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24 mai 2014

Enseignement : que penser des Massive Online Open Courses (MOOC) aujourd’hui en ligne ?

Par Jean-Charles Cailliez. Je suis étudiant ou professeur. J’ai envie de me former ou d’enseigner à distance. Alors comment faire ? To MOOC or not to MOOC ? Que penser de ce phénomène qui envahit la planète, celui des Massive Online Open Courses ?
Quelle attitude adopter devant ces cours en ligne, consultables gratuitement et  pouvant accueillir un nombre illimité d’internautes avant de leur proposer des certifications payantes ?
L’aventure des MOOC a commencé dans la Silicon Valley avec Salman Kahn, jeune diplômé du MIT et de Harvard. Il eut l’idée un jour de donner des cours de maths à sa petite cousine en utilisant Doodle, ce qui le conduisit à créer en 2006 la Kahn Academy. Suite...

24 mai 2014

Amazing Starling Flocks Are Flying Avalanches

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Amazing Starling Flocks Are Flying Avalanches
Brandon Keim, Wired, May 23, 2014
I'm giving a talk on MOOC research on Friday, and while I've previously documented my thoughts on research methods (or the lack of same) the question nonetheless occurred to me, "how do you research chaotic systems like MOOCs?" Analytics aren't really useful, as numbers and quantities are essentially meaningless. Then I wondered, how do scientists research murmurations? These are flocks of songbirds that act as one fluid whole, like a network. More...

24 mai 2014

Employer Perspectives and the Future of MOOCs

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. We know from recent surveys of Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) users that MOOCs attract a highly educated population. Statistics from Duke University and the University of Pennsylvania, among others, reveal that at least three-quarters of students who sign up for MOOCs hold a bachelor’s degree or higher. As MOOCs evolve, however, the role they can play in preparing more marginal students for the workforce and advancing the skills of those in low-paying jobs holds great promise. Diverse populations — including students in American community colleges or the United Kingdom’s further education sector, or youth in developing countries with limited access to postsecondary education — stand to benefit from occupational training that’s free and open. More...

24 mai 2014

European Students and Employers Seek More Web-Development MOOCs . Students, education providers, and employers call massive open online courses one of the best ways to learn web-development skills, according to a report released on Thursday by the European Commission. More...

24 mai 2014

The Largest MOOC in the Universe Rosemarie Emanuele. One of the topics in math that fascinates me the most is the idea of infinity. What intrigues me the is that there are several ideas of infinity; the idea of infinity out in any direction, as well as the idea of infinity between two values on a number line. I found myself thinking of these concepts of infinity this past week as I reflected on a thought presented in a TV show I have been watching. Read more...
23 mai 2014

Mobile Moocs: a new way of learning Michael Curry. An app isn't going to provide large scale learning programmes, but mobile Moocs will start to build a new way of thinking about professional qualifications, says Michael Curry. Read more...
23 mai 2014

“Teachers Teaching Online”: Coming Soon To a MOOC Near You

Latest TweetsBy Ralph Waldo Emerson. The first and the most important thing that Teachers Teaching Online can do for you is share the true spirit of professional development through creativity, inspiration and natural communication online.
Much is written about technology, yet most of it utilises the kind of tech-speak that fails to engage us on deeper levels. I am thrilled to say that the line-up of presenters for Jason R. Levine’s Teachers Teaching Online (TTO) MOOC are amongst the most inspirational people I’ve met online through my own professional development.  Anyone who follows my articles, has seen my presentations, or even follows me on Facebook will already know how much I admire the professionals being featured in this cutting-edge line up.
If, on the other hand,  this is all new to you, it will be mind-blowing to say the least. Many people ask me about online teaching on a daily basis. Well, the MOOC has everything to need to know from top experts in the field. More...

23 mai 2014

OpenClassrooms va lancer 4 MOOC consacrés à la programmation

De Java à UML, en passant par C++ et Unity, la plateforme OpenClassrooms va permettre de maîtriser ces quatre langages de développement par l'intermédiaire de cours en ligne.
Les derniers MOOC lancés abordaient des thématiques vraiment très variées, et cette tendance devrait continuer. OpenClassrooms s'apprête ainsi à proposer, à compter du mois de juin, quatre nouveaux cours en ligne massifs et gratuits consacrés à plusieurs langages de développement : "Programmez avec le langage C++" ; "Débutez l'analyse logicielle avec UML" ; "Réalisez votre premier jeu vidéo avec Unity" ; et "Apprenez à programmer en java". Suite...

22 mai 2014

Why MOOCS Might Be Just Right for Schools

By Marc Boxser and Anant Agarwal. Eighteen months ago at a panel discussion at the World Economic Forum in Davos the star was not Bill Gates of Microsoft or Larry Summers of Harvard, but 12-year-old Khadijah Niazi of Lahore, Pakistan, who captivated the audience by talking about a trend that could revolutionize education. She is one of millions who have improved their education by taking a Massive Online Open Course (MOOC).
Certainly Khadija is an exceptional teenager, as we found out when we met her at the Global Education & Skills Forum in Dubai a year later. She was only 10 years old when she took an Artificial Intelligence online course. More...

21 mai 2014

Appel à projets pour le MOOCAMP DAY

Le but de cette journée, qui réunira des étudiants, des enseignants, des experts et des passionnés de l’éducation, est de former des équipes pour scénariser des projets de MOOCs.
Organisé par le ministère de l’Éducation Nationale, de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche et SenseSchool, cet événement participatif s’inscrit dans la continuité du mouvement MOOCAMP lancé en janvier 2014, en mobilisant des acteurs venant de différents horizons pour concevoir un cours en ligne.
Pour soumettre votre projet de MOOC, veuillez remplir le questionnaire MOOCAMP DAY avant le 30 mai 2014.
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