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25 août 2014

La RUIAP (Rete Universitaria Italiana per l'Apprendimento Permanente)

Torna alla pagina principale del dipartamentoRete Universitaria Italiana per l'Apprendimento Permanente
La RUIAP, costituita a Genova, il 16 novembre 2011, associa in forma diretta o indiretta (tramite consorzi o strutture universitarie) circa 30 atenei italiani.  E' costituita nella forma di Associazione non riconosciuta e ha in corso le procedure per conseguire la personalità giuridica.
Le Università italiane aderenti alla RUIAP  intendono promuovere lo sviluppo dell’apprendimento permanente negli Atenei italiani, quale contributo attivo alla società della conoscenza, per la valorizzazione della persona e la crescita del sistema economico e sociale del Paese. Le università aderenti alla Rete si rifanno ai principi della European Universities’ Charter on Lifelong Learning, che individuano lo sviluppo e l’attuazione di strategie per l’Apprendimento Permanente come una ulteriore missione istituzionale delle università, necessaria per affrontare le trasformazioni della società, in sinergia con gli attori presenti nei diversi contesti sociali ed economici.
Carta delle Università Europee sull'apprendimento permanente. Più..

25 août 2014

The MELLearN Network (Hungarian University Lifelong Learning Network)

On 19 October 2002, 12 Hungarian higher education institutions formally established MELLearN Network (Hungarian University Lifelong Learning Network), as an initiative of the management of the University of Debrecen and the Lifelong Learning Centre of the University of Debrecen, within the frameworks of a THENUCE European Socrates / Erasmus programme. The registered Hungarian higher education network - as the Hungarian member of the international EULLearN Network (European University Lifelong Learning Network), currently operating with 22 members, generates and co-ordinates pedagogical, educational, research activities of public utility.
Every year the General Assembly of the Association elects 3 members for Presidency from the official legal representatives, the rectors of member institutions or more exactly - following an initial tradition - of the 12 foundation members, for a 3-year term, based on the official, alphabetical list of higher education institutions of the Ministry of Education. Every year members of the Presidency choose a President among themselves for a 1-year term.
Sources of income of MELLearN
a) membership fees; b) returns from organized events; c) financial support of sponsoring/advocating members ; d) subsidies obtained from projects; e) turnovers of economic ventures.

25 août 2014

La Red Universitaria de Estudios de Postgrado y Educación Permanente (RUEPEP)

RUEPEP48 universidades ya son miembros de RUEPEP y 15 entidades son socios colaboradores
La Red Universitaria de Estudios de Postgrado y Educación  Permanente (RUEPEP) quiere llegar a tener la máxima representación entre las universidades españolas y otros centros especializados en formación permanente. Las universidades españolas pueden asociarse como socios de número de la Red. Día a día van llegando nuevas solicitudes para adherirse. Puedes consultar el listado completo de Universidades Miembros.
También se pueden asociar como socios colaboradores  otras empresas , entidades o profesionales interesados en el campo de la formación permanente. Éstos son actualmente nuestros Socios Colaboradores.
Si aún no nos conoces y quieres saber más sobre nosotros, consulta los objetivos de la Red y nuestros estatutos. Y si estás interesado en adherirte a RUEPEP, aquí encontrarás toda la información sobre cómo asociarse.

25 août 2014

Qu'est-ce que Swissuni ? promeut la formation continue universitaire par une coopération concrète entre tous les services de formation continue universitaires et, cela, plus particulièrement par :

  • un échange d'informations et d'expériences
  • un travail collaboratif entre organisations (universitaires ou non) et institutions, sur le plan national comme sur le plan international
  • le soutien du réseau européen de la formation continue universitaire
  • une collaboration avec la Conférence des Recteurs des Universités Suisses (CRUS)
  • la mise sur pied de projets communs concrets
  • la maintenance d'une banque de données commune qui englobe l'offre de formation continue de tous les membres.

