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24 mai 2014

Writing (In Public) Across the Curriculum Cathy Davidson. Whenever I talk about the kinds of changes that will make the modern university more responsivel to the age we live in now and less rooted in the standardization, regulation, enforcement, and assessment model prized by the Taylorist Industrial Age, people think I want to throw out the baby, the bathwater, and everything else. Actually, in many situations, we have lots to build on and lots that is an easy win---even before we examining that bathwater and its baby. More...

24 mai 2014

Faculty Refuse to See Themselves as Workers. Why?

By David Perry - Chronicle Vitae. Last month I shared some tips on how to get ready for a teaching position abroad. Now it’s time to talk about how to get settled once you arrive.
At first you'll probably go through a honeymoon period: Everything about your new home will feel lovely and charming. After some time, however, you'll likely experience what the French call dépaysement, the feeling of not being in one's own country. Going abroad—especially if you go by yourself—means being away from the networks of support that family and friends provide. A language barrier and new culture can heighten feelings of isolation, so it's important to look after your own emotional well-being. See more...

24 mai 2014

Premature antiformalism

By Vance Maverick. I checked out a study score of Shostakovich’s 5th Symphony from the local public library. It’s an early edition, maybe the first American one: © 1945, in the Leeds Music Corporation “Am-Rus Orchestra Scores series.” There’s an introduction by one Harold Sheldon, short but deeply bizarre. Shostakovich, though well established as one of the principal composers of the Soviet Union, ran afoul of the censors with the opera Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk (1936), unedifying in its story and violent in its musical language. More...

24 mai 2014

‘Zionist Attack Dogs’? The MLA’s Debate on Israel Might Go Viral

By . Need a break from grading? Head on over here, where someone has posted a partial record of Modern Language Association member comments on resolution 2014-1, urging the “United States Department of State to contest Israel’s denials of entry to the West Bank by United States academics who have been invited to teach, confer, or do research at Palestinian universities.” It is a spectacle. How often do you get to see scholarly colleagues refer to one another as “Zionist attack dogs?”
In January, the MLA’s Delegate Assembly narrowly passed the controversial resolution at the association’s annual meeting. More...

24 mai 2014

EDM and the Selfie . Last year I thought selfie, the generous posting of one’s self-portrait on the Internet for all to admire, deserved to be word of the year. Thanks to a canceled flight, I now know I was wrong; 2013 was merely the prologue for the grander opening of selfie in 2014. More...

24 mai 2014

‘Financial Times’ Questions Data in French Economist’s Best-Selling Book . The Financial Times on Friday raised questions about the data underlying the French economist Thomas Piketty’s best-selling book, Capital in the Twenty-first Century, asserting that an investigation of the data had revealed that they “contain a series of errors that skew his findings.”
Mr. Piketty’s book focuses on rising inequality, and its main thesis is that inequality is inevitably a part of capitalism. More...

24 mai 2014

An Incomplete Rainbow - Queer freedom and the tolerance trap

By Suzanna Danuta Walters. When I came out, at 16, in those fashion-challenged late 70s when tweedy jackets and pinky rings had to do hard labor in signifying lesbian identity, my (liberal) mother sent me to a shrink before she began her queer re-education and joined the cause, righteous pink triangle pinned on her ample bosom. I knew not one other gay kid, there were no support groups in my high school, and I felt so very alone until I blissfully discovered gay bars, gay bookstores, and the gay movement. Now my 19-year-old daughter (after a high-school career of being the "s" in gay-straight alliances) seems to imagine she gains street cred by claiming queer provenance and goes to a college where gender bending is just another day and creative pronouns business as usual. More...

24 mai 2014

Trust the Education Department With a Student Database? Not Likely

By Richard Ekman. A proposal for a detailed federal database of all college students has once again surfaced, the brainchild of researchers who believe that a major purpose of colleges is to serve as data sources for their own studies, and of policy wonks who think that any nationwide effort worth doing must be owned and operated by the federal government. More...

24 mai 2014

Wired for It GradHacker. As classes resume session, and as graduate coursework ramps up (or settles down), you might be finding yourself in the midst of a new schedule, new routines, trying to make sense of where you need to be and when, and what work needs to be done before your next teaching day or class meeting. It always took me (Liz) at least three weeks of a new semester to settle into a “groove” of sorts—to know what was happening when, and to establish blocks of time for various tasks throughout the week. And for me (Emily), the first year of graduate school was about learning to work, read, and write more efficiently, and to break massive tasks into manageable pieces. The second year has been about trying to put those lessons into practice. Read more...

24 mai 2014

Changing Jobs, Changing Requirements, Changing Personnel Eric Stoller. Organizational change is at the core of my consulting endeavors. Strategic communications, social media, digital identity, and technology are the entry points for most of my engagements. However, every single conversation, strategy session, keynote, and meeting have a reoccurring theme: organizational change. Read more...
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