-elle pas vétuste? Dans un contexte où la technologie permet d’offrir du contenu pédagogique d’autre façon que par un exposé, le risque de « pertes de savoir » est moindre. Plus...
De l'importance de (re)faire des archives une priorité au Cameroun
Du 26 au 28 novembre 2018, le Conseil International des Archives (CIA) organisait une conférence pour célébrer la Journée Internationale des Archives sous le thème : « Archives : Gouvernance, Mémoire et Patrimoine », qui s’est tenu pour la première fois en Afrique, à Yaoundé au Cameroun. Plus...
Pourquoi et comment associer davantage d'enseignants africains dans les projets d’apprentissage mobile ?
On estime que 725 millions de personnes auront un téléphone portable sur le continent africain d'ici 2020. De nombreux Africains s'en servent actuellement pour payer leurs factures, transférer de l'argent, jouer et même apprendre. En effet, grâce aux appareils mobiles moins coûteux[1] et à l'essor du développement d'applications éducatives, de nombreux apprenants africains peuvent désormais accéder à des médias éducatifs de qualité en dehors de la salle de classe. Ceci a permis aux entreprises de technologie éducative d'élargir l'accès à l'éducation, en adaptant l'apprentissage aux déplacements quotidiens et habitudes des apprenant. Plus...