Swissuni réunit les responsables de service des formations continues de toutes les universités suisse (Bâle, Berne, Fribourg, Genève, Lausanne, Lucerne, Neuchâtel, St Gall, Zurich, EPFL, EPFZ et également les universités de la Suisse italienne ainsi que les études à distance, comme le centre d'études de Sierre). Les responsables de ces services de formation continue, de même qu'un représentant de la Conférence des Recteurs des Universités Suisses (CRUS, invité permanent) collaborent sur la question de la formation continue et coordonnent leurs activités. Tous les membres se rencontrent trois à quatre fois par année sous la direction d'un-e président-e et d'un-e vice-président-e. Madame Geneviève Auroi-Jaggi (du service de la formation continue de l'Université de Genève) a présidé de 2002 à 2005, Monsieur Klaus Burri (du service de la formation continue de l'Université de Zurich) de 2005 à 2008 et Monsieur Hansruedi Frey (du centre de formation continue de l'EPFZ) de 2008 à 2011. Dès 2011, la présidence est confiée à Madame Suzanne de Jonckheere (du service de la formation continue de l'Université de Genève). Suite...


25 août 2014

TÜSEM - Türkiye Üniversiteler Sürekli Eğitim Merkezleri - Turkish Universities Continuing Education Centres

Tüsem Logo30 Nisan-1 Mayıs 2010 tarihlerinde İzmir’de düzenlenen “Ulusal Sürekli Eğitim Merkezleri Toplantısı” sonucunda SEM’ler Birliği Konseyi oluşturulmasına karar verildi. 17 Aralık 2010 tarihinde, rektörlüklerinden onay alan 27 üniversiteden gelen 37 temsilci ile ODTÜ Kültür Kongre Merkezi’nde toplantı düzenlendi ve Toplantı sonucunda Türkiye Üniversiteler Sürekli Eğitim Merkezleri (TÜSEM) Konseyi kuruldu. TÜSEM Konseyi’nin şuanda 100’e yakın üyesi bulunmaktadır.
Konseyin temel amacı, merkezlerde düzenlenen tüm eğitim programları için akreditasyon, değerlendirme, belgelendirme ve bilgilendirme çalışmaları yaparak Sürekli Eğitim Merkezlerinin daha aktif, daha yaygın ve daha kaliteli eğitim veren kurumlar haline getirilmesini sağlamak ve ulusal-uluslararası kurum ve kuruluşlarla işbirliği yapmaktır.  Ayrıca Sürekli Eğitim Merkezlerinin mali ve bürokratik sorunlarının yetkili merciler karşısında tek elden güçlü şekilde temsil edilerek çözümlenmesini sağlamak, ortak proje önerilerinde bulunmak, ortak eğitimlerin düzenlenmesinde koordinasyon görevini üstlenmektir.

25 août 2014

The Universities Association for Lifelong Learning (UALL)

The Universities Association for Lifelong LearningThe Universities Association for Lifelong Learning supports policy and practice across the UK higher education sector in part-time/flexible provision, employer engagement/work based learning, and community engagement.
About UALL
The Association acts as a consultative body for policy formulation and advocacy, representing the sector to government departments, funding bodies and national higher education organisations across the four nations of the United Kingdom. UALL provides a forum for the active exchange of ideas and good practice and undertakes research. Members represent all aspects of the sector, within and beyond universities, both in the UK and internationally, from senior managers to practitioners, and with interests ranging from public and employer engagement to lifelong learning. More...

25 août 2014

The Forum for Access and Continuing Education's (FACE)

Forum for Access and Continuing EducationOne important role for FACE is to facilitate the exchange and dissemination of information and practices in Lifelong Learning and Continuing Education. By promoting collaboration and innovation between providers and practitioners FACE aims to support and encourage a socially inclusive framework for Lifelong Learning, challenging exclusion and fostering full participation. As a large multi-sector network we play a key role as a pressure group, service provider, staff development forum, national policy shaper, information service, event organiser.

A Brief History of FACE
FACE, originally entitled the Forum for the Advancement for Continuing Education, was formally established as an educational charity in 1993. Prompted by the abolition of the binary divide in HE, the development of FACE was part of a raft of significant changes in HE. Where there had been universities and polytechnics (and an earlier incarnation of FACE in the Polytechnic Association for Continuing Education) now polytechnics became independent of local authorities and were granted university charters with powers to award degrees and to undertake higher level research. At the same time there was growing recognition that continuing education, in all its manifestations, was central to economic growth and social inclusion. More...

