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11 mars 2019

On ID Tokens

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. On ID Tokens
Tim Bray, Ongoing, April 5, 2013
Long-time readers of OLDaily know I've had an ongoing interest in authentication, and more particularly, authentication that is lightweight and automatic. We're finally moving toward such a system, which will eventually replace passwords. More...

11 mars 2019

To better understand Marines, lace up your combat boots

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. To better understand Marines, lace up your combat boots
Community College Times, April 5, 2013
OK, this item (via Joanne Jacobs) is just a PR stunt. A week at boot camp won't even help the educators learn about boot camp, let alone learn about vets. But as I was having negative thoughts, it got me to thinking. More...

11 mars 2019

Thoughts on To Save Everything, Click Here (and Higher Education)

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Thoughts on To Save Everything, Click Here (and Higher Education)
Michael Caulfield, Hapgood, April 1, 2013
A couple good reviews of Evgeny Morozov's To Save Everything, Click Here: The Folly of Technological Solutionism, one from Mike Caulfield, the other from Audrey Watters. I don't have a whole lot to add, except to insist that I'm not a solutionist, that it is reasonable to aergue that the education system (amonbg other things) is broken, and to point to evidence that it is, without at the same time arguing tha 'tech will save everything. More...

10 mars 2019

Que faire? (1/4)

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "Groupe Jean-Pierre Vernant"Chacun le sent avec plus ou moins de clairvoyance : l’heure est venue de sortir de la passivité, de rompre avec le vide de sens et le conformisme ambiants. Nous ouvrons en conséquence une série de quatre billets — conclusion de nos cinq ans d’existence et de réflexion — autour de cette unique question sur l’Université et la recherche. Plus...

10 mars 2019

Que faire? (2/4)

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "Groupe Jean-Pierre Vernant"Définir une stratégie collective pour que l’Université et la recherche sortent du marasme, de la bureaucratisation et de la passivité suppose d’être dotés au préalable d’une représentation correcte du monde [1]. Si l’on se fie à la multiplication des craquements dans le vernis, le modèle de société néolibérale est entré en crise, raison pour laquelle il importe d’analyser cette représentation idéologique et ses effets, en partant de l’exemple français. Plus...

10 mars 2019

Que faire? (3/4)

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "Groupe Jean-Pierre Vernant"Le néolibéralisme n’est ni une théorie économique ni un libéralisme hypertrophié, mais désigne simultanément une philosophie politique théorisée autour de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, un mouvement social-historique amorcé au tournant des années 1980 et une modalité de gouvernement. Il repose sur l’idée que les marchés ne se constituent pas naturellement, par génération spontanée, mais doivent être construits par la mise en concurrence des individus et des structures, ce qui suppose de produire de la différenciation – et donc un accroissement des inégalités. Plus...

10 mars 2019

Media Release: Uber Tutes – coming to a university near you

Australian education company Studiosity’s plan to introduce an Uber-style peer-to-peer tutoring service for university students is another step in the ongoing casualisation and outsourcing of teaching at Australia’s universities, the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) said today. More...

10 mars 2019

Queensland Uni breaks its promise on Ramsay

The National Tertiary Education Union has accused Queensland University of breaking its word on the approval process for the establishment of a Ramsay Centre for Western Civilization. More...

10 mars 2019

Economics, education and citizenship (AUR 61 01)

In the current political economic dispensation, it is important to revisit the opportunities for citizenship, cooperative, and public economics and the responsibility of economics teachers. In doing so, it is essential to analyse the nature of the dominant pedagogical philosophy of individualism, probe what alternatives could be embraced, investigate whether citizenship is a superior compass, and ascertain how students respond to alternatives. More...

10 mars 2019

Neoliberalism and new public management in an Australian university: The invisibility of our take-over (AUR 61 01)

The higher education sector in Australia is operating in an ideological context in which the ideas of managerialism and neoliberalism combine to create a discourse shaping the lives of both workers and students. The practices that emerge inside higher education organisations as a result combine to form an organisational neoliberal managerial culture that shapes practices, operating in a vicious cycle. More...

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