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28 juillet 2014

A Faculty / Staff Online Calendar Divide?

By Joshua Kim. 3 questions for you:
1. Do you put all your meetings and obligations in an online calendar? (Such as Outlook Calendar or Google Calendar).
2. Do you make your calendar available to other people at your institution, either full details or free / busy?
3. Are you a member of the faculty or a member of the staff. Read more...
28 juillet 2014

What's Wrong With This Article? Tracy Mitrano. “A Tough Corporate Job Asks One Question: Can You Hack It?”
No, it is not the recommended tomato/tomato pronunciation of CISO. And it is not even the failure of the Times to recognize that in this area, higher education has long been ahead of the curve … a result of the early DARPA/Internet collaboration that recognized network and technical security as a distinct area of expertise long before the role became instantiated in the private for-profit sector. Read more...

28 juillet 2014

On the Chekhov Trail in Moscow

By Oronte. When did I come to be so at home in my mind with a writer who lived halfway around the globe, wrote in a language I don’t read, and who died more than a century ago? Like many of my students, I didn’t get there automatically. As Virginia Woolf says. Read more...
28 juillet 2014

The Effects of Travel

By Oronte. Many writers I know have a strain of paranoia that multiplies virulently as they near the end of a project. Several have expressed it to me exactly as I have felt it myself: I’m afraid I’m going to die before I get this finished, and someone will find the early draft on my laptop and say, Poor guy, he wanted to be a writer, but, see? he was as deluded about his talent as everyone said all along. Read more...

28 juillet 2014

Bill Gates on Higher Ed / Outsourced Adjuncts: This Week on 'This Week @ Inside Higher Ed'

Home"This Week," Inside Higher Ed's weekly audio program, this week features debate about whether Bill Gates is moderating his views on higher education and analysis of a cadre of colleges outsourcing their adjunct instruction to a company. The Lumina Foundation's Zakiya Smith and John Warner, author of the Just Visiting blog, weigh the significance of Gates's speech with Inside Higher Ed's Doug Lederman and the moderator Casey Green. Stream or download the program here. Read more...
28 juillet 2014

Who's Responsible?

HomeBy Charlie Tyson. Testifying at a Thursday Senate hearing on how states could promote college affordability, Lisa Madigan, the attorney general of Illinois, told senators that the federal government wasn’t doing enough for student borrowers. But it was hard to find agreement on whether to focus on that issue, state appropriations for higher education, for-profit colleges or issues such as health care policy as senators and higher education experts considered how federal and state governments could work together to reduce college costs. Read more...

28 juillet 2014

Merit, Diversity and Grad Admissions

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. Litigation and political battles about affirmative action tend to focus on undergraduate or professional school admissions, which are supervised by admissions professionals. In Ph.D. admissions, faculty members are the key players. And although they too must weigh the relative value of various measures of merit, and how much diversity should be considered a form of merit, a separate qualification or not considered at all. Read more...

27 juillet 2014

Bringing It to the Masses

HomeBy Colleen Flaherty. Scientists can devote their professional lives to a single question, but chances are that most or all of what they do will only ever be appreciated by a small circle of fellow academics. The reasons for that are complex and numerous, and usually depend on who’s counting them. Non-scientists say it shouldn’t take a machete to get through all the jargon in an article, while some scientists blame the public for being less than science-literate. Read more...

27 juillet 2014

'Students are learners, not consumers' Rona O'Brien. Students need to remain conscious of their role as a learner, not just a recipient of a service in return for cash, says Rona O'Brien. Read more...
27 juillet 2014

When culture goes corporate, Canada’s creativity suffers

Go to the Globe and Mail homepageBy Thomas Hodd. Fifteen years ago I worked in the private sector as a proposal writer for an I.T. services firm. I sat in board meetings with some pretty high-level people. And much of the conversation involved words like “export,” “delivery of services,” “marketability,” and “strategic positioning.”
What’s disturbing is that I now sit on arts and culture boards and they use the same language.

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