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23 février 2014

Men's Learning - A New Book On A Major Issue

The Universities Association for Lifelong LearningThere is increasing recognition of significant factors in the lifelong education of men, through school, working age and in retirement. A new book, published by NIACE,  aims to be the definitive study of this worldwide problem, and to 'increase men’s participation and promote practices that will contribute to men’s learning and wellbeing, particularly in contexts and life stages for men beyond paid work.'  One of the authors of Men Learning through Life is  UALL Vice Chair Rob Mark, and the book will be launched on the 9th April at the UALL Annual Conference.

23 février 2014

UALL Annual Awards - Adjudication Now Complete

The Universities Association for Lifelong LearningThe 2014 UALL Awards adjudication is now complete. The winner and runners-up will be announced at the Conference Dinner on 10 April. Each year UALL members compete for the Award, which is for innovative and creative programmes in lifelong learning. The Awards aim to showcase enterprising initiatives even in tough financial times, and each year we have a strong field of candidates, making the adjudication both difficult and exciting as we judge projects which are creative, enterprising and sustainable. The winner takes home an elegant trophy, and the runners-up certificates to display in their home institutions.  Entries for 2015 will be invited in the summer. Meanwhile, registration for the Annual Conference in London, April 9-11, is open  - for details click here

22 février 2014

La formation continue universitaire - "Se former tout au long de la vie""Se former tout au long de la vie"
En lien étroit avec toutes les structures internes de l’université, les services de formation continue universitaire sont, pour les adultes en reprise d'études ou de formation, un lieu privilégié d'accueil et de conseil permettant de construire un projet dans une stratégie de réussite. Pour les entreprises, ils présentent un potentiel de formation inégalable, d’une diversité disciplinaire exemplaire et offrent de grandes capacités d'innovation et d'adaptation aux besoins.
La formation des individus, en fonction de leur projet personnel et professionnel, relève de plusieurs stratégies: 
* dans un objectif de certification universitaire ou non, pour une insertion dans un groupe de formation constitué autour du même projet ou construction d’un parcours personnalisé, 
* avec une organisation spatio-temporelle « bloquée » (par exemple un semestre ou une année à temps plein), ou à temps partiel et faisant ou non appel à un enseignement médiatisé à distance (pour tout ou partie de la formation)
* en valorisant l’expérience acquise, pour l’accès aux diplômes universitaires (VA, décret de 1985) ou pour l’obtention de ceux-ci (VAE, loi de 2002)...
S'inscrire dans un projet de formation tout au long de la vie nécessite de répondre à certaines questions:
* quelles sont les compétences que j'ai acquises dans le cadre de mon parcours professionnel et personnel?
* quel est mon projet professionnel/personnel?
* par quelles étapes dois-je passer pour faire aboutir ce projet?
*  etc.
Les services de formation continue des universités sont à même de vous conseiller pour répondre à ces questions et vous accompagner dans votre projet.
Pour trouver le service universitaire de formation continue le plus proche de chez vous: ici."Más rud é foghlaim ar feadh an tsaoil"
Go dlúth le gach ollscoil struchtúir, seirbhísí inmheánacha, tá ionaid oideachas leanúnach do dhaoine fásta ag filleadh ar an oideachas nó oiliúint, áit phribhléid de fáilte roimh agus comhairle do thógáil tionscadal i straitéis rath. Níos mó...
19 février 2014

La formation continue des ingénieurs et des techniciens à l’épreuve de la loi de Moore

Par Anne Leroux. Lorsqu’en 1965, Gordon Moore postule que la puissance des microprocesseurs va suivre une courbe rapide et exponentielle, il met aussi à jour un phénomène plus global : le cycle d’évolution des technologies est bien plus rapide que celui d’une carrière professionnelle. Charge à la formation continue de combler cette distance…
Le constat est devenu banal : les technologies évoluent à grande vitesse depuis un peu plus d’un demi-siècle, durant lequel informatique et électronique ont connu des progrès fulgurants qui ont impacté la plupart (pour ne pas dire tous) des secteurs d’activités.  Un ingénieur ou un technicien en télécommunications âgé de 45 ans aujourd’hui qui a débuté sa carrière au cours des années 80 a été formé aux technologies filaires, et n’a sans doute durant son cursus pas vu le moindre smartphone. Et il connaîtra encore dans sa vie professionnelle une vingtaine d’années d’innovations.
Ce n’est qu’un exemple parmi beaucoup : informatique, réseaux, efficacité énergétique, mobilité, automatisation… Ingénieurs et techniciens vivent au quotidien des mutations qui transforment leurs métiers. Ce qui pose, pour eux et pour leur employeur, chargé selon le Code du Travailde veiller « au maintien de leur capacité à occuper un emploi, au regard notamment de l’évolution des emplois, des technologies et des organisations », la question du niveau de leur formation continue. Suite...

