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27 juillet 2014

The Bitcoins of Learning?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Bitcoins of Learning?
Unknown, Wikispaces, Jul 22, 2014
There isn't time (nor bandwidth in what has become terrible airport lounge wifi over the years) but I think that the concept of a bitcoin for learning is a really bad idea. I get the concept - students are looking for more than just grades; they want a learning 'currency' they can take with them to the workplace. And "currency, ideally, must travel, quickly and simply, and as widely as possible. It's a reductionist, simplistic mode of social interaction." More...

27 juillet 2014

I am a young person who solves crossword puzzles and maybe you should be one too

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. I am a young person who solves crossword puzzles and maybe you should be one too
Boone B Gorges, Teleogistic, Jul 25, 2014
It's probably not for everyone but as Boone Georges says, crossword puzzles are great for augmenting pattern recognition skills. I don't solve nearly the number he does, but I enjoy my Sunday Times crossword - I save them and solve them on flights to Montreal or Toronto (which gives me about a two-hour window). More...

22 juillet 2014

‘Organised anarchy’ – The enduring paradigm of university management

By Damtew Teferra. Pressured by relentless demands for accountability, dogged by serious legal, financial and administrative concerns, guided by legitimate reasons to remove ‘academic dead wood’, misguided by naïve and simplistic views as well as driven by sinister motives, higher education managements and leaderships in many countries are fast assuming characters of ‘unadulterated’ corporate and business models. Read more...
14 juillet 2014

Ian Lowe: McDonaldisation of higher education Paul Clifton. We all knew what to expect from the Budget: a whole heap of pre-election assurances turn out to have been ‘non-core promises’, that outrageous phrase the Coalition introduced to politics. Tony Abbott famously explained his past barefaced lies to Kerry O’Brien by saying that only his written statements could be ‘taken as gospel’, so we should not have been surprised when his pre-election promises turned out to be dishonest.
It takes real chutzpah to look straight at the camera and give the sort of assurances Abbott gave before the election about education, health care, pensions and funding of the ABC. As Woody Allen said, ‘The most important things in politics are sincerity and integrity. Once you can fake those, you’ve got it made!’ More...

13 juillet 2014

87,9 % de réussite au bac, ou la stratégie du renoncement

Blog Focus Campus de Jean-Claude Lewandowski. Bien sûr, on félicitera chaleureusement les centaines de milliers de jeunes qui viennent de décrocher leur bac. Ils vont pouvoir passer leurs vacances d'été l'esprit libre, contents d'avoir achevé sur un succès leur cycle d'études secondaires. Avec 87,9 % d'admis, le taux de réussite de cette année pulvérise tous les records. C'est 3,7 points de mieux que l'an dernier, qui était pourtant déjà une année faste. Mais est-ce vraiment une bonne nouvelle ? Faut-il vraiment se réjouir de cette progression spectaculaire du taux de réussite ? Suite...

13 juillet 2014

I Was So Right About Distraction in Now You See it: Darn it all! Cathy Davidson. In Now You See It, I make the point that there is no real, solid, replicatable evidence that one technology makes you "dumber" or more "distracted" intrinsically than another. Blaming "the Internet" or "social media" for contemporary distraction falls into a typical pattern of one genereration blaming any new technology for supposed ills, including supposed shortcomings of the younger generation (who seem to adopt new technologies and adapt to them much more easily than do their parents). More...

13 juillet 2014

The Hidden Injuries of Austerity Reed. In the early 1970’s, Richard Sennett and Jonathan Cobb published The Hidden Injuries of Class, which quickly became a classic. It’s an examination of the social-psychological effects of economic stratification in Boston at the time. Although somewhat dated now, it’s well worth the read for the clarity with which it outlines the conflicted feelings that working-class parents have as they watch their kids get educated away from the communityRead more...

12 juillet 2014

The Rise of the For-Profits: Assessing their True Impact (Part 1)

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. In the last few years, the proprietary higher education institutions — the for-profit schools — have been on the firing line. They have been investigated by Congress for exploiting federal Title IV financial aid guidelines, pursuing profits at the expense of serving their students. More...

12 juillet 2014

To Become a Writer, Track Your Writing

By Jason B. Jones. The great secret about writing is that there isn’t any particular secret to it: You just have to show up and do it. Again, and again, and again. (There’s a reason there are books like Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day, but not any called Writing Your Dissertation in a Single Caffeine- and Adderall-Fueled Week.) If you make writing a habit, then that habitual work pays off in words. Sometimes it even leads to inspiration. Read more...
12 juillet 2014

Weekend Reading: Umbrellas in Portugal Edition Erin E. Templeton. Happy Weekend, ProfHacker friends!
The title and image for today’s Weekend Reading comes from the Ágitagueda art festival, an annual tradition in Portugal this month that was recently featured in Bored Panda.
If you have even a fleeting interest in the digital humanities, it is well-worth your while to check out Bethany Nowviskie’s keynote address, “Digital Humanities in the Anthropocene,” from the 2014 DH Conference which just wrapped up in Lausanne, Switzerland. More...

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