25 août 2014

EUCEN - Links to Network's Profiles

The National/Regional Networks that are members of EUCEN currently are:



AUCEN - Netzwerk für Universitäre Weiterbildung und Personalentwicklung in Österreich

Austrian Universities Continuing Education and Staff Development Network




Commission "ETALV" du CIUF - Commission "Education tout au long de la Vie" du Conseil Interuniversitaire de la Communauté Française

Lifelong Learning Commission of the Interuniversity Council of the French Community of Belgium




Formation continue universitaire suisse

Swiss University Continuing Education

Universitäre Weiterbildung Schweiz

Formazione Continua Universitaria Svizzera




DGWF - Deutsche Gessellschaft für wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung und Fernstudium

German Association for University Continuing and Distance Education


EATK - Eesti Akadeemilise Täienduskoolituse Koostöövõrk

Estonian Network for University Continuing Education




RUEPEP - Red Universitaria de Estudios de Postgrado y Educación Permanente

University Network of Graduate and Permanent Education Network


ACECU - Associació Catalana d'Educació Continua Universitaria

Catalan Association of University Continuing Education



UCEF - Yliopistojen Aikuiskoulutusverkosto

University Continuing Education Network in Finland




CDSUFC - Conference des Directeurs Service Universitaire Formation Continue

Conference of Directors of UCE centres


MELLearN - MELLearN-Felsőoktatási Hálózat az életen át tartó tanulásért

Hungarian University Lifelong Learning Network


Torna alla pagina principale del dipartamento


RUIAP - Rete Universitaria Italiana per l'Apprendimento Permanente

Italian University
Network for Lifelong Learning

PL PULL - Polish Universities for Lifelong Learning network



AUPEC - Associaçao de Universidades Portuguesas para a Educaçao Continua

Portuguese Association of Universities for Continuing Education


SAALL - Slovenská akademická asociácia pre celoživotné vzdelávani

Slovak Academic Association for Lifelong Learning

Tüsem Logo


TÜSEM - Türkiye Üniversiteler Sürekli Eğitim Merkezleri

Turkish Universities Continuing Education Centres



UK UALL - Universities Association for Lifelong Learning


UK FACE - Forum for Access and Continuing Education


UK SUALL - Scottish Universies Association for Lifelong Learning
25 août 2014

EUCEN - Members

25 août 2014

EUCEN - Aims and Objectives


  1.     to contribute to the economic and cultural life of Europe through the promotion and advancement of lifelong learning within higher education institutions in Europe and elsewhere;
  2.     to foster universities' influence in the development of lifelong learning knowledge and policies throughout Europe.

In furtherance of the above-mentioned objectives the Association shall have, amongst its functions, the following:

  1.     to provide a forum for the development, interchange and dissemination of innovation and good practice on lifelong learning within European higher education;
  2.     to encourage high standards in all areas of lifelong learning and to harmonise levels of quality for lifelong learning among its members;
  3.     to represent the interests of the lifelong learning community within higher education and to European policymakers;
  4.     to facilitate communication, liaison and collaboration with other appropriate bodies and organisations;
  5.     to promote and conduct research into lifelong learning and to disseminate the results of this research;
  6.     to obtain, collect and receive money, funds and other property and to administer them in pursuance of the objectives of the Association.

The Association shall ensure that its objectives and activities remain non profit-making.

The definition of ULLL varies between countries and universities. EUCEN seeks to include this rich diversity and to have a coherent focus for our activities.
We have therefore adopted the following definition of University Lifelong Learning (ULLL):
"ULLL is the provision by higher education institutions of learning opportunities, services and research for: the personal and professional development of a wide range of individuals - lifelong and lifewide; and the social, cultural and economic development of communities and the region. It is at university level and research-based; it focuses primarily on the needs of the learners; and it is often developed and/or provided in collaboration with stakeholders and external actors".

EUCEN has an important role in the policy making process. It is represented on a number of committees and advisory panels at European level and provides experts and expert teams for international projects and consultancy to universities wishing to develop lifelong learning strategies and actions. Through conferences, projects and networking activities we provide a wide range of opportunities for staff and curriculum development, for the sharing of best practice and for the development of international contacts for ULLL. More...

49 abonnés
Depuis la création 2 785 557
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