16 février 2014

EUCIS-LLL Lifelong Learning Week: reflecting on European civic education

In December 2013 EUCIS-LLL held in the European Parliament its Lifelong Learning Week, gathering various educational stakeholders around key moments of reflection of the European agenda in education and training. One of them was the roundtable “Making the case for European civic education” on 4 December, jointly organised with the European Civic Forum. More than ever we need to create a dialogue about Europe in our schools, associations and in public spaces. It is about the common values of Europe such as tolerance, human rights and democracy that are linked to issues such as xenophobia, racism and gender equality. The role of educational institutions and civil society in that sense were discussed during the event, from which you can find the full report on our website. More reports from the LLL Week coming soon!

8 février 2014

UALL 2014 Annual Conference - Update and further Details

The Universities Association for Lifelong LearningUALL 2014 Annual Conference – Update
University of London
Transforming pedagogy? Flexible learning, teaching and innovation in the 21st century
9th to 11th April
We are pleased to bring you up to date with the preparations and arrangements for our Annual Conference; the Drinks Reception, Book Launch and Conference Dinner will now be held at The Grand Connaught Rooms. The drinks reception will be in the Crown Room, and the Conference Dinner in the Cornwall Room. We have also been offered their top menu - engagingly known as the 'Titanic Menu'.
updated outline Conference Programme
Registration Form
List of Hotels
Directions to University of London. More...

25 janvier 2014

Intelligent Tutoring for Life Long Learning

The I-TUTOR (Intelligent Tutoring for Lifelong Learning) project started in January 2012 with the aim of developing a multi-agent based intelligent system to support online teachers, trainers, and tutors. The Intelligent Tutoring for Life Long Learning (I-TUTOR) project aims at developing an intelligent tutoring system, to be applied in open source learning environments, able to monitor, track, analyze and give formative assessement and feedback loop to students within the learning environment, and give inputs to tutors and teachers involved in distance learning to better their role during the process of learning. The software is developed in java thus could be easily implmented and re-used in most of the common free platforms for eELearning. Project website. More...

29 décembre 2013

The Universities Association for Lifelong Learning - UALL

The Universities Association for Lifelong LearningThe Universities Association for Lifelong Learning supports policy and practice across the UK higher education sector in part-time/flexible provision, employer engagement/work based learning, and community engagement.
About UALL
The Association acts as a consultative body for policy formulation and advocacy, representing the sector to government departments, funding bodies and national higher education organisations across the four nations of the United Kingdom. UALL provides a forum for the active exchange of ideas and good practice and undertakes research. Members represent all aspects of the sector, within and beyond universities, both in the UK and internationally, from senior managers to practitioners, and with interests ranging from public and employer engagement to lifelong learning. More...

21 décembre 2013

Positioning Lifelong Learning in the Post-2015 Development Agenda

In collaboration with the German Association for Adult Education – dvv International – UIL hosted its second Think Tank meeting on Lifelong Learning: Positioning Lifelong Learning in the Post-2015 Development Agenda at its premises in Hamburg from 12–13 December 2013. The overall aim of the meeting was to clarify the concept of lifelong learning and seek key stakeholders’ advice on positioning lifelong learning more saliently in the post-2015 universal, sustainable development agenda. Seventeen high level experts in the field of lifelong learning from all regions of the world, representing UNESCO Member States, UNICEF, WHO, World Bank Youth and non-governmental organisations, participated in the meeting.

The education goal in the post-2015 agenda is so far titled Quality Education and Lifelong Learning. This target will be taken strongly forward in the coming months by UIL and partner organisations.  As lifelong learning is linked to and contributes to other targets of the development agenda, the participants pointed out that lifelong learning  is not limited to education, but  is linked to issues including health, employment, poverty reduction, and sustainable development. In national lifelong learning policies, attention should not only be paid to formal learning, but also non-formal and informal learning. The meeting also discussed a technical note on lifelong learning prepared by UIL. It will be revised based on the input received from participants and will be part of UNESCO’s series of technical notes. The meeting emphasized the importance of strong partnerships between international organizations, governmental and non-governmental organisations, and the private sector, in moving the lifelong learning agenda forward. 


30 novembre 2013

Yes, I can! ICT and ICT-AT skills development for all

VIPI and ATLEC, two European lifelong learning projects, will celebrate their final symposium in Brussels on 4 December, 2013, where they will present their outcomes within a wider framework of learning, employment and independent living for people with disabilities. Both projects are complementary, as VIPI focuses on the development of skills in ICT for (young) adults with disabilities and ATLEC on skills and competences in ICT based Assistive Technologies. More...

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