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14 décembre 2014

How I overcame the 'horrors' of a state-school education . Much is said about the differences between state and private school education, and a new initiative to help enhance ‘character’ in schools seems destined to further emphasise this division. But is a private education really a superior one? Or are the benefits all to do with a more privileged position. More...

14 décembre 2014

Anger over 'misleading' tax-payer funded ads promoting university reform

By Stephanie Anderson. The Government is under pressure to pull its controversial advertising campaign on university deregulation amid claims the commercials are “demonstrably untrue”.
The Opposition is calling for the government to axe the ads, which were launched across television, radio and print media this week to promote proposed changes to higher education. More...

14 décembre 2014

Teaching sensitive issues in an era of student consumers

By Pam Lowe. Much of the university social science curriculum involves looking at sensitive issues. Topics such as the construction of social class, ethnicity, sexuality and other social divisions are examined alongside issues such as gendered violence, mental health, abortion and poverty. Read more...

14 décembre 2014

Engaging Audiences: Episode 1 – Keep it accessible and concise

By Shari Graydon. Your research is important and deserves as much attention as possible. But if no one can understand what you’re talking about, what’s the point?
University Affairs magazine and Informed Opinions have teamed up to bring you a video series on how to communicate your research to a wide audience. Hosted by Shari Graydon, it will offer tips on making what you know and do more accessible and engaging. More...

14 décembre 2014

Science in society by the book

By Jonathan Thon. Consider this your invitation to the show. Academia is a campaign, often mixing elation with depression as you fight uphill to make a difference. While the accumulated successes and failures are often surprisingly short-lived, each is an opportunity to reflect on what motivations drove one up this path and what circumstances led them to this place. My blogger colleague David Kent and I have collectively been writing on the state of science in society for the better part of five years now, and have grown and matured in our perspective and opinions as the field has. We are both accomplished scientists because of (or perhaps in spite of) the system in which we were raised, and in this same spirit of reflection, we have begun the difficult process of revisiting our old writings to understand how social policy, education, financing and communication of science has grown and matured alongside us. More...

8 décembre 2014

Plutôt Bérénice …

Blog Educpros de Yves Epelboin. C’était le début du titre d’un article du Monde, vers 1997, dans lequel l’auteur rejetait Internet et le Web naissant comme moyen de diffuser la culture. Pour ceux qui ne le savent plus Bérénice est le titre d’une tragédie de Racine. L’un de mes collègues l’avait affiché près de la porte du secrétariat de la licence de physique, pour manifester son désaccord avec le fait que j’avais publié mon cours sur le web. Il n’aurait pas protesté si j’avais employé les moyens de reproduction classiques pour distribuer un polycopié papier mais il ne pouvait accepter que je diffuse mon cours au-delà des étudiants concernés. Quelques années plus tard il acceptait à son tour de publier son cours mais dans le cercle fermé de ses étudiants. Voir l'article...

7 décembre 2014

The Case for Alternative Credentials: Identifying and Avoiding Hurdles to Innovation

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. For decades, the higher education credentialing system has been a monolithic edifice impervious to alternatives. Associate, baccalaureate, master’s and doctoral degrees reign supreme. Higher education institutions and other providers have developed certificates, CEUs and a smattering of other credentials, but few have any market value. More...

7 décembre 2014

Blowing Off Class? We Know

The New York TimesBy Goldie Blumenstyk. THE stuff some colleges know right now about their students, thanks to data-mining of their digital footprints, boggles the mind. It may even seem a bit creepy.
Has their attendance slipped? Have they stopped logging in to read course packets or file assignments? Did they just drop the very class they needed for their major?
Tools developed in-house and by a slew of companies now give administrators digital dashboards that can code students red or green to highlight who may be in academic trouble. More...

7 décembre 2014

Breaking away from higher ed's herd mentality

University Business LogoBy Tim Goral. Focus on academic and extracurricular achievements may come at the expense of individualism and independent thinking. More...

7 décembre 2014

The Goldilocks principle: Ensuring your capacity to meet demand is just right

University Business LogoBy Bill Berg. The often-used businesses term “right-sizing” has in recent years become common in higher education. Though sometimes used as a euphemism for “downsizing,” it more rightly refers to an effort to optimize enrollment, human resources, programs and facilities—in other words, fixed costs. More...

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