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14 juin 2014

Major overhaul needed to Canadian university teaching

GuelphMercuryBy The world's first university opened in northern Italy, in Bologna, in 1088. Since then, they have spread all over the world and have grown enormously in size, in the range of the studies they offer and in their wealth. Essentially, though, what was done in Bologna a millennium ago is still being done in universities today. This is the system in which a professor lectures away in a room or a hall at his or her students. More...
14 juin 2014

Graduates should break some rules

Post-secondary graduation ceremonies are always both emotional and thoughtprovoking events. They are moving, of course, for the sight of that special someone stepping forward for congratulations - seemingly just a day or two after you first heard them cry out their entry into your world. But en masse they put a lump in most throats as well: It is the very future, as it were, crossing the stage into the unknown wearing those exalted smiles of hope and pride. More...

9 juin 2014

Math Geek Mom: Frog Philosophy of Life Rosemarie Emanuele. As I often stress in my Statistics courses, there is a major difference between two things being correlated, or moving together, and those same two things being connected by a cause and effect relationship. I found myself thinking of this the other day as I watched young people in our public pool play on a new attraction that showed up when the pool opened this year. This year, our largest public pool in town now contains a series of inflatable surfaces that one can attempt to move along, much as a frog would move along lily pads. This analogy is reinforced by the painted frog footprints on each surface, and by the fact that the system bears the name of “Wibit,” which (I assume) sounds like a frog’s sound of “ribbit.” As I watched my daughter attempt this new diversion, I must admit that I was half tempted to try it myself. Read more...
9 juin 2014

Baffled Matt Reed. I’ve been a fan of Tom Frank since the 90’s. I actually had a subscription to The Baffler in grad school, and I kept it for a while after until the issues started arriving progressively farther apart. (Somewhere in the basement, I still have a copy of Commodify Your Dissent, a wonderful collection of early Baffler pieces.) The Baffler struck me as a rare voice of sanity at the time.  I still remember reading Steve Albini’s piece in The Baffler on the economics of the music industry circa 1995 and thinking that the piece was striking and the industry unsustainable. I stand by both. Read more...
9 juin 2014

When All Else Fails Ashley Sanders. In one of the worst academic job markets in history, many of us have been compelled to rethink our plans for the next year. Instead of starting that shiny new job, we are facing yet another year of being a grad student. If you’re in this position, know that you are not alone. There are hundreds in the same boat with you. Perhaps clinging to a life raft is a more accurate metaphor… At least that’s how it feels as we struggle to keep our heads above water and hold on to hope. So what do we do when all else fails?
We not only hang on for dear life, we also start paddling purposefully and find as many people who can help us as we can. Read more...

9 juin 2014

A World Without Liberal Learning

HomeBy Michael Roth. “What would the United States look like if we really gave up on liberal education and opted only for specialized or vocational schools? Would that really be such a bad thing?”
The interviewer was trying to be provocative, since I’ve just written a book entitled Beyond The University: Why Liberal Education Matters. Read more...

9 juin 2014

The Classroom as Arcade

HomeBy Mary Flanagan. Telltale fast clicks of laptop arrow keys gave away my distracted student from 30 feet off. So engrossed was he in a 1980s role-playing game that he barely noticed when I leaned in to whisper how entirely inappropriate his behavior was during my digital humanities class at Dartmouth College. As a noted visiting technology and culture speaker held forth on participatory culture and Wikipedia — in which my students had expressed an avid interest — I was shocked as he and many others openly engaged with their Facebook pages. Read more...

9 juin 2014

Do university prospectuses mislead students? . Inaccuracies in university prospectuses have led to concern that students aren't getting the information they need. "I challenge you to look through British prospectuses and find a picture where it's raining," says John Bradley, former principal educational psychologist for Nottinghamshire County Council. More...

9 juin 2014

Yes, let's reward those with a true hunger for higher education . Since so many state-school pupils have the drive to outperform their privileged contemporaries, they deserve a helping hand to get into university. Interesting to see the new Department for Education study urging universities to consider lowering entry requirements for state-school pupils. More...

9 juin 2014

Universities becoming bastions of intolerance

CNNBy Ray Sanchez. Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, delivering Thursday's commencement speech at Harvard University, criticized what he described as a disturbing trend of liberals silencing voices "deemed politically objectionable."
"This spring, it has been disturbing to see a number of college commencement speakers withdraw -- or have their invitations rescinded -- after protests from students and -- to me, shockingly -- from senior faculty and administrators who should know better," Bloomberg said.
The billionaire former mayor cited an October speech during which his ex-police commissioner, Ray Kelly, was shouted down by students at Brown University. More...

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